15 real superfoods to lose weight

15 real superfoods to lose weight What superfoods help with weight loss? What food make you lose belly fat?
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15 real superfoods to lose weight
superfoods to lose weight are foods that are very healthy and offer a lot of nutritional value in a small volume. They are high in vitamin content and fiber as well as other essential nutrients but are lower in fat and sugar and higher in protein than traditional foods.

superfoods to lose weight

General introduction

Given the incredible interest in so-called superfoods, I would like to go into more detail below about foods that actually have above-average properties. Many research papers have proven the health benefits of these foods; the big question that remains is: can they also help with weight loss

The result is: yes!

Below is a brief report of 15 of these delicious foods that should be included in your diet if you are looking to lower your body fat percentage. These foods are not only healthy but also help you lose weight in a completely natural way.

Perhaps the best superfoods for weight loss

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You should incorporate these fifteen foods sustainably into your nutrition plan.

Low-fat dairy products

A study by the Journal of obesity research shows that people who eat low-fat cottage cheese or cheese (such as cottage cheese) three to four times a day can lose 70% of body fat more calcium speeds up your metabolism resulting in faster fat burning. 

from superfoods to lose weight Avocado

This fruit is relatively rich in fat. But they contain unsaturated fats that reduce hunger. Avocados moreover contain a part of vegetable fiber and proteins. Due to its delicate and rich surface, it is a perfect substitute for mayonnaise. The calorie content of an average-sized avocado is 65 kcal.

 superfoods products:  https://amzn.to/3t1Fpin

Chicken eggs

Eggs are considered one of the most complete foods, as they are very high in protein and other useful nutrients. Forget old wives' tales about cholesterol and include more eggs in your diet. Note: all the good things in the egg are in the yolk, on average \ minus 200b \  the egg contains about 100 calories.


Season your food generously and thus speed up your metabolism. Capsaicin, for example, is an element that you can find in hot peppers and which can stimulate your calorie-burning sustainably. Other good examples are pepper, ginger, nutmeg, chili, and anise but also with marjoram, mugwort, and oregano you should not be economical.

from superfoods to lose weight oats

Almost incredible, but oats work like a miracle since it contains so many vegetable fibers. A bowl for breakfast will give you a feeling of fullness for many hours. (only half a bowl of oatmeal contains 4.6 grams of resistant starch, as well as healthy carbohydrates that accelerate your metabolism and impede fat storage).


Oranges also help you lose fat because they contain a lot of vegetable fiber and vitamin C, which is very important. 100 grams of orange pulp contains only 42 calories - an ideal and tasty snack in between.


The ingredients in grapefruit can help lower insulin levels. Since insulin is a fat-storage hormone, reducing it will help you maintain or lose weight. Grapefruit is also very refreshing and great for a picnic.

 superfoods products:  https://amzn.to/3t1Fpin


Lentils, similar to beans and peas, are not only an excellent source of vegetable protein but also rich in fiber. Even a small portion contains 3.4 grams of starch, which stimulates fat metabolism and is good for the liver.

from superfoods to lose weight Spinach

Spinach may not sound interesting, but it is an incredible food. Full of vital substances and vegetable fibers, and although the vegetable has almost no calories, it has an appetite-suppressing effect. By the way, also a first-class ingredient for homemade green smoothies.


Broccoli contains vitamins C and A, folic acid, and calcium. It also contains sulforaphane, which helps in the fight against cancer cells. Broccoli is best eaten steamed or softly cooked. Tragically, amid cooking, he loses a few of his great qualities. Broccoli will assist you to lose weight and avoiding illnesses. Another advantage is its low-calorie thickness.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index; this fact ensures a better release of energy and thus a long-lasting feeling of fullness. High fiber content, and e-LN. Low-calorie content and high water content make them a real "superfood". Just replace regular potatoes with sweet potatoes from time to time.


These have few calories and are fully loaded with antioxidants; they have a high percentage of water and vegetable fibers. Excellent alternatives are raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries. Just super tasty and healthy even in the cold season: a cup of mixed berries contains only 80 calories.

 superfoods products:  https://amzn.to/3t1Fpin

Cashew nuts

Did you know that people who regularly eat nuts tend to be less overweight than people who do not eat nuts? In addition to walnuts, flax seeds, and sesame seeds, cashew nuts (eng. Cashew) are an excellent remedy for a balanced diet. Due to their high-fat content, cashew nuts have a bad reputation. Wrong, because the nuts are incredibly healthy. However, be careful with the dosage, nuts are generally high in calories.

Green Tea 

While most "Green tea masters" promote its antioxidant and cancer-preventing properties, there are more positive things to report. Green tea also contains a naturally occurring phytochemical, catechin, which has been proven to affect the metabolism and thus the fat-burning rate.

Wild salmon

Wild-caught salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for a healthy heart and to prevent insulin resistance (among other things). The diet of most people contains only a small amount of omega-3 fatty acids and salmon is a tasty way to provide your body with these good fats.

 superfoods products:  https://amzn.to/3t1Fpin

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