16 tips against cravings for sweets | do not buy candy

16 tips against cravings for sweets just let the cravings pass. Quite simply, do not buy candy. Eat regularly and in quality.
Estimated read time: 7 min

16 tips against cravings for sweets 
just let the cravings pass.
Quite simply, do not buy candy.
Eat regularly and in quality. 

16 tips against cravings for sweets | just let the cravings pass.

Proven tips against cravings for sweets:

 are you one of those defenseless people at the mercy of their sweet tooth In fact, more than 81% of those who want to lose weight say:

. If I hadn't been a chocolate lover, everything would have been a lot easier.

This is true because sugar (= short-chain carbohydrates) in concentrated quantities is a real enemy of your weight loss efforts.

Why do sweets make you fat?

 Although sugar provides short-term energy (pure carbohydrates), carbohydrates here are practically .ready for use. because, unlike carbohydrates from food (potatoes, etc.), they no longer have to be broken down.

Excess energy is not consumed from processed sugar (artificial sugar) and that is why sweets mercilessly cling to the stomach and hips.

The craving for sweets is not a phenomenon of modern times but dates back to the Paleolithic era of hunters and gatherers (until about 15,000 BC). Even then, Nomads went in search of wild berries and fruits. Why people weren't gaining fat so fast back then.

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Very easy:

On the one hand, berries contain valuable vitamins in addition to sugar (natural glucose), and on the other hand, energy from carbohydrates is not stored in fat due to constant activities but is consumed.  The third reason is increased protein consumption (which helps burn fat).

However, the serving size is also important: is a chocolate bar or two unreasonable or destructively harmful Unlikely! And what about a whole bag of chocolate candy Well, relatively no matter how good your metabolism is and how much exercise you do - the answer is yes, completely irrational! 

By the way: Have you ever wondered why you so much want high-calorie sugar bombs.

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Is it really just a taste

I don't necessarily mean, because in all likelihood there is a completely natural mechanism at work here—your body simply needs energy (in the form of calories) precisely because you may take very long breaks between your meals. 

Snacks rich in valuable vitamins and nutrients and a large glass of water regularly throughout the day can be the first and most important step against cravings for sweets. 

Pay attention to your sweet tooth: here I will show you 16 tried and tested tips on how to counter your cravings for sweets …

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Top 16 tips against cravings

1. If you are eating out with your partner 

and you are about to eat dessert: eat only two or three bites and pass the rest to your partner. You are also advised to generally take your time when eating.

2. Just let the cravings pass.

As simple as that, most attacks go as fast as they come. Try it yourself.

3. Notice exactly when cravings appear.

What to do in this case How do you feel, Where are you? Do you recognize certain patterns, try to break these patterns, and see what happens?

4. Quite simply, do not buy candy.

Before you go shopping, make sure you are full. Bonuses on the shelves are usually attractive by half.

5. Do not reward yourself with sweets! 

Find something that feels perfect about you. Then, when you want to reward yourself or feel cravings, reward yourself with a good book, a walk in the woods, or something that really excites you.

6. Eat regularly and in quality. 

When the blood sugar level drops dramatically, cravings for sweets increase. Make yourself sustainably eat unprocessed foods (see herbs, spices, and raw juices for weight loss ).

7. Get rid of as much stress as possible in your life

. Stress also causes frustration and also harms your overall physical and mental health.

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8. Get away from the candy! 

Significantly limit the number of sweets in your home and work environment. Tell family, friends, and co-workers not to confront you with chocolate or the like.

9. Accept minor relapses

 and see not eating sweets as a punishment but as an important contribution to your slim, fit body and your resulting self-confidence.

10. Try to see sweets as obnoxious.

 It may sound abstract, but many people find it helpful to put disgusting pictures (such as animals that disgust them) in the candy cabinet or on top of chocolates. Even if you do this for a limited time - your subconscious can take advantage of it, and you will no longer think that sweets are indispensable.

11. look for healthy candy alternatives! 

Always carry some fruit with you when you go, such as apples or bananas. Learn how to make delicious fruit compotes and “decorate” your meals with delicious dried fruits or raisins. Of course, they also contain sugar (glucose), which the body can break down more easily.

12. Do more sports and exercise.

 For many (myself included) the best way to avoid cravings for sweets. Exercise—even if it's just a quick walk around the block-releases endorphins that limit your appetite for sweets.

13. Reduce the size of your meals!

 Overeating at once lowers your energy levels and can lead to cravings for sweets. Eat several (up to 8) smaller, quality snacks throughout the day.

14. Turn off the TV!

 In some cases, our subconscious is already so affected that we automatically associate the TV with enjoying sweets. Counter this by simply skipping the lies box and instead of reading something, solving puzzles, unpacking a board game, or browsing photo albums.

15. Plan your meals

 several days in advance and track your progress. Also, get a cash box for sweets that you did not buy.

16. Avoid mistakes in diet and lifestyle!

 To do this, you must eliminate bad habits such as lack of sleep, processed foods, or irregular meals in the long term.

Armed with these tips to combat cravings for sweets, you should have a good foundation in your fight against the sweet tooth. Changing habits requires a lot of willpower. So if you can build a lot of inner strength, you are on your way.

Products that help you: https://amzn.to/34T68pa

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