Ball exercise for the abdominal muscles?

Ball exercise for the abdominal muscles? How do you tone your stomach with a workout ball? How do I reinforce my center with a workout ball?
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 Ball exercise for the abdominal muscles?
How do you tone your stomach with a workout ball?
 How do I reinforce my center with a workout ball?
How do you use an ab ball?

Ball exercise for the abdominal muscles?

The exercise ball

 and what it can do When training in this marble, the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscles as well as the outer abdominal muscles are also trained. In this way, the stomach is tightened from the inside, shaped, and, in the case of a low-calorie diet, wonderfully flat. Keep in mind that you don't burn body fat or very little with targeted abdominal muscle training. Interval training is more suitable for this. However, direct training of the abdominal muscles is highly recommended to get a distinctive tummy and high body stability. As an added benefit, ball exercises also target the back muscles. This creates a position that makes your stomach look tighter

Drills and exercises with the ball

To perform the exercises, you need an exercise ball with a diameter of 65-75 cm. You can get it for less than

Training: Plan 25-30 minutes to train every other day for the next 4 weeks. The first positive results should appear very quickly: better awareness of the body, greater strength for other exercises, ideally tight skin.

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The following exercises can specifically train the abdominal muscles.

Exercise 1: abdominal muscles with a strong push

This exercise primarily works the lower part of the deep abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor.

Kneel in front of the ball and rest your forearms on the exercise ball. Then push from the shoulders until the shoulder area is slightly tense.

Keep your head straight and tighten your stomach and back while looking at your hands. Slowly build up pressure on your forearms and use abdominal strength to lift your knees off the floor.

Then lower your knees again, but without placing them on the floor. Repeat the whole exercise 12-15 times. The knees below the hip joints, abdomen, pelvic floor, and back are slightly tense. Make sure to keep your back straight when performing the exercise.

Exercise 2: The Classic Abdominal Crunch

This exercise strengthens and shapes the rectus abdominis muscles.

Sit on the floor with your back facing the ball, now bend your legs slightly and keep your back straight so that your head forms an extension of your spine.

Then lean your back against the ball and slowly tip your toes back with your feet until your lower back is completely on the ball. Place your hands loosely over your head and let your elbows tilt slightly outward.

Your feet should be about shoulder-width apart. Now tighten your stomach and pelvic floor more and raise your head and shoulders as high as possible. Lower your upper body again without releasing the tension completely.

Repeat the movement about 25 to 30 times.

Exercise 3: Country Crisis

This exercise is primarily used to strengthen the lateral abdominal muscles.

Do the same steps as exercise 2 until your lower back is on the ball. Then cross your arms in front of your upper body and raise your upper body diagonally to the right as far as possible.

Then lower your back to the center while maintaining the basic tension and lift the upper body to the left side. 12 to 15 repetitions per side.

Exercise 4: Knife with exercise ball

The pushup is a great abdominal exercise even without a ball.

In our version, you start by lying on your back with your arms straight. The magic ball is lying on the ground between your feet.

Now grab the ball with your feet and bring it to the middle of your body with your legs straight, at the same time lifting your entire upper body and catching the ball with your hands at hip height.

Exercise 5: Raise the pelvis to train the buttocks and legs

It is not a purely abdominal exercise, but it deserves attention because it is very effective. It tightens the buttocks and hind thighs (gluteus maximus + hamstrings) very effectively.

Lie on your back and place the ball in front of your feet. Place your arms loosely next to your body with your palms facing the floor. Relax your shoulders and neck, look up and place your lower legs on the ball.

Now roll the ball toward your body until it's in front of your knees. The heel should always be in contact with the ball. Tighten your back, stomach, and buttocks, and slowly raise your hips.

Once your head and shoulders are only on the floor, slowly lower your hips again. Bend your legs without letting your pelvis fully touch the floor. Repeat this 12 to 15 times.

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