uses of cinnamon, what does cinnamon do in the body?

uses of cinnamon, Helps to strengthen resistance. helps warm the stomach. Helps loosen phlegm. Cure for cold and sweat. Cold stomach remedy
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 uses of cinnamon, what does cinnamon do in the body?

Cinnamon is notorious as one of the necessary and precious drugs in oriental drugs, and it's also veritably close to every home. 

 Cinnamon with its warmth is used in cases of fear of wind, fever, sweating, and headache. 

 In addition to the former uses, what are the other functions of cinnamon? Let's find the answer in the information that Thanh Binh Medicines will give below! 

uses of cinnamon,

  ➤ Helps to strengthen resistance 

 and warm the body. especially for people who are hysterical about wind and cold waves. 

 uses of cinnamon, ➤ Cinnamon helps warm the stomach. 

 prevents stomach pain due to cold waves, and helps spark the digestive system. 
The use of cinnamon has a diuretic effect and treats edema and urinary retention veritably well. 

Cinnamon helps relieve pain caused by rheumatism. common pain, and body pain due to rainfall changes. 

In addition, cinnamon is also used in cases of menopause. irregular period, the recession of blood. 

 ➤ helps loosen numbness, 

 help the cough, purifies heat, removes poisons, and treats measles. 

  ✎ Cure for cold and sweat 

 12g with the same quantum of each flavor including Cinnamon Chi. Dahlia, Sinh Khong(Fresh Ginger), and 4g Licorice, Jujube 3 Fruits. 

 Bring the whole decoction to get water, remove the remnants, and divide the medicinal water into 2- 3 times a day. 
  Cold stomach remedy 
Bach Thuc 12g, Sinh Khong 8g, cinnamon 6g, licorice 4g, jujube 4 fruits, and enough gemstone sugar. 

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  All colors together and filtered water to drink 30 twinkles before refection's daily. 

✎ Remedy to stop period, blood counterpoise with abdominal pain 

It is very important for a woman to maintain a good blood and blood condition; many women will experience infertility and menstrual disorders due to blood and blood problems.  The use of cinnamon helps to regulate menstrual blood problems in women, and also helps infertile women to regulate their physical conditions, in order to make their menstrual condition more regular, and prevent the occurrence of some gynecological diseases. 

 8g each cinnamon qi, rishi, peach kernel, and dahlia. and one skin. the constituents can be based on a fine greasepaint, mixed well, and made into bullets, or snappily. 

  Especially for drinking water. 

 uses of cinnamon, ✎ Treatment for urinary retention, and edema 

 tracheal cholera 16 g, Bach Truc 12 g, Restore the soul 12 g, Trung Linh 12 g, Cinnamon Chi 4g. Put all into a fine greasepaint, and mix well. use each time only 12 grams of greasepaint to drink with warm water, use 2- 3 times a day. 

Dispel cold and relieve pain

Many middle-aged and elderly people suffer from rheumatic pain, especially when it rains, and joint swelling and pain are very dangerous, in this case, cinnamon can be used, cinnamon has a certain effect of dispelling cold and relieving pain, especially in autumn and winter they help people.

Warming the kidneys

Middle-aged men are prone to impotence, which makes many men feel more anxious, and in the face of such problems men can take cinnamon appropriately, as it can warm the kidneys, strengthen the Yang and improve the condition of male impotence.  If you do not solve the problem of impotence in time, it will seriously affect the relationship between husband and wife.


 Taking capsules containing cinnamon reduces symptoms associated with it. the menstrual cycle. 

 Similar to pain, bleeding, and nausea. and puking without causing any side goods. 

  thus, cinnamon may be one of the styles used to relieve dysmenorrhea in women. 

( 2) and some primary exploration has shown that taking. Ceylon cinnamon in the first three days of the menstrual cycle may help relieve pain.

  3) Eating cinnamon helps regulate the menstrual cycle in women with PCOS. 

( 4). Cinnamon supplementation improves antioxidant situations. and blood lipids in women with PCOS, and may also help reduce the threat of PCOS.

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