Losing weight with yoga to the desired figure?

Losing weight with yoga: fact or myth With yoga to the desired figure? Prasarita Padottanasana C,Virabhadrasana, Marichyasana A
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 Losing weight with yoga: fact or myth

With yoga to the desired figure?
Exercises: Prasarita Padottanasana C, Virabhadrasana, Marichyasana A

Losing weight with yoga: fact or myth

It is known that body and soul can be perfectly in harmony with yoga. Millions of people around the world use Indian teachings to address the stresses of everyday life. But can Yoga also help us on the path to the ideal weight and thus to the body we seek

With yoga to the desired figure?

Experts and ordinary people alike have been debating for a long time whether yoga can be used to lose weight successfully. The fact is that yoga can be practiced as a mental and physical activity.

But no matter what type of yoga you practice, the relaxation technique is not a substitute for a real sport and therefore for a rapid reduction in body fat.

Although a similar number of calories are burned during each yoga session, consumption is limited compared to swimming or jogging. For an hour of yoga, you can expect to burn about 150 calories. With an hour of running training, you burn almost three times as many as 400 to 600 calories.


 yoga can and should definitely be included in your weight loss program. No other form of sport or relaxation integrates body and mind as strongly as yoga. Here are some exercises you can use to strengthen your body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga & Weight Loss Products: https://amzn.to/351ywpk

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Exercise 1: Prasarita Padottanasana C

This exercise strengthens and stretches the legs, stimulates the digestive system, and calms the mind.

First, spread your legs so that your feet are about 1.20 meters apart. The toes are pointed forward and the arms are spread out sideways.


Cross your arms behind your back and, on exhalation, contract the shoulder blades.


When inhaling, stretch backward, while looking up.


On the next exhalation, bend forward, keeping your hands crossed. Push your arms as far as possible over your head, and direct your gaze backward between your legs.

Then pull in the stomach and hold the pelvic floor muscle. Now stay in this posture and breathe deeply through your nose five times.


Slowly come back up with your body and straighten up.


On exhalation, put your hands firmly on the waist.

Yoga & Weight Loss Products: https://amzn.to/351ywpk

Exercise 2: Virabhadrasana

During this exercise, the legs, back, and abdominal organs are strengthened. In addition, the exercise provides firmer hips and more stability.

Put the right leg forward and bend it at a 90-degree angle. Make sure that you can still see the right toes. The back left foot is turned at a 45-degree angle, and the right knee is just above the right ankle. However, it must not bend backward. The hips and shoulders are turned forward as straight as possible.


Put your palms together and raise your arms over your head. Tilt your head back. Stay on this role for five breaths.


Straighten the right leg, pulling the right foot inward and the left foot outward at the same time. Turn it 180 degrees.


Bend the left knee over the left ankle and repeat the exercise on the left side. Again, stay in this posture for five breaths.

Exercise 3: Marichyasana A

This exercise has a very positive effect on your digestive system. In addition, it is very beneficial for back or hip pain and has an invigorating effect on the internal organs such as the liver, pancreas, spleen, intestines, and lungs.


 bend the right knee and place the right sole of the foot flat on the floor. The proper calf presses against the correct thigh. The inside of the right foot should be at least a hand's width from the inside of the left thigh.


Stretch your right arm forward and at the same time raise your right shoulder over your right knee. The armpit should subsequently touch the knee and shin.

Then turn the right arm around the right shin and the thigh to the back. Place the left arm back and grasp the wrist with the right hand.


Straighten the spine and raise the head.


Bend forward and put your forehead, nose, and chin towards the shin one by one. Stay in this position for five breaths. Then repeat the whole exercise again on the other half.

Can yoga reduce the abdomen?

One ponders found that therapeutic yoga was successful in making a difference in overweight ladies losing weight, and counting stomach fat. These come about are especially promising for individuals whose body weight can make more dynamic shapes of yoga troublesome.

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