40 dietary guidelines for obesity, you probably didn't know before
Common dietary guidelines: eat less high-calorie foods, eat less sugar, reduce saturated fats, limit alcohol, choose healthy snacks, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, drink enough water, control what enters your mouth, and exercise at low intensity for half
1. dietary guidelines for obesity Largely ban unhealthy foods:
such as sodas, sweets, and pastries from your kitchen. Fast food, white flour products, and most processed foods are also included. It's best to start by integrating delicious raw juices into your diet.
2. Alcohol hinders fat burning:
because the No. 1 metabolic organ, the liver, is subjected to an eerie strain. As a result of this stack, their capacity to metabolize "conventional" nourishment endures.
3. dietary guidelines for obesity Join more spelled:
(e.g. grains, muesli, pasta) and oat products into your diet. Both have proven themselves wonderfully as an alternative to wheat in the fight against belly fat and hip fat.
4. Protein:
(protein) is good for weight loss because it reduces hunger and can keep the feeling of satiety longer. First-class sources of protein are nuts, almonds, lean cottage cheese, salmon, and mackerel.
5. A simple but effective tip:
eating slowly can make it easier for you to lose weight permanently. You will be able to enjoy your meals more and reduce your calorie intake. So eat gradually and deliberately.6. Starvation and trendy diets:
are a bad idea in the fight against belly fat. One-sided and low-nutrient diets with a radically reduced amount of calories harm the metabolism and inevitably lead to the yo-yo effect.
7. dietary guidelines for obesity keep a food diary:
and familiarize yourself with the nutrients as well as the calorie amount of your food. This learning process can take time, but it will keep you from making the wrong decisions in the supermarket.
8. Our diet, as well :
as clothing, medicines, and supplements, is often heavily enriched with chemical products and additives. Therefore, it may make sense to regularly complete a detoxification treatment.
9. dietary guidelines for obesity puts (pistachios:
peanuts, hazelnuts macadamia) can reduce the risk of various heart diseases, as well as harmful cholesterol, and are also an excellent source of fat. Not a nut but also extremely healthy and nutritious: almonds.
10. The good old apple:
can do just about anything and should not be missing in the nutrition tips against belly fat: apples contain some vitamins (C, B, E) and are rich in minerals. The apple is also known as a cholesterol blocker.
11. dietary guidelines for obesity Cinnamon:
can also melt belly fat more easily because it regulates blood sugar levels and helps to regulate insulin balance. Cinnamon also increases the body's own temperature, which can accelerate fat loss.
12. Stay away from burgers and pizza:
As tempting as these may be: both pizza and cheeseburgers, hamburgers & co. are packed full of calories and harmful trans fatty acids. The latter is also included in ready meals, bread, and snack pastries.
13. Where we are already on the topic:
learn to recognize between great and awful fats. The best fats can be found in cold-pressed oils (BSD. Olive, hemp, linseed oil), seafood but also avocado and walnut.14. Drink a large glass of water before each meal:
This will already fill your stomach a little and moderate your appetite. In general, your meals should be small and clear – so use small plates when eating.15. A tip for shopping: always go to the fruit:
and vegetable department first. Here you can really "let off steam" and already mentally go through the processing in the kitchen.16. Another shopping tip:
never go shopping hungry! This has a psychological effect on your consumer behavior. If "cravings" take hold of you in the candy department, then just think about your belly fat and how much you want to get rid of it.
17. dietary guidelines for obesity Drink at slightest 4 huge glasses of normal water a day:
To make it really natural, it is best to find a natural source in your home.
18. Raisins are one of the finest sources of boron:
an element important for the long-term health of our bones. Many people like to eat raisins as a snack before training, comparing their effect (more energy) with that of dextrose.
19. According to experts:
mental stress is directly related to cravings and, as a result, abdominal fat. Make sure that you have regular everyday life and live according to healthy patterns.
20. Eat only until you're around 80% full:
It means: eat only until you are about 80% full. This allows you to significantly reduce your calorie intake in the long run.
21. Potassium-rich foods can help control body weight:
and prevent belly fat. A lack of minerals such as potassium and magnesium prevents the build-up of important enzymes that have a positive effect on metabolism.
22. dietary guidelines for obesity Beans, nuts:
and seeds are some of the best sources of protein for vegans. The high fiber content is also noticeable here. Excellent examples of seeds are mustard seeds, sesame seeds, as well as pumpkin seeds.
23. Get acquainted with domestic herbs:
The almost limitless variety of our own gardens and forests makes imported "superfoods" superfluous. Really recommended are oregano, marjoram, dandelion, yew, and wild garlic.
24. Muscles are the fat killer par excellence:
And how does this fit into the list of nutrition tips against belly fat?.
25. It's simple:
you only get the best out of your diet if it is accompanied by demanding training.
26. Cabbage vegetables:
help the body fight harmful xenoestrogens (environmental toxins that add to the liver). These can also be kept in check by using glass, clay, or stainless steel containers for your food instead of plastic.
27. If you really have enough of your belly fat:
then drink more tea. Not only the repeatedly praised green tea will support you, but also nettle, rosehip, sage, and lemon balm.
28. Omega 3 fatty acids:
are almost indispensable for people who want to get rid of belly fat. Carefully processed edible oils, vegetables, and fish are first-class sources. Article Tip: Reduce body fat percentage…
29. dietary guidelines for obesity There are two types of fiber:
soluble (easily digestible) and insoluble (hardly digestible). The former is more conducive to fat loss and is mainly found in fruits and vegetables. The insoluble ones can be found increasingly in cereals.
30. dietary guidelines for obesity Hemoglobin:
is an iron-storing protein and allows oxygen transport in the blood. If the hemoglobin level is too low, you feel sluggish and listless. Iron-containing foods are, for example, citrus fruits, papaya, strawberries, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, and spinach.
31. Do not be afraid of milk:
She did not deserve the bad reputation that milk sometimes has to contend with. The drain could be a brilliant source of calcium, protein, and vitamin D. In addition, it has a low value in the glyx index and thus reduces cravings.
32. One of the best nutrition tips against belly fat :
is the generous use of herbs and spices in your food preparation. Spices are known to have a positive effect on metabolism. Recommended: Ginger and chili are among the top foods against belly fat.
33. A carbohydrate-free diet:
can lead to a dangerous state of health called ketosis. So in case you ever studied or listen to ketogenic count calories someplace, at that point take your legs in your hand and at the same time keep your ears closed.
34. dietary guidelines for obesity Beware of sugar-free foods:
These can still make you fat and cause significant damage to the liver. In most cases, sugar is replaced only with chemical substances, such as aspartame or the like, which can lead to an even higher release of insulin.
35. dietary guidelines for obesity A cheat day:
can help reduce hunger by temporarily increasing the hormone leptin. It is best to determine your weekly calorie balance to know when you can insert such a day.
36. What about intermittent fasting?
An everyday approach is that you only eat twice a day, at 12 noon and 18 o'clock in the evening. So your body has a whole 18 hours for metabolism, without storing body fat.
37. After a workout:
you'll promptly give your body high-quality proteins, as well as a fast source of carbohydrates (high glycemic). It will not harm fat loss. Many people swear by fresh bananas, which are also processed in a protein shake.
38. It is best to avoid:
the much-advertised energy bars altogether. Only a few of them keep their promises, and most of them are rich in industrial sugar and calories. ALL processed foods should be enjoyed with caution.
39. dietary guidelines for obesity Where it says ORGANIC:
, there does not have to be ORGANIC in it. When buying these products, make sure that you ideally know all the ingredients exactly, or even better: create your own fruit and vegetable garden. Gardening makes you happy.
Article tip: Reduce body fat in a targeted way, is that possible?
40. Replace wheat bread with oat:
buckwheat, or rye bread. Another delicious alternative is pumpernickel (black bread), which has a particularly good nutrient balance. Also good: eat more potatoes, because they bring your acid-base balance into balance.
a summary:
To really melt your belly fat, you should always keep the basics in mind in addition to the tips mentioned. These include your negative calorie balance, your harmonious daily routine, and your hopefully intensive training sessions.
In terms of calorie control, you should keep a good book, but not act too aggressively. With a too-drastic calorie deficit, you may do more harm than good. If you keep your calorie intake too low, three things can happen:
1) Your energy level drops
so much that you feel weak, tired, and exhausted. However, to get rid of your belly fat, you also need solid training – and for this, energy and strength are absolutely necessary. So note too few calories (= energy) cause muscle loss and lack of energy.
2) Your metabolism slows down.
This is a biological mechanism that sets in when our body receives too few calories over a long period. This does not make itself felt after two or three days, but if the calorie minus is permanently too aggressive, the body rolls back the metabolism.
3) Chronic diseases & Depression.
If the body lacks calories, it reacts not only with weakness but also with a higher susceptibility to infections, skin diseases, bone, and muscle breakdown, to mental problems, such as depression. A calorie deficit of 300 to the max is recommended. 500 kcal.
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