why is meat bad for you? why eating meat is bad for the environment?

why is meat bad for you? why eating meat is bad for the environment? Meat is a significant source of protein. Is meat the absolute villain?
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 why is meat bad for you?

why eating meat is bad for the environment? Meat is a significant source of protein. Is meat the absolute villain? Creatine increases lean muscle mass.

why is meat bad for you? why eating meat is bad for the environment?

First notes on meat
I have believed that meat has been a staple for millions of years, and after consulting common sense and reliable professional sources, I would not personally limit meat consumption or replace it with fake meat in the lab. 

Of course, this does not mean that I generally agree with the current processing standards:

Unethical factory farming should be replaced by small-scale farming.

Transportation and trips around the world are not acceptable to me.

I consider slaughtering, halal, and kosher absolutely vile.

Saturated fats: not harmful to health!

Meat is full of saturated fats known for their positive hormonal effects. The only truly harmful fats are industrially produced trans fats, such as fried foods, chips, margarine, croissants, and the like.

The fact that saturated fatty acids are generally banned has more to do with the general attack on animal products.

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Meat is a significant source of protein.

The protein in meat is known as the so-called complete protein, as it contains all the essential amino acids that the body needs. Protein is the essential building block of life par excellence and the main component of our muscles.

Iron - is indispensable for the body

Meat and fish are rich in iron, which helps counteract anemia - i.e. reduced red blood cells and the ability to transport oxygen. One of the symptoms of anemia is easy to fatigue and often a headache.

Compared to meat, the body's absorption of iron in vegetables is severely restricted.

Preserving bones and muscles in old age

Studies have shown that eating meat slows down the natural muscle loss that occurs with age. The same applies to bone density, as meat is high in calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12, which are important for bones.

Zinc is an enemy of diabetes

Meat is the number one source of zinc, which is very healthy for the body.

This mineral performs essential functions for the health of our skin, hair, and nails, as well as supporting the immune system and regulating blood sugar. Zinc also helps fight allergies.

To reduce weight, follow a diet similar to that of the Stone Age.

Many fitness trainers, models, and nutritionists recommend a low-carb, high-protein diet. So people who want to lose weight should eat meat.

The two most common examples here are the keto diet and the paleo diet variants, where the consumption of organic meat plays a major role.

Is meat the absolute villain?

The portrayal of meat as a bogeyman appears to be a political issue. The head of one of the largest meat (!) companies in the United States, "Tyson Foods", recently announced that in 2040 years we will not use any animal products at all.

It is clear that a global attack on rural agriculture is taking place here, and companies are hoping to make a profit in billions from industrially produced meat. However, the chemicals and plastics in food have only worsened overall health, see fatty liver, chronic disease, infertility, etc.

Creatine increases lean muscle mass.

Beef in particular (but also a game) is a great source of creatine.

Creatine is no stranger to fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders because it speeds up the process of muscle repair and regeneration, resulting in more strength, muscle mass, and better metabolism.

 Say goodbye to hunger pangs with meat

Meat promotes satiety and fights hunger pangs.

While eating foods rich in carbohydrates — especially processed carbohydrates rich in refined sugar — makes you feel hungry again very quickly, the meat keeps us full for longer.  Last but not least, this is beneficial for people who use the intermittent fasting fitness method.

Principal apprehensive about device fitness

The omega-3 fatty acids in meat are a source of strength for the nervous system and brainpower.

Omega-3 is especially found in brain tissue, where it acts as a structural and functional component. These fatty acids enhance blood circulation and thus directly support our cognitive performance.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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