how to sleep fast in 5 minutes, 10 fastest ways to make you sleepy

how to sleep fast in 5 minutes, 10 fastest ways to make you sleepy A good night's sleep is very important for our health and well-being.
Estimated read time: 8 min

how to sleep fast in 5 minutes, 10 fastest ways to make you sleepy
A good night's sleep is very important for our health and well-being. However, sometimes you ejaculate and turn around and still can't sleep, especially in the current Covid-19 situation. How to fall asleep quickly Check out the 10 fastest ways to sleep below!.

how to sleep

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1. Create a cozy bedroom space

The fastest way to sleep is to provide comfortable sleeping space. First, you need to prepare a neat and clean bed with a soft and comfortable mattress and pillow. After that check the temperature in the bedroom. The cool room temperature, which is between 26 and 28 degrees Celsius, will help you fall asleep easily.   related products:

How to sleep quickly and deeply also includes making the room scented with the scent of essential oils that have a calming, stress-relieving effect such as lavender, rose essential oils ... 

Finally, turn off the lights completely, because light inhibits sleep hormones and also raises body temperature by releasing the hormone cortisol, making you. undefined

2. The fastest way to sleep is to stay away from electronic devices

Using electronic devices such as televisions, phones, and computers to watch social networks or entertainment before bed is a habit for many people. This greatly affects your ability to fall asleep quickly.

The blue light emitted by electronic devices blocks the production of melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the central nervous system. So the fastest way to sleep is to say goodbye to your electronics, to focus on sleep.

In addition, the clock can be the ." culprit" that makes you fall asleep easily. The sound of the clock ticking distracts you from your sleep. Constant checking of time will also make you obsessed with not falling asleep easily. So it's best to install the clock outside your bedroom.

3. Stay awake before bed

Lying in bed when you're not sleepy will make you restless and uncomfortable. So if you feel like you can't sleep, get up and do some other things to keep yourself awake before sleepiness hits.

Instead of lying down to count the sheep, you can read a book or magazine to make it easier to sleep. In addition to reading, music can also significantly improve sleep quality, helping to promote deep sleep. So, you can also listen to some resonant music to help you fall asleep quickly.

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4. Say no to confirm

The fastest way to sleep is to get rid of worrying thoughts from your mind. Thoughts about work and worries about life will make you fall into stress, seriously affecting the quality of sleep. In addition, if you are an imaginary person and are easily affected by negative thoughts, you are also prone to sleep disorders.  related products:

So try to get rid of thoughts and stress before going to bed, because this is the fastest way to sleep. You can get rid of disturbing thoughts by listening to some music. And if your imagination is too wild, think and imagine good, happy, and comfortable things, because they help you fall asleep faster and better.

5. Changing sleeping position is the fastest way to sleep

A good night's sleep depends a lot on the posture as well as on the sleeping position. Typically, there are three main sleeping positions: lying down, side and back. Lying on the abdomen and lying on the back are bad sleeping positions, as they can lead to airway obstruction, sleep apnea, and snoring. Lying on the side is a position that makes it easier for you to sleep and benefits your health.

However, this also largely depends on the habits of each person. Therefore, if you find it difficult to sleep, you can change the position to be more comfortable.

6. Try some relaxation exercises

Gentle exercises such as yoga, muscle relaxation methods, or meditation are some of the fastest ways to sleep.

Meditation is a way to help your mind rest, avoid stress and help you fall asleep easily. The practice of yoga also helps to calm the mind, relax the body and improve the quality of sleep.

with muscle relaxation, you may do the following moves:

* Raise your eyebrows as high as possible for 5 seconds, helping to tighten the forehead muscles and reduce tension.

* Wide smile makes your cheeks stretch, wait for 5 seconds and then relax.

* Turn your eyes with half-closed eyes, hold for 5 seconds and then relax.

* Tilt your head back slightly so you can look at the ceiling comfortably. Hold this movement for 5 seconds and then relax. related products:

* Continue the stretching and relaxation technique down the rest of the body, from the biceps to the chest and thighs to the feet.

7. establish an everyday sleep habitually

It can be difficult in the early days to go to bed on time as you want because everyone's body has its biological clock. However, if you constantly train, you will see great results.

Schedule asleep and repeat this routine for a while, then your body will adjust to this schedule. This will make it easier for you to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.

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8. Monitor eating in the evening

Food also affects your sleep a lot. Therefore, you need to control the amount of food at dinner. You should not eat to satiety and should eat about four hours before bedtime, to make sure that your digestive system works well before that, helping you get deeper and better sleep. 

Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine just before bed because it will make it difficult for you to fall asleep. Alternatively, you can drink a glass of hot milk before bedtime.

In addition, make it a habit to go to the bathroom before going to bed to give a sense of comfort and convenience, and avoid waking up in the middle of the night.

9. How to fall asleep quickly in 1 minute: apply the 4-7-8 Breathing Method

This is a method that is researched and developed in the airway, based on breathing control techniques from yoga, and has the effect of reducing stress and helping to relax before going to bed. 

To do this way, you lie on the bed

* Leave your lips slightly open

 and make a buzzing sound as you exhale through your mouth.

* Then place your lips

 and inhale silently through your nose. Mentally count from 1 to 4 in your head.

* Hold your breath

 and count until 7.

* Exhale with a humming sound

 for 8 seconds.

* Repeat the above steps three times

 to complete four breaths.

Note: do not stress too much. Try to do it unconsciously so as not to be too vigilant.

10. How to sleep fast and deep in a military way

Following the military, the method is also a method of falling asleep quickly that you can apply. This is a scientifically proven way to fall asleep quickly. This method was created by

  • Sharon Ackerman. According to Ackerman, the US Navy's pre-flight school has established a routine where pilots can sleep in two minutes or less. They took about 6 weeks of training and were successful, even after drinking coffee.
  • You follow these steps:
  •     Relax all facial muscles, including those inside your mouth.
  • 😌 Relax your shoulders to release tension and leave your arms hanging at your sides.
  • 😌 Exhale gently, relaxing the chest.
  • 😌 Relax your legs, thighs, and calves.
  • 😌 Clear your mind for 10 seconds by imagining a relaxing scene. If that doesn't work, try saying the words "without thinking" over and over again for 10 seconds.

  • 😌 You will fall asleep in 10 seconds.


Here are the 10 fastest ways to get you to sleep, you can try to apply one or more procedures to improve the quality of your sleep. A good night's sleep will help you feel mentally relaxed, improve concentration and increase work productivity.

However, if you have tried several methods and still have persistent sleep disorders, please consult your doctor quickly, because sometimes sleep disorders are a manifestation of some serious medical problem, and need treatment. 

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