Principles of building a diet for acne, 7-day acne treatment menu

Principles of building a diet for acne, Increase fiber-rich foods. eat nourishments in vitamin A. add zinc-rich foods. foods rich in omega-3.
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Principles of building a diet for acne, 7-day acne treatment menu

For people with acne, there are two main principles to building a diet for acne. The first is eating a diet rich in foods that have been shown to help your skin. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, and yogurt, which all contain plenty of vitamins and minerals that are good for the skin. The second is to avoid foods that can make acne worse, such as lots of fats, processed foods, and refined sugars.

This article guides you through the Principles of building a diet for acne, a 7-day acne treatment menu

diet for acne. A white plate with mixed fruits and vegetables
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a diet for acne, Increase fiber-rich foods:

Fiber is a vital component that can detoxify. the body, helping good digestion. Therefore, if you suffer from acne frequently. you need to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as oats, nuts, and legumes ...

Routinely eat nourishments wealthy in vitamin A:

Pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, beetroot, jackfruit, spinach ... Are foods rich in carotenoids. This component when it enters. the body will turn into vitamin A, effectively reducing acne and preventing the appearance of new acne.

 add zinc-rich foods to your diet with acne:

Oysters, chicken, beef, crab, cashews, pumpkin ... Foods rich in zinc. Zinc deficiency is the main cause of acne, and this mineral is also inhibited. the activity of bacteria, so it will make acne heal faster.

 Indispensable for foods rich in omega-3:

Dermatologists recommend that people with acne regularly add omega-3 fatty acids to their acne treatment menu. Because these healthy fats have the effect of reducing inflammation, effectively treating acne and healthy skin. Omega-3 is found in fatty fish, eggs, flaxseed, chia seeds, fish oils, avocados, etc.   related products

 Use good carbs to replace bad carbs:

Cereals, oats, sweet potatoes, corn, eucalyptus, and brown rice ... Are sources of starch slow metabolism, which helps balance blood sugar, so it can regulate oil secretion. helping to reduce acne.

 a diet with acne,  Drink water properly

When creating a menu to help reduce acne. you need to note that hydration is very important. It is necessary to drink enough water every day to eliminate toxins. the body and reduce acne.

Cold boiled water, coconut water, orange juice, lemon, and green tea are good drinks for acne-prone skin.

In the beautiful menu for treating acne skin. there can be no stimulants or alcoholic drinks like alcohol. You can drink coffee but you have to limit sugar and milk. It is way better to drink dark coffee.

Building a scientific acne treatment menu:

How to eat scientifically to treat acne Based on the above principles of eating. and beneficial menu for health and skin.         related products

Here is a list of people with acne for a week for reference:

1. Menu for a diet with acne, Day 1

* Breakfast: 1/2 sweet potato served with 2 boiled eggs and cucumber.

* Lunch: brown rice dish. mackerel with tomato sauce, boiled cabbage.

* Dinner: vegetable soup. half a bowl of fried rice with shrimp and vegetables.

* Snack: orange or banana.

2. diet for acne Day 2 

* Breakfast: 1 cup walnut milk, two slices of oat bread, 1 omelet, and cucumber.

* Lunch: salad with salmon. apple, lettuce, and avocado served with brown rice noodle soup.

* Dinner: boiled vegetables. and eggs served with boiled potatoes or pumpkin soup.

* Snack: guava or yogurt.

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3. diet for acne Day 3:

* Breakfast: carrot juice cup. black bread with eggs, lettuce, and cucumber.

* Lunch: half a plate of steamed rice. fish Basa soup with sauerkraut, and boiled spinach.

* Dinner: sauteed broccoli with beef and olive oil served with vegetables.

* Snack: a handful of nuts or pineapple.

4. diet for acne day 4.

* Breakfast: a glass of soy milk, breakfast with pita bread, shrimp sauce, and vegetables.

* Lunch: pumpkin soup with bones, a bowl of brown rice, and boiled amaranth.

* Dinner: fried chicken breast, two slices of oat bread, boiled beans.

* Snack: papaya juice.

5. diet for acne, Day 5:

* Breakfast: salmon porridge, oatmeal, vegetables.

* Lunch: 1/2 plate of white rice, boiled chicken. sauteed vegetables with chicken intestines in olive oil.

* Dinner: cooked carp, 1/2 plate of brown rice, boiled sweet potatoes.

* Snack: pineapple juice, apple.

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6. Eating menu to reduce acne Day 6:

* Breakfast: avocado salad, boiled egg, Apple, tomato, bell pepper. and 1 cup of honey and warm lemon.

* Lunch: brown rice served with herring in tomato sauce. bubbled vegetables, and stewed vegetables.

* Dinner: pumpkin shrimp porridge.

* Snack: avocado with milk, banana.

7. Menu for a diet with acne, day 7:

* Breakfast: one bowl of oats overnight includes oats. berries, bananas, and nuts ...

* Lunch: boiled broccoli. steamed carp with soy sauce boiled moringa noodles.

* Dinner: cooked shrimp with spinach, amaranth, and boiled corn.

* Snack: avocado juice or yogurt with nuts.

2. diet with acne, Avoid or limit food groups that make acne worse

Building a diet menu for acne you need to avoid or limit. the following food groups:

*Constrain refined carbohydrates:

White bread, white rice, Fu, vermicelli, glutinous rice ... Sources of refined carbohydrates, capable of quickly activating insulin. This makes the sebaceous organs more dynamic. which increments the chance of skin breaking out.

*diet with acne,  Avoid fast, fried, spicy, and spicy food:

On the menu to reduce acne, you should increase green vegetables and fresh fruits. and limit fast foods and fried foods such as French fries. fried chicken, hamburgers, and instant noodles or eliminate them.  High blood sugar, causes acne. Spicy and spicy foods are. also triggers that should be eliminated from the acne treatment list because. they will make your face have acne marks, even inflammation, and redness. 

* Remain absent from nourishments that are tall in sugar:

High-sugar fruits such as longan, lychee, durian, or bottled soft drinks. ice cream, cakes, and milk tea ... Are foods rich in sugar. They stimulate the body to produce the hormone IGF-1 which causes acne.

* Diminish drain and chocolate:

Milk and chocolate contain ingredients. that cause inflammation and stimulate the sebaceous glands to increase their activity. make the face oily, and cause acne.  You can eat pure dark chocolate but in moderation.   related products


Above is the necessary and effective list of acne reductions. and acne treatment for those who face this dilemma quite often. In addition, if you have beautiful skin. you should also apply the above list to prevent acne and good health.

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