stress and acne: How stress affects the formation of acne

stress and acne: How stress affects the formation of acne There are many causes of acne: hormones, makeup makes the skin discreet and tense.
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 stress and acne: How stress affects the formation of acne

Understanding the relationship between stress and acne can help you manage stress better. Stress can cause acne - the most common skin condition for teens - by making the body produce more fats and oils.

This article aims to provide an overview of the causes behind stress and acne, as well as to provide some helpful solutions to acne that are commonly used by teenagers.

stress and acne. Acne Face

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Research shows that 85% of us will suffer from acne during our lifetime. For some people, it can be a slight bump or two. But on some sites, the condition becomes severe and leads to scarring.

When the body is subjected to prolonged stress, it produces more cortisol. It is a hormone that affects the nervous system and causes negative effects on the skin, usually the formation of acne.

Research also shows that if you have acne, stress makes acne worse. In addition, wounds, and acne will be slower to recover for a person under stress. Furthermore, acne healing will be slower and skin inflammation will become severe.

💓 Advice:   Cure acne on the chin faster:  5 ways to do it at home

 stress and acne, What factors can cause acne besides stress:

Acne occurs when excess fat, and dead skin cells. and bacteria clog pores. In addition. several factors lead to the formation of acne such as:

  • Hormonal changes.
  • Side effects of drugs.
  • Clogged pores.
  • Diet rich in fat and sugar.
  • Inappropriate skin care method.

Common types of acne:

Blackheads and whiteheads are considered mild inflammatory acne. In addition, moderate to severe inflammatory acne includes pink bumps that are slightly lumpy, relatively small, and painful. Acne is considered a serious condition when there are nodules and scarring. Cysts and nodules grow larger, causing pain and swelling deeper into the skin.

💓 Advice:   Cure acne on the chin faster:  5 ways to do it at home

 stress and acne, Acne treatments:

Treatment of acne depends on the condition of each person. Here are some acne treatments recommended by experts and dermatologists.    related products:

Skin moisture balance:

Stress causes acne. Stress is a major cause of irritation of the sebaceous glands in the pores. says Dr. Joshua Zeichner. a dermatologist in New York. To overcome this situation. experts advise regularly using mineral sprays to moisturize the skin.

Also, use a detergent containing salicylic acid. This active ingredient makes it easier to get rid of skin cells and reduce acne. 

Laser technology: an effective way to treat acne :

Laser is still an effective technique for treating acne. especially with pustular acne caused by a bacterial infection (due to wearing a mask). The laser prevents acne outbreaks by soothing inflammation in the skin. Prevents scars and blemishes caused by acne and treats hyperpigmentation. 

Currently, you can use laser acne treatment in specialized Dermatological clinics. Therapists, depending on the condition of the skin. will decide on the appropriate wavelength to prevent acne. 

Cosmetics with special processing 

If the acne products you used before are no longer effective. look for products that contain minocycline. This is an antibiotic used to treat cystic acne. Minocycline is very effective in the treatment of acne masks (because it quickly calms inflammation).   related products:

Rita Linkner, a dermatologist in New York, recommends using a cream with a concentration of 2.5% benzoyl peroxide to fight the inflammation of acne spots. In addition, 2% salicylic acid helps exfoliate dead skin cells and prevents the clogging of pores that cause acne.

Post-treatment care

Moisturizing products containing niacinamide and hyaluronic acid will maintain skin balance. At the same time, these active ingredients also help fade bruises caused by inflammation. By combining these moisturizing ingredients with vitamin C, Acne Scars will fade quickly.

When acne appears, use patches to reduce acne spots and brown spots. In addition to beautifying and masking, they also help limit touching your face, avoiding the spread of bacteria.

 stress and acne, Control stress to prevent acne more effectively

Stress control is a way to reduce the appearance of acne and its negative effects on the skin. Here are some ways to help you reduce stress and gain better mental control:

  • Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga.
  • Go to bed early, before 10 am. Get enough sleep. Listen to soothing music before bed to calm your mind and fall asleep more easily.
  • Maintain a healthy diet.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Write your thoughts in a notebook.
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