6 Secrets of the, Side Effects of, Collagen Supplements

6 Secrets of the Side Effects of, Collagen Supplements Is collagen good and does not harm our health at all Do you know what are the side effects of
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6 Secrets of the Side Effects of, Collagen Supplements

Is collagen good and does not harm our health at all Do you know what are the side effects of collagen 
Collagen has long been known for its many miraculous uses for women such as prolonging youth, rejuvenating skin, and smoothing it. However, although there are not so many, the side effects of collagen are not necessarily absent. Understanding and avoiding side effects will help you make effective use of this panacea.

Collagen Supplements

What is collagen

Collagen is a type of protein that is mainly distributed in the flesh, tendons, and muscles of the body. Collagen works with keratin to bind cell tissue together.  related products: https://amzn.to/3JexyUL

The effect of collagen is very important for the body. Not only to support the Prevention of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and osteoporosis pain but collagen is also used to meet the beauty needs of women. Occupying 70% of the dermis of the skin, collagen helps the skin firm, smooth, shiny healthy hair and recover well under the influence of sunlight and dusty environments. 

There are about 40 different types of collagen in the human body, but there are four that are considered the most common:

  • Collagen of the first type-forms fibers is found in the connective tissue associated with bones, ligaments, tendons, and skin.
  • Type II collagen forms less structured fibers than Type I and is found mainly in cartilage.
  • Collagen of the third type-forms thinner fibers than the first type and contributes to cellular regulation in organs.
  • The fourth type of collagen is found in the basement membrane, a plate-like structure of collagen cells that surrounds various tissues.
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The body has already produced collagen,

 does taking collagen to have any effect The amount of collagen produced in the body gradually decreases with age while the body's need for collagen does not decrease.  As a result, the body easily falls into a state of collagen deficiency. Shiny hair becomes dry and wrinkled, and smooth skin becomes wrinkled, rough, and flabby. At the time, the use of collagen pills was to supplement the lack of nutrients to help improve health and prolong youth.   related products: https://amzn.to/3JexyUL

However, you not only need to know what collagen pills do, but you also need to be careful and choose and use collagen correctly to avoid side effects when taking collagen. 

Side effects of supplements containing collagen

1. Increases calcium

Collagen Supplements

Most collagen grains are extracted from fish, cow, pigskin, and sheep placenta ... So they are high in calcium. Supplementing with collagen means that you provide your body with a large amount of calcium. Therefore, the first side effect of collagen is that if you drink too much, it will cause hypercalcemia.

According to the Mayo Clinic, too much calcium in the body can cause:

  • Constipation
  • Bone pain
  • Tired
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Cardiac arrhythmias

This also explains the question of whether drinking too much collagen is beneficial. Only drink enough collagen for your body. You should consult your doctor to adjust the dosage accordingly.

2. Affects the taste, tasteless

Collagen Supplements

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, some oral collagen supplements can leave a bad taste in the mouth. Collagen supplements made from sea or cow foods usually have an unpleasant taste for most people.  related products: https://amzn.to/3JexyUL

So you choose high-quality collagen and mix it with flavored drinks to reduce unpleasant odors.

3. People who are allergic to Collagen Supplements protein may experience mild headaches

According to registered dietitian Pamela Schoenfeld, some people who are allergic to the free glutamic acid in the collagen protein may experience mild headaches or difficulty sleeping when taking too much collagen or taking collagen too close to bedtime.

4.  Allergic reaction

Another side effect of collagen that you may experience is allergies. Before taking collagen, you need to carefully check the components of the product. Because if the body is inherently sensitive to seafood, collagen extracted from the cartilage of Fish and shrimp should not be used ...

Signs of an allergic reaction, according to the Mayo Clinic, can include:

  • Tingling or itching in the mouth
  • skin hasty, tingling, or skin inflammation
  • Swelling of the lips, confront, tongue, throat, or other parts of the body
  • Wheezing or stuffy nose or difficulty breathing
  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting
  • Dizziness, dizziness, or fainting

If signs of an allergic reaction appear on the body when taking collagen, you should stop taking it and you can try other collagen products.   related products: https://amzn.to/3JexyUL

5. A side effect of Collagen Supplements drinks is that they can cause kidney stones

One of the side effects of collagen on the kidneys is the possible formation of kidney stones. Concurring to enrolled dietitian Pamela Schoenfeld: if a person has a history of calcium oxalate stones in the kidneys, it is better to gradually add collagen to the diet.  They should start with no more than 5-6 grams per day (about 1 tablespoon).

Hydroxyproline, one of the abundant amino acids in collagen, can be converted to oxalate and excreted by the kidneys in the urine. Under the right conditions, this can lead to the formation of kidney stones. So you need to drink plenty of water when adding collagen to your diet.

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6. Collagen can make you feel depressed

One of the worst side effects of collagen is that it can spoil your mood.

Adding more collagen protein to your diet can lead to a tryptophan deficit. A decrease in tryptophan will lower your serotonin levels, leaving you with feelings of restlessness, irritability, anxiety, and depression. You should be especially careful if you already have a mood disorder.

Does taking collagen have any side effects Is collagen intake harmful According to the analysis above, as you know, the side effects of collagen all come from choosing and drinking collagen products that are not suitable for the body. 

So how should you take collagen to avoid the above side effects?

How to avoid the side effects of collagen

When choosing collagen, consider the following factors:

Choose the best collagen products:

 on the market, collagen production lines are very rich and diverse in types, models, and brands. You need to know the origin information carefully to avoid counterfeit and poor-quality goods.

Choose the right collagen product for your body:

 you need to choose the right collagen for your body to reduce side effects and increase absorption. Products containing type 2 collagen help improve skin problems and support cartilage. If you only drink collagen to beautify your skin, fight age, and strengthen your hair and nails, choose collagen types 1 and 3.

See carefully at the fixings of the item:

the fixings of the item are exceptionally vital. Be careful with ingredients that can irritate, especially if you are prone to allergies.  related products: https://amzn.to/3JexyUL

Use collagen replacement:

 if you can't handle thick collagen products, go for tablets or powder, or gel. Some fruit-flavored liquid collagen also makes it easier to drink.

Do not use calcium supplements: the amount of calcium has been added at the same time in collagen products, so please stop taking other calcium-containing products to avoid excess calcium. 

Use the right dosage: 

collagen supplements help slow down the aging process. But excessive intake of collagen does not accelerate the regeneration process and can cause side effects. So you just need to add the right amount, do not overdo it. Normally, you should take each training course for 3 months to improve your skin and health.  related products: https://amzn.to/3JexyUL


In addition to supplementing collagen with processed products, you can also find out what you eat to get more collagen. There are many foods rich in collagen such as bone broth, fish with skin, chicken (especially chicken feet), pigskin, fruits rich in vitamin C, garlic, eggs, etc. that you just can include in your day-by-day dinners.

Thus, the side effects of collagen are not so many, but you also need to pay close attention! Don't run out of patience, use the right dose, in the right way, and at the same time give your body reasonable and balanced nutrition to stay healthy!

related products: https://amzn.to/3JexyUL

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