benefits of vitamin c, in health, and, foods rich in vitamin C

benefits of vitamin c, in health, and, foods rich in vitamin C Vitamins are organic compounds that are needed by the body in small quantities. Althou
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benefits of vitamin c, in health, and, foods rich in vitamin C
Vitamin C has a variety of physiological and pharmacological effects, can reduce the permeability of capillary walls, maintain the integrity of vascular walls, and is also an important redox component of the body. Therefore, vitamin C is mainly used in therapy. Scurvy, adjuvant therapy for purpura diseases, is also used to treat allergic diseases, chronic inflammatory skin diseases, and pigmented skin diseases, adjuvant therapy for these diseases, in addition, vitamin C has a certain effect on bone metabolism, especially collagen, so has a certain effect on dental and bone health. Vitamin C can also promote the utilization of calcium, iron, and folic acid. For people with anemia and those with calcium absorption disorders, vitamin C supplementation is required.

What are the benefits of vitamin C on the human body? Continue to the next article.

benefits of vitamin c

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1. rapid wound healing:

Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen in the skin and muscle tissue, which contributes to rapid wound healing. People who are not supplied with vitamin C have a longer wound healing time because their ability to produce collagen is lower. In wound healing, we need to ensure an adequate vitamin supply so that the wound recovers as quickly as possible.  related products:

2. advantages of vitamin C, which promotes heart health:

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect blood vessels and good blood circulation. At the same time, it also improves the instability of plaques in atherosclerosis, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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3. benefits of vitamin C that support heart health

Daily vitamin C supplements help strengthen the immune system because they are involved in many functions of the immune system:

  • The body produces more lymphocytes and phagocytes as a result of vitamin C, which helps defend against infections.
  • These white blood cells work more efficiently in the presence of vitamin C as well, and thanks to their antioxidant properties, vitamin C also fights free radicals in the body that can damage these white blood cells.
  •  Enhanced skin protection.  Vitamin C is an essential component that supports increased skin resistance and has an antioxidant effect.

4. benefits of vitamin c, improve anemia:

Iron deficiency is the primary factor in human anemia. Vitamin C makes a difference moving forward in the retention of press from the eat less. Some studies indicate that iron absorption can be increased by 67% when taking 100 mg of vitamin C.  related products:

5. improve skin aging:

Using enough vitamin C helps increase skin absorption of nutrients. Additionally refreshing, vitamin C prevents chemicals that speed up the aging process of the skin., giving skin youth and vitality.

6. Enhanced resistance:

Vitamin C has many benefits for our body, the first of which is that it can enhance our resistance, vitamin C can promote the use of iron, calcium, and folic acid, which can be converted into nutrients that the body needs, and finally can improve our life.  Body: this is one of the reasons why many people like vitamin C so much.

7. benefits of vitamin c, Treatment of scurvy:

The strength of the vascular wall has a lot to do with the blood capital. When VC is insufficient in the body, micro-Vessels are easily ruptured and blood flows to neighboring tissues. If this happens on the surface, then hyperemia and bruising will occur; if this happens on the body, it will cause pain and swelling of the joints. In severe cases, bleeding in the stomach, intestines, nose, under the periosteum and even death can occur. Vic can reduce capillary fragility and increase the body's resistance.

8. Prevent bleeding gums:

The gums are loose tissue, when there is a lack of protein, calcium, and VC, gingival retraction and bleeding are easy to occur. Vitamin C helps strengthen cell tissues, contributes to the formation of collagen, strengthens bones and teeth, and prevents bleeding gums.

9. Whitening sunscreen:

Scientific research has shown that vitamin C also has whitening and sun protection functions, a topic that worries many beauty-loving women, and a certain amount of vitamin C can improve facial pigmentation and protect the skin.

10.  Wound healing:

When the body accidentally bursts and bleeds, the use of vitamin C helps to stop the bleeding as soon as possible. Vitamin C has a good effect on preventing various joint pain. In addition, it can reduce the metabolism of various amino acids and prolong life.

11. benefits of vitamin c, Detoxification:

A large intake of vitamin C in the body can alleviate the toxic effects of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic on the body.

12. Cancer prevention:

Numerous studies have proven that vitamin C can inhibit the synthesis of carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds and prevent cancer.

Foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is obtained mainly from vegetables and fruits. Many people wrongly think that citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, are what most people turn to for their vitamin C needs., but this is not true. Here are foods with a lot of vitamin C that you can refer to and add to your list.

1. Kakadu plum

Up to 5,300 milligrams of vitamin C may be found in 100 grams of Plum-A. which is much higher than the daily requirement and 100 times higher than oranges.

2. Horned chili pepper

Green chili contains 109 mg of vitamin C, which is equivalent to the ability to provide 65 mg of vitamin C to the body.  related products:

3. guava

It is a fruit that is grown a lot in Vietnam and is available all year round. Guava is rich in vitamin C. One guava contains 126 mg of vitamin Lycopene, a beneficial antioxidant, which is another ingredient found in guava.

4. bell pepper

The content of vitamins in this fruit increases as it ripens. Yellow peppers have the highest vitamin C content among sweet peppers.

5. parsley

 We can add parsley to dishes such as soup, Fu, etc.

6. Lemon

Lemon provides 77 mg of vitamin C in every 100 grams, including the peel. Dark fruits are frequently improved after being chopped and juiced with lemons to lighten their color., this is because lemon contains vitamin C, which is an effective antioxidant.

7.  Orange

 and an average of 100 g of this fruit contains 70 mg of vitamin C, this figure is lower than guava, pepper, and others. 

The above is a list of some common fruits, vitamin C is also found in many other foods such as kale, papaya, strawberries, etc ...


Vitamin C is very important for the body's immune system, heart health, skin diseases, and other benefits. so we must balance the sources of vitamin C and learn about the foods that supply it to the body every day.

Vitamin C can keep us healthy and fend off illnesses if utilized properly. One thing to note: vitamin C is water-soluble, so in the process of processing the food we should not add too much water and process it at too high a temperature. If possible, balance the female with water!

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