Teeth whitening A to Z, can yellow teeth become white

Teeth whitening: a guide A to Z, can yellow teeth become white, and beautiful, causes of yellowing of teeth, when should we whiten teeth
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Teeth whitening A to Z can yellow teeth become white
When you have a bright smile with whiter teeth, it is sure to catch the eyes of many people. Lime occurs periodically. And the regular consumption of colored foods can cause the teeth to discolor, become dull, and no longer be bright and beautiful. At this time, teeth whitening is absolutely necessary.

Teeth whitening , white teeth

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Causes of yellowing of teeth

The first and most common cause of discoloration of our teeth is strange coloring. Specifically, foods and drinks such as tea. coffee, fruit juices, red wine ... And even cigarettes leave behind color particles that stick to the teeth. through a long process, these particles penetrate deep into the enamel columns, making the teeth darker. 

The second reason is due to indoor color pollution. It is a pigment formed from the inside of the tooth as a result of dead pulp. infection with tetracycline antibiotics, age, or genes.

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When should we whiten our teeth?

We whiten teeth only when the color of the teeth begins to turn yellow, and pale due to improper oral hygiene. and eating foods that are harmful to the teeth, due to the tartar layer.  Depending on the location of each person. the level of white teeth after bleaching will be different. It also depends on the health of the mouth and the normal color of the enamel.

Usually, one to two years after teeth whitening. the teeth are likely to change color again. Doctors therefore often advise, after a period of one to two years.to whiten the teeth once and switch to bleaching and home care. In addition, you should visit your dentist every 6 months to check the health of your mouth.

 Things should not whiten teeth

  • Almost anyone can whiten their teeth. However, there are still some special conditions that the doctor prescribes not to take this action, namely:
  • - Pregnant and lactating women
  • - People with oral diseases such as periodontitis, wear neck teeth
  • - Children under 16 years old
  • People who are allergic to bleaching components: carbamide peroxide, hydrogen peroxide ...
  • - The person who installed porcelain teeth
  • People whose teeth are heavily stained with antibiotics will not be effective at bleaching
  • People with certain medical conditions such as epilepsy, mental illness, severe cardiovascular disease, acute kidney failure, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of common teeth whitening methods

 Teeth whitening using natural substances at home

Teeth whitening with natural ingredients such as baking soda. lemon and activated carbon are very easy and less expensive. However, in terms of their effectiveness. they are still only passed on as life hacks, but not recognized.

As for the use of activated charcoal. some dentists report that they have discovered that it is stuck in the pores. blackening the teeth - the opposite of what we originally intended.  Not to mention the rubbing process, which also damages the gums in one form or another.

For baking soda and lemon, which is also not recommended. Baking soda is abrasive and lemon juice is very acidic. These two ingredients do not use fluoride like professional teeth whitening products. This will lead to serious damage to tooth enamel.

Teeth whitening using chemicals at home

At home, in addition to methods of teeth whitening with natural ingredients. there are also chemical methods of teeth whitening. Currently, on the market, there are many types of labels and bleaching powders. and toothpaste with special whitening ingredients to remove yellow stains. However, it is difficult for us to predict the quality of the product. the internal components are safe or not. Not to mention how safe and convenient the focus is to use.

As for toothpaste or tooth whitening lotion,

 both can whiten teeth moderately, which can clean stains on your teeth. It also helps reduce bad breath and kills bacteria.

However, whitening toothpaste does not contain bleaching agents. capable only of removing stains on the surface of the teeth.

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What about mouthwash even though

 it contains teeth whitening agent hydrogen peroxide. But since the contact time between the mouthwash and the teeth is not long. the whitening effect of the mouthwash is not very pronounced.

- Besides, currently on the market there are very prominent teeth-whitening strips

Another way to whiten teeth at home is to use a tooth-whitening film. Teeth whitening membranes are designed to fit your teeth tightly. and allow direct contact with the whitening agent.

 At the dentist, you can have your teeth whitened?

The most popular method of teeth whitening today is whitening in the clinic thanks to its high efficiency and long-term effectiveness. At the dentist, you will use bleach of high concentration, under the influence of strong light. will remove stains from your teeth, and give your teeth a snow-white degree. 

This way the gums and soft tissues are carefully protected. so, you do not have to worry about the impact on your health. The implementation plan is also very fast. within an hour you have snow-white teeth.

However, compared to all the above methods. excessive use of whitening will also affect the tooth enamel and be prone to discoloration and careless care.

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Excessive tooth whitening has negative consequences.

Teeth whitening is a special necessity for women. But it is worth noting that you should not whiten your teeth regularly because whitening makes your teeth sensitive. which is a side effect of leaving whitening chemicals on your teeth for a long time. 

In addition, if you abuse teeth whitening too often. you are also prone to gingivitis and bleeding gums due to the body's reaction to whitening ingredients. In addition, when the teeth turn bluish-white or can see through the edge. this is a warning sign of thinning of the enamel that can lead to nerve damage.

Notes to keep in mind after teeth whitening

  • - Stay away from food, colored drinks, and tobacco. and even use lipstick 24 hours after teeth whitening and should refrain from smoking within two weeks.
  • - Do not drink water that is too hot or cold because at this time the teeth are weak, sensitive, and easily sensitive.

How do keep your teeth white and healthy?

 To maintain stable tooth whiteness, 

we must replenish our bodies with enough water because water can wash away pigment compounds from foods. and drinks that can contaminate tooth enamel.  At the same time, you should rinse your mouth regularly after eating colored foods and drinks.

During the period after bleaching. you should protect the whiteness of your teeth by adjusting your diet. You can still eat foods and drink other drinks. as long as they are not colored.

 Do not eat foods that are too hot and foods that are too cold, 

especially if you have just eaten hot and switched to eating cold immediately. they are very harmful to your teeth.  Be sure to provide the body with essential vitamins and calcium; reduce the intake of sweets to keep your teeth healthy. Practice healthy eating habits. because they are not only good for your teeth and health but also good for your body.

For those who use tobacco,

 if you want your teeth to always be white, do you have to say goodbye to this habit? Because not only is it harmful to your health. but even your teeth are not beautiful and will have a bad effect on your breath.

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 brush your teeth with dental floss and toothpaste.

 Brushing alone is not enough, because it cleans only about 60%. and areas where the brush cannot reach, such as tight spaces. It must therefore be combined with dental floss to clean them and avoid the formation of bacteria that are harmful to the teeth.

you should choose original products,

 with clear instructions for use. At the same time. if you want to use chemical bleaching methods such as stains, and bleaching powder, you should consult your doctor first about how to use them. dosage, and concentration in use so that it is reasonable.  So as not to damage the teeth.

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