Do you know, sauna benefits, sauna room, how to use a, sauna at home

Do you know, sauna benefits, sauna room, how to use a sauna at home The fumigation method for relieving colds and flu is a long-standing effective w
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 Do you know, sauna benefits, sauna room, how to use a sauna at home
The fumigation method for relieving colds and flu is a long-standing effective way to prevent disease. How to do this natural remedy at home correctly

sauna benefits

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Why not use this ancient remedy to help prevent disease

Sauna is one of the oldest cold and flu treatments . In fact, it has a medical basis. When you catch a cold, the accompanying symptoms are a stuffy nose and sore throat.also This is because the blood vessels become inflamed, swollen, and accumulate.also Hot steam can dilute sputum in the nasal cavity, throat, and lungs. Helps soothe sore nose and throat ".

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How do the sauna benefits work against viruses that cause colds

First, let's talk about the virus that causes influenza.

The virus is a parasite that lives on the cells of the human body. also For the virus to multiply, the virus needs to get into a cell, where it can spread to other cells.

Outside the human body, when there are no living cells that stick to it. also, the virus is like a dead organism. So they can be easily killed when washing hands with soap. the antiseptic chemicals in soap are very effective in killing viruses.   related products:

But once it enters human cells, the only way to kill the virus is to let our immune system deal with it. So we talk a lot about increasing resistance during the corona flu season.

Return to the cozy sauna.

sauna benefits,

Steaming with hot water alone will not cure the disease. also, The heat makes it easier for us to breathe.

But if herbs are combined with oriental medicine, the results are different. Ms. Lam Bragg explained leafy plants rich in anti-inflammatory. and antibacterial essential oils are a good choice when steaming to relieve colds. Essential oils that follow Heat help strengthen the body's resistance. that is the only method of prevention.

How to relax in the sauna room, sauna at home

Currently, in compliance with the state closure of non-core companies. also, the Jasmine spa chain does not operate. However, Mrs. Lam Bragg told me about how to use the sauna benefits, to relieve colds at home. Just a rice cooker!.  related products:

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Implementation steps

1. Buy a cake of decongestant leaves from a reliable source. such as the University of Medicine and pharmacy. These leaves should contain essential oils to help clean the nose and throat such as ginger, lemon, mint, eucalyptus, perilla, absinthe, and eucalyptus ...

2. In a small rice cooker, add water to cover the leaves. Dimple.

3. When the water boils, open the lid of the rice cooker. also and wrap a blanket or large towel around your head and the rice cooker.sit in the sauna for 10 to 20 mins. When you see a lot of sweating, stop.

more steps

5. After the sauna at home, do not take a shower immediately. also, The pores open, if the cold shrinks, unable to drain water, which leads to severe colds, slowing blood circulation.

6. After the Steam is over, drink a glass of warm water or hot tea and rest. also, You need to increase the amount of water you take to make up for the amount of water lost during sweating.

7. You can repeat 2 to 3 times a day.

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When steaming, do not wrap more than one blanket or towel. also, This will cause suffocation but does not increase the retention effect of essential oil.

Keep the steam pot away from the face completely. also, avoid coming close to causing the face to burn due to hot steam.

When steaming, keep your eyes closed to protect your eyes from being stung by Essential Oils.

You can lift the towel to breathe if you feel suffocated.

Steam baths should not be used in people with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, eye diseases, skin diseases, or pregnant women.

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