premature greying of hair treatment, premature greying of hair causes

premature greying of hair treatment, premature greying of hair causes Gray hair is characteristic of older people, but some people under the age of
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premature greying of hair treatment,  premature greying of hair causes
Gray hair is characteristic of older people, but some people under the age of 20 have spotted gray hair. How to treat gray hair early.

premature greying. grey  hair

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What is premature greying hair?

Our hair contains millions of hair follicles, which are small bags that line the scalp. These follicles produce hair and color cells that contain melanin. The hair color turns gray when the cells that make the hair color stop working.

By the age of fifty, almost half of the population becomes gray. If you have gray hair before the age of 30 - early 40, then this is called premature graying.

premature greying of hair causes

Graying hair is not a medical problem, except in rare cases when it is caused by a disease. Vietnamese believe that early graying is caused by "bad blood", scientists have the following explanations:

1. premature greying of hair causes,  Lack of vitamins and minerals

Deficiency of any of the vitamins B6, vitamins 12, biotin (vitamin 7), or vitamins. and. Contributions to the appearance of premature graying of hair.

A report on the advancement location in 2015 expressed that a lack of Vitamins D 3 and.12 and copper minerals can influence hair color. Just add a sufficient amount of these vitamins, and the hair color will return.

A report published in the International Journal of Trichology in 2016 looked at the causes of premature graying of hair in a group of young Indians under the age of 25. The results showed that low levels of ferritin (the blood protein that stores iron) along with a lack of vitamin B12 and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were among the causes of premature graying of hair.

2.  Oxidative stretch causes immune system illnesses

Oxidative stress occurs when the body's antioxidants are not strong enough to fight free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that cause cell damage, which is the cause of aging and disease.

Severe oxidative stress can lead to autoimmune diseases such as vitiligo and alopecia.

In vitiligo, the immune system attacks its cells, including melanin cells. Hair turns gray when cells that produce melanin die or fail to perform their function.

Alopecia causes hair loss in the scalp, face, and other places of the body. When hair grows back, it often turns white due to a lack of melanin.

People with hypothyroidism are also at risk of premature graying of hair.

3. premature greying of hair caused,  Due to genes

According to a report published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and leprosy in 2013, most of us suffer from premature graying of hair due to our genes. 

Sweat and sweat also determine the early graying of hair. Asians typically begin to have gray hair in their late thirties, whites in their mid-thirties, and African Americans in their thirties.

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4. premature greying of hair caused, Due to hair care products and hair dyes

All chemical hair dyes and products such as shampoos and conditioners contain harmful ingredients that reduce melanin causing premature graying of hair.

Hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) is a major component of hair dyes and bleaches. It contains a solid brightening impact. Frequent bleaching will eventually make your hair white.

5. premature greying due to stress

Most of us think that anxiety will make our hair gray. A report by New York University published in the Journal Natu found evidence that hair color disappears when the body is exposed to stress.

However, other studies suggest that stress plays only a small part of the big picture, with disease and other factors to blame for the premature graying of hair.

6. Smoking

A 2013 study published in the Italian Journal of Dermatology Online found that smokers are 2.5 times more likely to develop premature graying than non-smokers. Cigarette smoking is also harmful to hair.

Early gray hair what to do Methods of preventing and treating early graying

If genes are the cause of early graying, there's nothing you can do about it. But if the cause is illness or lack of vitamins, you can solve these problems.

1. Early gray hair what to do Antioxidant food supplement

Early gray hair what to do A diet rich in antioxidants can prevent oxidative stress. You should add more fresh vegetables and fruits, drink green tea, eat more fish, especially oily fish containing omega-3, and add extra olive oil.

Foods such as eggs, meat, and seafood contain a lot of vitamin B12. Milk, salmon, and cheese are good sources of vitamin D. You can also take vitamin supplements to speed up the process of restoring hair color.

Do not ignore sources of copper metal such as beef liver, almonds, dark chocolate, asparagus, lentils, etc.

What to do with early graying Eat foods rich in the enzyme catalase: 

garlic, cabbage, sweet potatoes, broccoli, almonds, and turnips.

A teaspoon of ground ginger with a teaspoon of honey should be eaten every day. Add 1 teaspoon of molasses if you like.

In addition, you need to add carrot juice, wheat juice, black sesame, and gooseberry juice. Indian ginseng (ashwagandha) is also famous for helping to restore black hair.

⁕ Advice:  egg white for hair,10 ways to incubate hair with chicken eggs

2. Early gray hair what to do Restoring hair color with natural ingredients

The pigments only serve to cover the gray hair for a short time, then the roots of the gray hair will soon be revealed. Not to mention that the dyes are very harmful to the hair as mentioned. The natural methods described below can be a more effective solution for premature graying of hair.

Coconut oil: every night before bedtime, you should massage your hair and scalp with coconut oil. The following morning, wash your hair as regular.

Fenugreek seeds: crush fenugreek seeds and mix with 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil, add a few drops of vitamin E if you like, then put them in a jar to save for later use.  Apply the mixture to your scalp, leave for 10 minutes, and then wash as usual.

♦ Curry leaves: 

crush curry leaves and mix with yogurt, then apply to hair and scalp, wash your hair after 30 minutes, do this 2-3 times a week.

♦ Black tea:

 this tea can help make black hair shiny and soft. Dip 3-5 bags of black tea in 500 ml of boiling water, wait until cool, and then apply to damp hair. Tea can also be mixed with conditioner, rinse your hair, wait an hour and then wash.

 Squid grass (stained): what to do with early graying You can use squid grass, pound, or puree to get water, then stir with a few tablespoons of coconut oil or sesame oil and leave to boil, cool and massage the scalp. 

♦ Gooseberry (tamarind Forest)

 is also known as Indian amla fruit. You mash this fruit and boil it with coconut oil. Let cool and then apply to the scalp. You can also mix gooseberry powder with coconut oil and apply it directly to the scalp.

⁕ Advice:  how to use avocado for hair growth, 10 ways to embrace hair with avocado 

Ghee butter: 

twice a week you massage your hair and scalp with pure ghee butter to improve hair color.


 you grind the onion and then filter it from the water and then apply it to the scalp and leave for 30 minutes and then wash your hair. Do it once a week.

⁕ Advice:   7 ways to, treat dry hair, from natural ingredients

Black pepper:

 mix 1 teaspoon of black pepper powder with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and half a jar of yogurt. Massage the mixture into the scalp, leave for an hour and then wash off. Do this 3 times a week.


In addition, to dye your hair black: use the kernel of the watermelon fruit, and boil it for 4 hours with coconut oil until the mixture turns black. Let cool and then apply to scalp and hair. After 45 minutes, wash it off. Repeat 2-3 times a week until the hair is colored to taste.

We hope that the above methods will help you to have beautiful, healthy, and youthful hair and no longer worry about what to do with gray hair soon.  related products:

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