5 amazing and unexpected benefits of calcium for your body

5 Unexpected Benefits of Calcium for Your Body, strengthens enamel and helps muscle tissues agree, Stronger bones, diminishes blood strain
Estimated read time: 6 min

5 amazing and unexpected benefits of calcium for your body
Calcium is vital for more than truly wholesome bones. 
From regulating your body’s metabolism to soothing an upset stomach. also, the Benefits of Calcium can benefit you in more ways than you might have known! 
Here are five unexpected benefits of calcium that you may not have known about before.

Benefits of Calcium

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1) Benefits of Calcium, Strengthens your enamel

From gum illnesses to brittle bones, the Benefits of Calcium are right in your ordinary fitness. One of its most crucial functions is to strengthen your teeth and bones. 

As you age, these two parts of your body can become weakened and susceptible to serious conditions like osteoporosis. 

With calcium’s help, however, you can delay those problems or even avoid them entirely. 

On the off chance that you're incapable to reach or ingest sufficient calcium through food alone, talk together with your specialist about taking a supplement. 

You may be surprised by how much it helps.

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2) helps muscle tissues agreement

Some things have suggested that getting more calcium into your body by eating less can prevent age-related decline in muscle strength. 

This is because calcium is needed to help muscles contract. 

The recommended daily intake of calcium is 1,000 mg per day (source). Milk and cheese are among the best dietary sources of calcium, along with kale, Choi's book, and sardines (source).

 Benefits of Calcium supplements are also available.:

 To get a little bit thinner or to help avoid bone misfortune as you age. consider adding a glass of milk or a slice of cheese at every meal — and don't forget the leafy greens. 

However, eating a lot of calcium is not always a good thing. According to some research, high levels of calcium can increase the risk of heart disease (source). 

Keep your intake between 1,000 and 2,500 mg per day for benefits without risks.

 If you are taking a supplement, try not to exceed 500-1000 mg per day unless advised to by your doctor.

3) Benefits of Calcium, Stronger bones

When most people think of calcium, they almost think of solid bones. 

That's because calcium is essential for bone health. 

Most people assume that bones get stronger as we age and prevent us from breaking them as we age. but our bones become more brittle with age due to a natural process called osteoporosis.

 Osteoporosis occurs:

When there is not enough new bone formation (known as bone remodeling) to replace old bone that breaks down. 

Fortunately, research shows that increasing dietary. calcium intake may reduce bone loss and help prevent osteoporosis by helping your body make more new bone cells. it breaks down each day. 

For healthy adults over 50 years of age, 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day is recommended. 

If you are under 50 years old or have been diagnosed with or are at risk of developing osteoporosis, 1,200 milligrams per day is recommended.

4)diminishes blood strain. 

Aside from being an essential nutrient, calcium helps regulate our blood pressure. 

Research has found that people who eat adequate amounts of calcium are less likely to develop high blood pressure. 

If you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor about taking calcium supplements.

 Keep in mind that too much calcium can lead to constipation. so, start with a low dose and work up if necessary. Besides food sources like milk and yogurt,

Calcium supplements are available without a prescription:

 in the form of tablets. To maximize absorption, look for primary or colloidal forms that do not contain binders or fillers (do not contain gelatin capsules).

 Talk to your doctor someday recently to get you started on any unused supplement routine.

5) Blood sugar levels are improved.

If you have diabetes, it is easy to think that your primary concern is your blood sugar levels. But you have another health issue at hand:

bone density. the reason:

In type 2 diabetes, insulin production decreases, and your body has trouble absorbing glucose — causing your blood sugar levels to rise even more.

 Sudden spikes in glucose can damage or kill cells — something diabetics already struggle with because their bodies don't absorb glucose normally. 

For example, according to 2011 research published in the Diabetic Medicine Journal. people with diabetes are three times more likely to die from a hip fracture than those without diabetes. 

For anyone with diabetes or other metabolic diseases. finding an appropriate source of calcium can be essential to maintaining proper blood sugar levels. while also helping bones maintain their strength. So,

 What is the best way to get enough calcium?

 Milk, cheese, and yogurt contain a lot of high-quality calcium. 

And if you don't like dairy, consider taking a supplement. According to 2012 research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, adults who take 1,000 milligrams (mg) per day of supplemental calcium have lower rates of heart disease than those who don't. 

It may sound like a strange coupling (calcium and heart disease). but experts say it makes sense when considering that lower blood pressure is linked to better heart health and stronger bones.

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