7 ways to repair dry lips | according to the latest information

7 ways to repair dry lips. Nutritional supplement to moisturize the skin. Preventing the spread of xerostomia. Lip care . Add water. Sleep well
Estimated read time: 6 min

7 ways to repair dry lips | according to the latest information
The condition of both sides of the mouth is dry for many different reasons. In general, these symptoms will not be alarming but will lead to a loss of aesthetics and a lack of confidence in people with dry mouths. Some remedies for dry mouth on both sides of the mouth below will be very helpful.

dry lips. A man's lips are dehydrated

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dry lips.1. Nutritional supplement to moisturize the skin

To treat dry mouth, you need to add foods rich in B vitamins such as fresh fruits and vegetables such as avocados, tomatoes, carrots, oranges, and bananas ...

Instead of eating it directly, you can turn it into nutritious juices. This will prevent boredom when eating and better absorption.  

In addition, you can add collagen to keep your skin hydrated and soft. Some foods rich in collagen in nature such as soybeans, red meat, eggs, and whole grains can be mentioned.

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 dry lips.2. Preventing the spread of xerostomia

To avoid drying out the sides of your mouth, you must effectively prevent it from spreading. Specifically, do not share utensils and food with people with these symptoms to avoid the spread of the virus.  

In addition, it is necessary to take measures to minimize damage and treat cracks caused by skin peeling. For example, use the gel, apply cold water, do not peel off the flakes, and rub vigorously ...

3. Lip care to prevent dry lips

One of the treatments for dry mouth is to maintain the softness of the lips. You should proceed to Lip Peeling, and then apply a natural lip balm without preservatives.

It is necessary to choose light detergents and skincare products that provide moisture. Avoid washing your face for too long, making dry skin worse.

You can use some natural essential oils to soothe the skin such as avocado, olive oil, barley, honey, and coconut oil ... Finally, apply sunscreen to your face before going out.

You can also massage the skin around your lips with almond oil daily. These nutrients help soften the lips and reduce cracks that cause pain. related products: https://amzn.to/3wWIaVT

4. Add enough water to the body

Water has the effect of purifying, detoxifying, and improving skin moisture. Drink enough water every day to reduce cracked and dry mouth edges.

Divide your water intake into smaller specific times throughout the day to ensure you get at least 2 liters of water. It is best to carry a bottle of drinking water with you at all times.

5. Sleep well and deep

Getting enough sleep, good sleep helps the metabolic system and eliminates toxins better. Thanks to it, the skin around the mouth and other areas will become fresh and no longer dry. Symptoms and dryness on both sides of the mouth also improved.  related products: https://amzn.to/3wWIaVT

6. Apply a mask to treat dry lips

Many types of masks help nourish and moisturize the skin. You can try a honey mask, yogurt mask, vitamin E mask, banana mask, egg mask, aloe mask, avocado mask, or oatmeal mask ...

Used once every two weeks to support the treatment of dry skin around the mouth.

7. Use the drug as prescribed

In case of prolonged dry mouth but the above procedures are ineffective, you should see a doctor. Your dermatologist will prescribe the right medications for you to use.

Note that it is necessary to adhere to the specified time and dosage.

 This ensures the best therapeutic effect and avoids drug addiction.

The dryness on both sides of the mouth is annoying and ugly-looking. Therefore, finding the cause and therapeutic solutions is necessary.

Causes of dry lips on both sides of the mouth

Why do the sides of the mouth dry out Understanding the cause will greatly help in the final treatment process. Some of the main causes of dry mouth are:

1. dry lips due to insufficient oil on the skin

2. Irritated skin

3. Cold weather causes dry lips.

4. Atopic dermatitis around the mouth

5. Skin health

In addition, dry skin at the edges of the mouth is also caused by:

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related products: https://amzn.to/3wWIaVT

a summary:

Dry lips are a common problem. They can feel uncomfortable and even painful. They can also limit your ability to smile and eat. If you have dry lips, you may have tried countless products and remedies to fix the problem.

Dry lips can be frustrating, especially when you want to kiss someone or eat something. When lips are dry, they feel rough and painful to the touch, and they don't feel like they are getting enough moisture. Sometimes dry lips can be a sign of a bigger problem, such as a cold or allergy. However, in most cases, dry lips can be cured with a few simple steps.

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