Why do you have, unexplained muscle soreness, when exercising.

Why do you have, unexplained muscle soreness, when exercising. And what, extreme muscle soreness In the world of fitness, there is a saying that it
Estimated read time: 9 min

Why do you have, unexplained muscle soreness, when exercising?

 And what, extreme muscle soreness? In the world of fitness, there is a saying that it is difficult to beat champions with muscle pain. For years, sports professionals and scientists have been stumped by this question. aches and pains last for a few days and inevitably make you not want to step. Feet in the gym anymore.  

unexplained muscle soreness

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So what is unexplained muscle soreness and how do explain other problems? 

 unexplained muscle soreness, is an inevitable part of the exercise, just as if you are working. you will eat. 

If you have ever tried lower body exercises such as squats, do you still remember feeling numb in the ass and thighs after exercise?    

Feeling mild pain for a few days makes you unable to walk comfortably as usual. Many people call it leg day (leg day)

 but instead, let's the day.

This obsessive pain is one of the reasons why many people do not dare to continue their training journey because they think it hurts them without seeing any benefits.

 On the contrary, some people are so fanatical that they think that it takes muscle pain to call it an effective exercise, to stimulate muscle growth.

So, who is right and who is wrong What causes muscle pain, and is this pain really necessary for muscle growth?

Why do you suffer from unexplained muscle soreness?

For years, sports professionals and scientists have been baffled by this question.

 Many theories have been put forward to explain muscle soreness after exercise, the most common you've probably heard is due to lactic acid buildup in the muscles.

Muscle contraction

 is an energy-consuming activity for muscle cells, and to produce that energy it must perform cellular respiration, which consists in breaking down nutrient molecules (often glucose) in water and carbonic acid, releasing the energy attached in Fig. 

 Of molecules ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

This breathing process needs oxygen to burn the material. 

But when the body does not get enough oxygen (such as during strenuous exercise), muscle cells can still breathe in slightly different ways, with by-products created including lactic acid. 

According to popular theory, 

too much lactic acid accumulates in the muscles without being transported by blood flow, causing muscle pain. 

However, a study by the Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand) has shown that this interpretation is incorrect

Another common theory 

is that the muscles are painful due to microtraumas, which are microscopic ruptures that arise during intense exercise? 

Scientists from Yokohama City University (Japan) tried to test this hypothesis, and what they discovered was very surprising: the affected muscles do not always cause pain and vice versa. 

 Just because you feel unexplained muscle soreness, doesn't mean your muscles have been damaged too much

Thus, the cause of unexplained muscle soreness is not necessarily due to micro-injury. So, what is the real reason why we feel pain after strenuous exercise

The following is the result of a Concordia University (Denmark) study:

 the sensation of unexplained muscle soreness does not come from the muscle cells themselves, but from damage to the connective tissue that permeates and surrounds the muscle bundle. 

 In other words, partial damage to the connective tissue in the muscle (but not muscle tissue) is what causes your pain after exercise.

Of course, in addition to connective tissue, many other factors affect the level and duration of unexplained muscle soreness, in each person, such as nutrition, various exercise methods, and genetic background ...    related products: https://amzn.to/3EuDbNJ

It makes everyone feel pain like no other, even when applying the same exercise regimen.

So muscle pain

 is not caused by lactic acid or fine muscle damage, but by connective tissue damage and is influenced by many environmental factors as well as the location of each person. 

 Of course, more research is still needed to fully clarify the mechanism that causes muscle pain.

While we wait for this clear answer, let's take a look at some other common questions about muscle pain. 

These are questions that almost anyone who has undergone an exercise wants to know, but many different answers do not know the truth.

1. Is it normal for the unexplained muscle soreness, to last for a few days

First, it is necessary to distinguish the feeling of muscle pain. more accurately called fatigue or fatigue, which occurs during exercise. from the genuine agony that usually shows up later (it may not be until the next day).  ) Continued for several days afterward.

Muscle fatigue during exercise

is brought on by a shortage of oxygen. electrolyte imbalance. and accumulation of metabolic waste during muscle cell activity (similar to the aforementioned lactic acid hypothesis).  

Another reason for this phenomenon is the nerve fibers. that feed the muscles are stimulated continuously and without stopping. resulting in a dormant state, unable to control muscle contraction anymore.   related products: https://amzn.to/3EuDbNJ

The feeling of muscle pain that occurs after stopping exercise

 for a while is called by its name:

  •  delayed muscle onset, 
  • that is, 
  • delayed unexplained muscle soreness, 
  • abbreviated as DOMS. 

 This is a phenomenon that absolutely all athletes have experienced, especially in the early days or when returning to practice after a long period of negligence.

DOMS has a unique feature.

is that it usually appears only the next day, and can last up to 3-4 days, but then with regular practice, we will not experience such pain as at first. 

Once again. 

Scientists at University College London have found that certain exercises. are likely to cause more pain in DOMS. especially the extensor phase of the movement (eccentric or passive) will cause more painful pain than the concentric phase.  

To make it easier to imagine, it can be said that when running on a slope. you will feel more unexplained muscle soreness, than when running on a normal horizontal plane. as shown by a study by the University of Wales (UK). 

In terms of self-feeling,

 Rhea causes more pain and lasts longer than muscle strain due to fatigue. even making you unable to walk normally for a few days after exercise.   related products: https://amzn.to/3EuDbNJ

As for the cause, unlike muscle strain caused by the accumulation of excreta and dormant nerves. the cause of DOMS is tissue damage as discussed in the previous section.

So the feeling of unexplained muscle soreness appears late and continues. in an unusual way that you feel is a completely normal phenomenon. you don't have to worry too much!

2. But is muscle pain always normal

Just like any other problem in the body. if the pain has an obvious cause (in this case, exercise) and does not last long (a few days after exercise), you can rest assured that it is a problem. 

This is a perfectly normal physiological occurrence.

However, if you do not exercise and still have muscle pain. or the pain lasts longer than usual, it is best to see a doctor to examine you and determine the cause.

 Most likely it is the initial manifestation of serious diseases of muscles. nerves, heredity, or side effects of drugs ...

3. Is it necessary for muscular growth to experience pain?

This is a question that many people ask. and also leads to the division of the world of sports into two opposing schools. 

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Most beginners believe that muscle pain is effective.

 and it is called sufficient capital for muscle stimulation. 

Many people even keep this belief for many years and help spread it to many others.

However, scientific studies have refuted this idea. 

Muscle damage

 is indeed one of the factors that contribute to muscle growth, but it is not the only one, and more importantly, the sensation of muscle pain is also not a true reflection of how much muscle is damaged from training.   related products: https://amzn.to/3EuDbNJ

There is also a study from Northern Arizona University. that also shows that training with little or no muscle damage can still stimulate muscle growth.

So the truth is clear: we do not have to torment to the point of aching pain for muscle growth. but excessive muscle damage can be counterproductive. making it difficult for muscles to recover.  

Pain is not an accurate measure of muscle gain.

4. Do you need rest so that the pain goes away before continuing

Also a problem for all beginners, but the answer to this question is

 very simple (as the video was shared above):

 it is not necessary to rest until the pain disappears completely. 
Although Rhea's pain can last for days or even weeks. you don't need to rest until it's completely gone and your body is comfortable training that muscle group again. 
Research by National Chiayi University has shown that muscles. are still able to grow when exercising while muscles are still painful.

 Of course, 

if the pain is caused not only by muscles. but my bones, joints, or ligaments, then this is a completely different matter, you need not only absolutely rest. but also, a visit to a specialist. 
However, when you say that you can exercise while still experiencing muscle pain. it is still necessary to repeat the golden rule of training that you do not train the same muscle group. for two days in a row. 

  Muscles need a certain amount

 of time to recover. and repair the damage, regardless of whether you feel pain or not.
 Therefore, you should arrange a reasonable exercise schedule and not force your muscles to work to the point of exhaustion, which is not entirely useful, but also weakens the muscles and limits their ability to develop. So, you understood more about the phenomenon of muscle pain. as well as the surrounding mysteries. Apply these ideas to your training process to achieve the best results. while ensuring the integrity of your muscles. 
I wish you good health and success on your chosen journey!
related products: https://amzn.to/3EuDbNJ

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