Why does the habit of, fasting, and, eating less, lead to the accumulation of, belly fat,?

Why does the habit of, fasting, and, eating less, lead to the accumulation of, belly fat,? Fat loss and weight loss are not only based on fasting
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Why does the habit of, fasting, and, eating less, lead to the accumulation of, belly fat,?
Fat loss and weight loss are not only based on fasting
it cannot help you lose fat. But it can also cause the opposite reaction, making you store fat faster. The reason is that it slows down the body's metabolism.

eating less

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What is metabolism,

In your body, there are always periodic activities and regular cycles. For example, breathing, healing of damaged cells, and the birth of new ones.    

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also, All these activities are part of metabolism (metabolism).

For these activities to occur in moderation, without stopping, you need energy. The minimum amount of energy your body needs to complete these activities is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR).

It can be seen that even if you do not exercise, do not work, or just sleep, your body still consumes calories. The basal metabolic rate uses 40 to 70 percent of your total daily calories.

 Factors affecting metabolism,

 eating less".

You may find that people with a faster basal metabolic rate use more calories. also From there, fewer calories remain, which leads to the accumulation of fat. related productshttps://amzn.to/35MryVE

So why is there a difference between these metabolic rates

The reason comes from your age, gender, genes as well as daily lifestyle.

In general, muscle cells require more energy to maintain than fat cells. also, Therefore, people who train hard, like athletes, will burn more calories than people who exercise less.

It is also for this reason that men use more energy than women. Because the female body has more fat cells, especially around the chest and abdomen area.

As we get older, the body ages lose muscle, and gain fat. also This explains why basal energy metabolism decreases as we enter middle age.

Concerning genes, science has not yet fully understood how genes affect metabolism.so Just know that genes greatly affect the body's ability to build muscle. also, he has a significant effect on the basal metabolic rate.

Why fasting, and eating less can slow down metabolism؟

As you have seen, the body needs a minimum amount of energy to function properly. However, many women may not know this. They look forward to fasting methods, diets that limit calorie intake to the maximum. The calorie content they eat is often lower than their basal metabolic rate.

And in front of this situation, the body enters a dormant state. also, The body believes that we lack resources and food. So the body automatically reduces the basal metabolic rate, to store energy, which helps us survive for a long time. 

If you consume energy, your body will try to store it as fat, instead of digesting it, 

says Amy Shapiro, registered dietitian, and founder 

In general, fasting, eating less, and not loading enough calories makes your body store fat faster.

 ❣ Advice:  What,s intermittent fasting?  A to Z on intermittent fasting

How to fast,  fat effectively؟

eating less".

You always need to combine sugar with exercise. This is the best way to get rid of fat.

This can be explained as follows:

at fasting,  You need to consume enough calories to meet the metabolic rate of Essential Energy. The body is satisfied with this energy content, there is no need to store it in the form of fat. Then you do more exercise to expend the energy stored in your fat cells.

In addition, nutritionist Yasi Ansari from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in the United States said 

that the ideal way to eat is to eat small meals every 3-4 hours.  This way of eating makes you tell your body that you have enough energy and do not need to store calories.

Yasi Ansari says,

 if you want to try intermittent fasting, you need to make sure you get a minimum amount of energy.

How to calculate how many calories are needed for basal metabolism

Use the following formula to calculate your basal metabolic rate: 447,593 + (9,247 x weight in kilograms) + (3,098 height in centimeters) - (4.33 age in years).

Then calculate how many calories your body burns. You'll get this number based on your weekly exercise routine (30 minutes or more each).

If you exercise less than once a week: 1.2

Exercise 1-3 days/week: 1.375

Regular exercise 3-5 days a week: 1.55

If you Train 6 to 7 days a week: 1,752

If you exercise twice a day: 1.9

Take the basal metabolic rate-expenditure of calories = calories that must be loaded into the body every day.


 This is the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight, based on how often you exercise each week. If you want to lose weight, you need to cut 200 to 500 calories.

related products: https://amzn.to/35MryVE

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