10 amazing benefits of Periwinkle, you may not know about

The benefits of periwinkle have the effect of lowering blood pressure, calming nerves, treating cancer, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory
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 10 amazing benefits of Periwinkle, you may not know about 
Periwinkle is one of the best medicinal herbs you can use to improve your health and well-being, yet most people in Western society haven’t even heard of it. Here are 10 amazing benefits of Periwinkle that will change your life for the better!

benefits of Periwinkle. nature flower periwinkle pink color

1. Relieves swelling, pain, and ulceration of the skin surface:

When there is a burn, it can be immediately smashed and applied externally to the affected area, which can quickly reduce swelling and can also avoid feeling the affected area is healed in addition, when you have swelling, pain, and ulceration on the surface of the skin, Grace therapy can quickly alleviate the condition. 

benefits of Periwinkle 2. Diabetes mellitus:

In many Asian folk medicines, periwinkle is traditionally used to treat diabetes. In the Philippines and China, the plant is boiled for a few minutes and consumed daily to help control insulin levels in the body and reduce high blood pressure.

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3. Helps stop bleeding:

Periwinkle is famous for its ability to prevent bleeding, thereby promoting healing. The oil extracted from the leaves can help treat nosebleeds and gums. It can also be used to relieve hemorrhoidal bleeding. As a good hemostatic agent, this herb is strong enough to help regulate bleeding during menstruation and menopause.

benefits of Periwinkle 4. Prevent high blood pressure:

Periwinkle medicine has a certain preventive effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, can avoid capillary breakage, can clean the blood, promote the circulatory system, can nourish the heart, improve the human resources of heart and lung function, and can make people's health.  Maintaining a normal and stable heart rate can prevent hypertension from occurring, and taking it regularly can reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. 

5. Strengthen memory:

Periwinkle leaves and seeds contain high amounts of vinblastine, an alkaloid associated with strengthening memory and improving cognitive function. Madagascar periwinkle helps to increase blood circulation in the brain, helps brain metabolism, improves intelligence, prevent memory loss, and improve thinking ability by preventing brain cell aging.  This herb also helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

6. Cancer:

Vinca is a common herbal remedy for cancer, including leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, malignant lymphoma, neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor, and Kaposi's sarcoma. When consumed as a tea, this plant helps prevent cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body. It also contains Rosin and shiny rosin, which help in the treatment of Hodgkin's disease.

7. Relieve stress and anxiety:

Periwinkle helps to improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure levels. Therefore, this herb can be effectively used in the treatment of anxiety and stress.

8. Mouth ulcers:

Periwinkle is rich in astringent properties, which makes it a remedy for ulcers. Use Madagascar periwinkle tea as a mouthwash to relieve pain and inflammation of mouth ulcers and promote excellent healing.

9.   Improve the body's anti-infection ability:

There are also a variety of ingredients with pure natural medicinal value such as alkali and copper in periwinkle granules. It has a strong antitumor and bactericidal effect, which can solve allergies and pathogenic bacteria in the human body, and can inhibit the privacy of bacteria in the human body.  It can prevent the body from being infected with this type of bacteria, it can also improve the body's anti-infection ability and antiviral treatment, and it can avoid a variety of viral diseases. 

a summary:

Whole laryngeal wort can be used as an antibacterial, antispasmodic, diuretic, astringent, as well as a sedative to calm nervous disorders, as well as to relieve colitis, digestive upset, and diarrhea, as a tea drink, tincture, or as an extract.  In addition, periwinkle has a long history of medical use in the treatment of diabetes and hypertension.
In addition to the above medicinal value, periwinkle is often used to help patients with cerebral atherosclerosis to enhance blood circulation. People also sometimes use it to treat sore throat, bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, mouth sores, gingivitis, and nosebleeds. It is also often used to relieve heavy menstrual bleeding due to its ability to stop excess bleeding.

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