You may not know the10 amazing apricot flower benefits

apricot flower benefits for bronchitis, chronic coughs, chronic diarrhea, roundworms, fungal skin infections, warts, gastrointestinal cramps
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You may not know the10 amazing apricot flower benefits 

Recent research shows the benefits of the apricot flower. the effect of promoting bile secretion, and inhibiting some types of bacteria. as E-coli, dysentery bacillus, typhoid bacillus, cholera bacteria, tuberculosis bacillus... 
The apricot flower contains many essential oils such as cineole. borneol, linalool, benzyl alcohol, farnesol, terpineol, indole. and some other substances such as migration, Caly canthus, and carotene.

here are some apricot flower benefits if you want to read

apricot flower benefits. Apricot tree flowers

apricot flower benefits have the effect of neutralizing anger, talking chemicals, and detoxifying.

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apricot flower benefits, help treat Pharyngitis and intense tonsillitis:

(1) apricot blossom 6g, black ginseng 9g, extract 9g, premium drink.

 (2) Apricot flower 15g, honeysuckle 15g, plaster 15g, black ginseng 9g, an excellent drink. 

(3) 9 grams of apricot blossom brewed with boiling water in an airtight jar. drink it instead of tea during the day.

apricot flower benefits, new smallpox treatment:

use the right amount of white apricot blossom, and dry it. crushed, sweet with molasses into green pea-sized granules, according to age, oral drug dosage, such as 1 year, take 1 tablet, per day add 3 grains aged 3 Years, drink it with hot water.3 times a day, it will be cured - a miracle.

apricot flower benefits, help treat Persistent cough: 

(1) 9 grams of apricot flower drink in place of tea during the day.

 (2) 10 grams of apricot blossom, 10 grams of flower, and 60 grams of plain rice. all boiled into gruel, prepared from a little honey, divided, and eaten several times a day.

 help treat Burns:

 The apricot flower is soaked in tea oil. and then placed on the burned area.

 apricot flower benefits, help treat Hypertension, and angina pectoris:

 3g apricot flower, 10g herbal remedy, drenched. with boiling water in an airtight jar, after 15 minutes can be used, drink it instead of tea during the day. 

Prevention of measles and chickenpox:

 In the early morning of December (December of the lunar calendar) pick 100 white apricots soaked with dew and seasoned with a little white sugar. Take 3 to 5 pieces at a time, 3 times a day - Real Medicine Luong Phuong.

  apricot flower benefits, Protect your eyes:

benefits of the apricot flower, To protect the eyes and relieve eye strain, people drink apricot flowers soaked in water. The main effect is that apricot flowers contain a variety of trace elements and vitamins, which have pronounced nourishing effects on the human eyes. Relieves astringent dry eyes, and eye fatigue, can have a particularly good moisturizing effect on human eyes, is often used to soak in water for drinking, and can prevent vision loss, and prevent dry eye diseases. 

apricot flower benefits, Preventing anger:

apricot flower benefits are a cold and cold ingredient, people use it to soak in water to get rid of heat and detoxify, preventing the accumulation of thermotaxis in the body.  Drinking them in water often prevents a variety of symptoms of anger, especially when people suffer from gums, after swelling and ulceration of the mouth, use apricot flower soaked in water to drink more, which reduces the symptoms of discomfort in the body, as well as symptoms such as dry mouth, cough with phlegm and hoarseness.  It is also possible to drink an apricot flower soaked in water promptly.

 Promote digestion:

Drinking apricot flowers in water can also promote the digestive juice of drinking flowers in water, allowing the human body to absorb rich dietary fiber and some trace elements.  Substances accumulate in the intestines, often soaked in water with apricot flowers for drinking, can moisturize the intestines, purify the intestines, remove toxins from them and prevent the occurrence of obesity. 

apricot flower benefits for Beauty and beauty:

Drinking water with apricot flowers can beautify and nourish the skin. It allows human skin to absorb trace elements and minerals, and can also promote the regeneration and reproduction of skin cells, keeping human skin young and healthy. It is often used for soaking in water. Drinking it can also relieve the skin surface color temperature, eliminate acne and acne on the skin surface, and has obvious benefits for maintaining human skin health.


White apricot is used to treat sore throats and arthritis. which is the white apricot tree. To avoid being confused with the yellow apricot tree, learn about the properties and effects of white apricots in the article below.

Thus, in addition to the pure beauty. and elegance of the white apricot tree, the apricot flower also has many healing effects. which are very good for our health? 

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