5 tips for treating stretch marks | from nature for women after childbirth

5 tips for treating stretch marks from nature for women after childbirth. coffee grounds. Cacti. Egg whites. Coconut oil. Lemon and fresh milk
Estimated read time: 6 min

5 tips for treating stretch marks | from nature for women after childbirth
Stretch marks are a constant obsession, which makes us self-conscious about our bodies. especially women after childbirth. discover 5 tips for treating stretch marks from nature for women after childbirth very quickly and effectively!

stretch marks. treating stretch marks

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1. Treatment of stretch marks after childbirth with coffee grounds

According to some experts, coffee grounds can be used to exfoliate. tighten, lighten and shrink pores. The caffeine contained in coffee has the effect of stimulating blood circulation. creating firm, smooth skin.

Furthermore, caffeine also limits the appearance of cellulite (the area of fat that accumulates under the skin and is surrounded by toxins. creating a rough appearance like an orange peel) thus improving damaged skin and blurring the appearance of wrinkles and cracked skin.


* Half a cup of ground coffee;.Half a glass of water.


Mix coffee with water thoroughly and stir well until the mixture becomes dense enough. Apply the mixture evenly to the stretch marks and gently massage for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, use a damp cloth to wipe or rinse with water gently to remove this mixture. Frequency of application: with this coffee stretch mark remedy, you can use it every day of the week and after only about 2-3 weeks, the stretch marks will gradually disappear and disappear.

2. treating stretch marks Cacti

Aloe vera has always been a miracle food that women believe in due to its great use not only for health but also for beauty. In Beauty, people use aloe vera to reduce skin aging. create moisture and restore damage to the skin, especially with stretch marks.


1 aloe leaf10 capsules; vitamin E find Vitamin E capsules here. Work:

Aloe leaves are washed using a thin knife to separate the outer shell. Use a teaspoon to scrape off about of the gel inside and place it in a clean container. Put 10 capsules of vitamin E in a jelly bowl and mix thoroughly. Apply this mixture to the skin and massage gently until completely absorbed. Use warm water to rinse. after 20 minutes.

3.  treating stretch marks Egg whites

Chicken eggs are known to be nutritious food. providing excellent protein like meat, fish, and shrimp. In particular, egg white brings many health and aesthetic benefits that many women are confident in.

Egg white not only helps to whiten the skin. tighten the skin of the face and prevent the appearance of acne but also helps to restore and regenerate collagen for cracked skin.


1 egg (separate the whites and put them in a bowl)teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.


Mix the separated egg whites with half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. and beat with a whisk. Use this mixture to apply to stretch marks and massage gently for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Frequency of execution: 7 times a week and only after 2-3 weeks you will notice that the stretch marks visibly fade.

Let's see more articles on how to beautify the skin with chicken eggs: &nbsp. 7 ways to beautify the skin with chicken eggs to help lighten and soften the skin.

4.  treating stretch marks Coconut oil

Coconut oil, like aloe vera, is a versatile Medicine in the field of health care and beauty. In addition, coconut oil softens the skin. it also increases the contact between cells and enhances skin protection. and helps damaged skin recover quickly. As a result, stretch marks quickly fade and the skin becomes fresher and smoother.


1 jar of coconut oil


Apply coconut oil directly to the stretch marks and massage gently for 20-30 minutes.

Frequency of implementation: the mother should use coconut oil twice a day continuously for 3-4 weeks to achieve the best results.

You can read more useful articles about coconut oil:

Coconut oil: a beauty ingredient for a long time but not out of date. virgin coconut oil is made by cooking and pressing method

5. Lemon and fresh milk

Lemon is the easiest natural remedy to use, easy to do at home for mothers to treat stretch marks after childbirth. More specifically, when combined with lemon and fresh milk. it brightens stretch marks that are still red or brown and exfoliates the skin. It makes the skin appear fresher and younger.


1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice1 cup of fresh millwork:

Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with fresh milk in a ratio of 1: 5. Use this mixture to massage for 20-30 minutes on stretch marks. then rinse with warm water. Frequency of implementation: use it every day of the week, do not take it off in a month. stretch marks will visibly fade and disappear, returning the mother to a bright pinkish-white complexion.

Do stretch marks disappear from birth?

 If you notice stretch marks on your breasts, thighs, or hips. or abdomen, they will probably fade over time. However, if you still notice stretch marks a year after giving birth, talk to your doctor. They can aid in choosing the most effective course of therapy for you.

How can I Reduce Stretch Marks Naturally?

 Eat a nutrient-rich meal and add vitamin C to it. The easiest way to get high amounts of vitamin C is to eat zinc-rich meals and absorb some vitamin D. This will help you build up your body's stores of collagen. and elastin, proteins that help keep your skin looking young and firm. Additionally, it will aid in lessening the visibility of stretch marks.

a summary

Tips for treating stretch marks after childbirth pregnancy. and childbirth can cause stretch marks on the skin. If stretch marks are severe and ugly. they can be a source of embarrassment and negatively affect your self-image. Stretch marks can also be painful and ugly. It can also be difficult to treat. Most of the basic methods used to treat stretch marks are natural and often involve home remedies. But, there are also over-the-counter and prescription treatments that can help.

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