6 foods that are not good for kidney patients, should be reduced

6 foods that are not good for kidney patients, should be reduced. Avocado. Colored drinks. Brown rice. Salt. Red meat and seafood. sweet potatoes
Estimated read time: 6 min

6 foods that are not good for kidney patients, should be reduced
The kidneys are an important part of our body. they help to remove toxins and waste products from the body through urine. Any kidney-related disease has a very serious impact on health. A proper diet will help your kidneys stay healthy. To build a good kidney diet, 6 foods should be limited.

kidney patients

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1. not good for kidney patients Avocado:

Our nerves and muscles need to use potassium. When the amount of potassium in the body is too high. it will seriously affect the heart rate, and the kidneys are the organs responsible for eliminating potassium from the body. so when the kidneys have problems, our body is damaged. Excess potassium.

Although avocado is a nutritious fruit and has a delicious fatty taste. avocado has a very high potassium content which may not be good for the kidneys. There is 485 mg of potassium in 100 g of avocado, so you should use avocado in moderation. do not eat too much it will accidentally damage the kidneys.

2. not good for kidney patients Colored drinks:

Clearly colored drinks are soft drinks. In addition to calories and sugar. they are also added with various phosphorus-containing additives to enhance flavor. extend shelf life, and also avoid discoloration. If the body absorbs too much phosphorus. it will make the kidneys prone to dysfunction and reduce bone-damaging calcium.

Coffee and tea are also colorful drinks that you should limit to protect the health of your kidneys. In addition to the phosphorus composition mentioned above. the caffeine in tea and coffee can affect the kidneys when the body absorbs too much. causing the kidneys to work more, causing kidney stones to appear easily.

3. Brown rice is not good for kidney patients :

Brown rice is a very good food to lose weight and cleanse the body because it contains less sugar. However. the potassium and phosphorus content in brown rice is quite high. If you show signs of kidney disease, consider limiting the intake of brown rice in your daily diet.

According to statistics, a cup of brown rice contains 150 mg of phosphorus and 154 mg of potassium, while a cup of white rice contains only a third of the potassium and phosphorus content of brown rice. You can still use brown rice, but not too much. Salted brown rice is so attractive. you should also limit its use because salt and brown rice are not good for kidney health.

4. Salt is not good for kidney patients:

Not only the kidneys but the whole body is also affected if you eat a lot of salt every day. We still have to consume salt in sufficient quantities to regulate the water balance in the body and it is. also an indispensable seasoning. But excessive salt intake will increase the burden on the kidneys.

Nowadays, popular snacks also contain a lot of salt. such as mango shakes, salted rice paper, etc. or prepared foods such as canned food also have a high salt content.

5. Red meat and seafood:

Foods such as red meat and seafood contain large amounts of protein, zinc, iron, etc. However, if you eat a lot of these substances. your kidneys will have to work hard, as well as the liver.

In addition, red meat and seafood contain high levels of purines, which can form uric acid. which leads to the risk of gout and joint pain. Over time, urate salts caused by the accumulation of uric acid can cause kidney stones.

6. Potatoes and sweet potatoes:

In addition to avocados and brown rice, potatoes and sweet potatoes are foods that contain high amounts of potassium. Just one potato around 150 grams contains 600 milligrams of potassium while sweet potatoes contain around 541 milligrams. This is a very high potassium content that we cannot expect. You can reduce potassium by cooking these two foods, or soaking potatoes in water for 4 hours before cooking will reduce the amount of potassium a lot compared to what it was before soaking. so when using it will be better for people with kidney disease.

a summary:

Some foods can make kidney disease worse, while others do not seem to affect it. Limiting foods that are not good for your kidney health is an important part of a healthy diet, but some foods are better choices for people with kidney disease than others. Red meat, which is high in protein, is the main cause of kidney disease. which is why it should be avoided by people with kidney disease. Likewise, foods are high in protein. such as eggs and processed meats. should be reduced or avoided. Instead. choose foods that are low in protein, such as vegetables and grains

Most kidney diseases come from eggs, processed foods, or red meat. Avoid these and you may reduce your risk of kidney disease.

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