The best foods to relieve constipation and benefit the intestines

The best foods to relieve constipation. Dried plums. Apples. Kiwi fruit. Citrus fruits. Legumes. sweet potatoes. yogurt . The choice. Artichokes
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  The best foods to relieve constipation and benefit the intestines
Frequent constipation harms the digestive system and can be the cause of many other serious diseases. To reduce a more serious illness, people suffering from constipation should eat Here are some of the best foods to relieve constipation and benefit your gut.

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Symptoms of constipation include difficulty or inability to pass stool. bowel movements less than three times a week, and hard, dry, lumpy stools. Symptoms might vary in nature and intensity from person to person.

The cause may be dehydration, diet, lifestyle, medications, or some intestinal disease. Adding foods that reduce constipation along with lifestyle changes can reduce constipation.

1. foods to relieve constipation Dried plums

Prunes are considered a natural remedy for constipation. With a high fiber content that increases the amount of water in the stool, softening the stool, this fiber is also fermented in the colon to produce short-chain fatty acids that increase stool weight and promote bowel movement. Along with this, the phenolic compounds contained in prunes stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria that help laxatives. Try dried prunes as a natural remedy for constipation. They can be chewed or swallowed whole, and their fiber content will quickly move through the digestive tract. Prunes are also a good source of vitamin C and potassium., two minerals that are essential for healthy bowel movement.

2. foods to relieve constipation Apples

Similar to prunes, apples are also rich in fiber and pectin, which help soften feces, and reduce transit time through the intestines. relieve constipation and increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Eating more apples, and apple juice. or making a salad will be very beneficial for your intestines. Trying a diet rich in apples, fruit juice, and salad will keep the intestines healthy. and help the digestive system work properly.

3. Kiwi fruit

A recent study of people with Apple disease found that consuming two Kiwis daily for four weeks helped these people pass stools more easily. reducing the need to use laxatives.

Kiwi is not only rich in fiber, but also contains enzymes that stimulate bowel movements to prevent constipation. Kiwi is also a very healthy fruit that should be added to your family's daily diet. It is an excellent source of minerals. vitamins, and, and antioxidants. It is also a good source of protein, which helps you feel full longer.   

 It is a good source of vitamin C and fiber and tastes great when served with yogurt. or as a fruit salad.

4. foods to relieve constipation Citrus fruits

People who suffer from constipation should eat some citrus fruits such as oranges. tangerines, and grapefruits, among others. This fruit is rich in fiber, in addition, it also contains flavanols, which increase the secretion of the colon. and have a laxative effect. Oranges and grapefruits are some of the best foods to relieve constipation and are excellent sources of vitamin C.

 The latter doesn't only strengthen the immune system but also has a laxative effect. Citrus fruits are also rich in water, which is a key factor for keeping the body hydrated and, consequently. it can reduce constipation and improve digestion. In addition, the water contained in citrus fruits has a diuretic effect and, as a result. helps to eliminate toxins from the body and cleanse the intestines. 

5. Green vegetables are useful for people suffering from constipation

Green vegetables, especially spinach and broccoli, are not only rich in fiber. but are also a great source of vitamins C, K, and folic acid. which are good for the intestines and reduce constipation but are also very good for health.

Broccoli also contains a lot of sulforaphane. which inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria to help protect the intestines.

6. Legumes

Beans are fiber-rich foods that are easy to find. They help balance the intestinal microflora and are good laxatives. If you are wondering what to eat when you are constipated. bean dishes such as green beans, soybeans, black beans, etc. are great suggestions.

7. foods to relieve constipation sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes have a high content of fiber, which is useful for people suffering from constipation. A study investigated the effects of sweet potatoes on people suffering from constipation after undergoing chemotherapy. found that after just four days, 200 grams of sweet potatoes per day improved their constipation and they felt more comfortable.

8. foods to relieve constipation Eat yogurt to relieve constipation

Yogurt is one of the best foods to treat constipation. Yogurt mainly contains probiotics and beneficial intestinal bacteria that help laxatives. Eating yogurt regularly will help you have a good digestive system. It will also keep your intestines healthy and clean. which will help prevent constipation from occurring in the first place.  

 It will also help you keep your bowel movements regular and reduce the amount of time it takes you to go to the bathroom. which is often the biggest cause of constipation. 

9. The choice

Cucumber is one of the foods with the highest water content. as its water content reaches 96%, it has an effective remedy for constipation. In addition, cucumbers also provide many vitamins, beautify the skin, reduce cholesterol and lose weight.

10. Artichokes

 Artichokes contain a type of soluble fiber called inulin. which acts and functions like a probiotic to help stimulate the growth of bacteria in the intestine, promoting digestive health.

Adding artichoke soup to the menu not only helps to significantly reduce constipation but is also very tasty and nutritious.

11. Drink plenty of water

Dehydration is one of the many causes of constipation. Therefore, in addition to choosing foods that have a laxative effect, it is very important to add water to people suffering from constipation. Water facilitates the passage of feces through the colon. and facilitates the excretion of feces.

In addition, people with constipation should limit indigestible foods such as chocolate, red meat, green bananas, coffee, beer, wine, hard tea, etc. With a reasonable diet and activities, exercise regularly. and drink plenty of water every day. They help relieve constipation and get a healthy body.

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