5 flu symptoms and some suggestions for prevention and treatment at home

5 flu symptoms. Body aches and fatigue. Prolonged high fever. Coughing and difficulty breathing. Headaches. Dull ear pain
Estimated read time: 8 min

5 flu symptoms and some suggestions for prevention and treatment at home
The time of the change of season is when many diseases begin to attack, including the flu. Let's learn to know the 5 flu symptoms and some suggestions for prevention and treatment at home to protect your family's health!

flu symptoms. A sick person using a tissue to clean her nose
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A typical respiratory illness is a flu. If it is subjective, it will sometimes lead to unpredictable consequences, up to death. However, many people still don't know the symptoms of the flu to distinguish it from other diseases such as a cold.

It will help you clarify those signs to be properly addressed quickly, let's take a look!

1. Body aches and fatigue - typical flu symptoms

Unlike a cold, a person with the flu will be very tired. Joints and muscles are always in pain, which makes the patient extremely uncomfortable and even exhausted in the initial stages of a virus attack.

The area around the eyes is also painful. Such flu symptoms last for several days, sometimes up to two to three weeks, gradually depleting the patient's strength.

2. Prolonged high fever;

This is the main symptom that distinguishes between flu and colds. Most adults will not have a fever, while children may have a mild fever when they have a cold. However, if you are attacked by the virus that causes the flu, you will experience a high fever for a long time.

Specifically, adults can develop a fever of up to 38-39 degrees Celsius that lasts for 3-4 days. At the same time, children often have a high fever, which leads to serious complications. If the patient feels better, but then he has a fever again, he should be taken to the nearest medical facility for immediate treatment.

3. Coughing and difficulty breathing

As a respiratory disease, the flu will affect your airway and of course, it will gradually lead to coughing. This long-term condition will cause shortness of breath, shortness of breath, chest pain after coughing, sometimes stuffy nose, and sneezing like a cold.

If the flu is not treated immediately, the flu will leave very serious complications such as pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis, etc., especially in children, the elderly, or those who already have heart and lung disease.

4. Headaches

Both colds and flu will show this sign. However, the flu headache occurs much more often and "torments" the patient much more often than the common cold. People with colds have only mild headaches and are accompanied by the usual symptoms.

5. Dull ear pain

The ear canal - the tube that connects the middle ear to the throat - is irritated, which leads to dull pain or even burning. People with the flu show signs of ear pain, but it will go away on its own.

If the pain persists after recovery, or the pain becomes severe, you need to see a doctor for an early examination of ear health.

Some ways to prevent and treat mild flu at home

To reverse the five flu symptoms mentioned above as well as avoid unexpected complications later, the BlogAnChoi blog will offer you the list of effective prevention and treatment support below, stay tuned!

1. Wash your hands to prevent colds

Dirty hands are the mediator in the transmission of the virus through eating and daily activities. When you catch a cold, your immune system weakens, and the virus is easier to penetrate through dirty hands.

So, whether you are sick or not, always keep your hands clean, especially when eating. Families with small children need to pay more attention to this issue.

2. Add water

The flu can cause severe dehydration, so it's important to stay hydrated, especially if flu symptoms are accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea. You can check the amount of water in your body through the color of urine. If the color is pale, it means that your body already has the necessary amount of water.

The water doesn't need to be regularly filtered, you can add fruit juice or water containing electrolytes. A cup of herbal tea with honey or warm water will also be very effective in calming a cough and sore throat.

Pumping seawater is also an ideal and quick way to replenish water. However, this method should be under the supervision of a doctor to avoid side effects such as shock, allergies, infection, brain edema, etc.

3. Eat enough good food

When patients lose strength, the intake of essential nutrients is a very important step in overcoming flu symptoms. Foods containing selenium minerals and vitamin C such as rice, wheat, walnuts, oranges, lemons, etc. will aid in successful therapy.

For people with flu, the family should prepare hot and easy-to-eat dishes such as porridge, soup, etc. These dishes are easy to digest and nutritious. The heat from the food will also help the patient feel more comfortable.

In addition, garlic is good food for people with the flu. Eating raw garlic will reduce the discomfort caused by the disease. If you can't stand the taste of raw garlic, cooking dishes rich in garlic is also good. In folklore there are many remedies for the prevention and support of the treatment of influenza from garlic:

Garlic and soy soup: cook garlic and soy in a 2:

 1 ratio in the soup, eating it for 3 consecutive days.

Garlic and Ginger Juice: 

Take 6 cloves of garlic and 12 g of fresh ginger for water, and add red sugar for easy drinking. Drink one glass a day. Garlic and onion juice wash 25 g of garlic and 50 g of onion and chop finely. Take a decoction with 250 ml of water, and drink 3 glasses a day. Garlic, ginger

vinegar juice: 

chop 100 g of garlic and 100 g of fresh ginger in a jar and soak in 500 ml of vinegar for 30 days. Keep in mind to firmly close the lid. After 30 days, take it out to drink, 10 ml per day after eating.

4. Sauna

The sauna not only helps to relax but also helps people with flu symptoms such as headache, stuffy nose, sore throat, etc. to feel more comfortable. Thanks to this method, the heat will open the airways, expand the pores, and remove toxins and viruses.

Sauna with leaves such as lemon, grapefruit, guava, and Bodhi leaves ... is also a way to reduce the flu at home that has been transmitted for a long time in people and that most Vietnamese are familiar with.

However, the patient also remembers not to abuse the sauna. When you feel a lighter body, you should stop, too much and too long you will sweat a lot, which causes dehydration and is counterproductive. It is best after steaming that people with the flu eat hot porridge with ginger, onion, pepper, perilla, marjoram, cinnamon, etc.

How long does it take to overcome the flu?

, The flu is considered an unpleasant but short-lived disease that resolves itself in a week or two. However, some people experience severe illness and life-threatening complications as a result of the flu.

How soon do flu symptoms start to show up?

Symptoms usually appear within one to four days after the virus enters the body. However, some people can get the flu and have no symptoms. People with mild flu symptoms should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, except for getting medical care.

Does the flu come suddenly?

Yes, the flu can come suddenly. Symptoms usually appear suddenly, and people with the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms: fever, feeling feverish, or cold.

How can you cure the flu?

The flu can be treated with a combination of rest, hydration, and medication.

There are several ways to treat the flu, but the most popular are over-the-counter and rest medications. Taking over-the-counter medications can relieve fever and relieve pain. Rest can help clear the respiratory tract, and reduce congestion and sore throat. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids and take care of coughing

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