What diabetics | should eat to control blood sugar and live a healthier life

diabetics should eat to control blood sugar. Vegetables . Add low-sugar fruit. Choose starchy foods. Eat the right meat and fish. Choosing good fats
Estimated read time: 7 min

What diabetics should eat to control blood sugar and live a healthier life
Diabetics who eat to control blood sugar levels can reduce the risk of complications such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. Let's learn what to eat to improve health with diabetes!

diabetics . a picture of a vegetable in a bowl

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Diabetes mellitus (diabetes)

 is a relatively common medical condition that occurs when blood sugar levels rise too high. The causes of diabetes are classified as follows:

The first type: Experts believe that it is caused by genetic factors or environmental influences, causing the immune system to attack, and preventing the pancreas from producing insulin.

Type 2 and prediabetes: The pancreas does not produce enough insulin to fight cell resistance, which leads to a buildup of sugar in the blood. Gestational diabetes: placental hormones increase the resistance of cells to insulin.

The condition of diabetes mellitus will improve significantly if the patient adheres to a healthy and proper diet. So, let's point out the suggestions below!

1.   diabetics eat Vegetables 

It can be seen that eating a lot of green vegetables brings many health benefits, including warding off diabetes. This natural source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber is great for patients. Diabetics should try to consume a lot of vegetables

In particular, add horseradish, cauliflower, turnips, spinach, etc. To the menu. These are those that have a low calorie and carbohydrate content. You should eat raw or steamed and boiled to reduce fat. When mixing salads, only a small amount of cooking oil should be used in combination with other spices such as garlic and onions, Pepper, chili pepper, etc.

The results of studies have shown that diabetics who eat a lot of green vegetables have a lower risk of complications such as heart disease and stroke.

2. Add low-sugar fruit

Fruits, especially low-sugar ones such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, apples, etc., are a rich source of vitamins, fiber, and minerals for diabetics. Because the sugar contained in the fruit is slow, it must be digested so that it is absorbed by the body, it does not affect health.

Choose to eat fresh, low-sugar fruits in small pieces or whole instead of squeezing them. Do not serve with ice cream, milk, sauces, etc., and you should also stay away from dried fruits.

Low-sugar fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc., Are also good options for diabetics. The fiber and antioxidants contained in this fruit help regulate blood sugar levels and protect against heart disease. When choosing this fruit, be sure to choose fresh and ripe ones.

3. Choose starchy foods

Diabetics should choose to eat whole grains, beans, brown rice, or starch from vegetables. These foods are steamed or boiled, which is much healthier than fried or deep-fried.

Diabetics need to choose starchy foods that are high in fiber, low in fat and have a low glycemic index. The fiber in the food will help regulate the release of sugar into the bloodstream and the low glycemic index will help keep blood sugar levels stable.

The best way to control blood sugar is to eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. It is also important to eat a variety of healthy foods and limit the number of processed foods and sugary drinks.

 The best way to control blood sugar is to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

4. Eat the right meat and fish

When preparing this type of food, you should choose to boil, steam, fry, or bake to reduce the amount of fat. Also choose to eat lean meat, with the fat and skin removed. This principle will help you supplement protein without having to worry about diabetes.

Beef is good food that should be added to the menu. The synthetic linoleic acid contained in this meat may support blood sugar metabolism and prevent cancer. In addition, fish will be a good source of protein to replace meat. In particular, tuna, salmon, and sardines ... contain abundant amounts of omega-3, which is useful for diabetics and heart patients.

To have a healthy diet and control blood sugar, you need to make sure that the meat and fish you eat are the right types.

5. Choosing good fats

Saturated fats in cream, skin, animal fats, etc. They cause high cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, people with diabetes should choose foods that contain good (unsaturated) fats.

People with diabetes should choose foods that contain good (unsaturated) fats. These include monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Specifically, replace animal fats with soybean oil, fish oil, olive, avocado, sesame, peanut, etc. However, when using olive oil, should be used at room temperature. Because when processed at high temperatures, this oil can produce toxic substances that are not useful for the body.Principles of eating for diabetics.

Does lemon water reduce blood sugar?

Lemon water has been proven to reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

What fruits should be avoided if you have diabetes?

Some fruits should be avoided if you have diabetes to control blood sugar levels. These include apples.   Apricots.   Avocado.

What can I drink before bedtime to lower blood sugar?

 If you have diabetes, you may be worried about what you can drink before bed to lower blood sugar. A small study found that drinking apple cider vinegar before bed may help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. 

In the study, diabetics drank a mixture of 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1 glass of water before bedtime. Participants who drank the mixture had lower blood sugar levels in the morning than those who did not drink the mixture.

What snacks can diabetics eat at night?

Diabetics should aim to control blood sugar levels by eating healthy snacks at night. Some good snacks for diabetics that should be consumed before bedtime include nuts, boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, and whole wheat crackers. Diabetics can also snack on small carrots, cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, celery sticks with chickpeas, popcorn, roasted chickpeas, and pop-in-the-air popcorn.

What home remedy can I take to lower blood sugar?

There are some home remedies that you can take to lower blood sugar levels. Drink ginger tea or fenugreek water regularly. You can also take a teaspoon of ground cinnamon or 10 grams of fresh turmeric root with a glass of warm water.

How can I quickly lower blood sugar without insulin?

One common way to quickly lower blood sugar levels without the help of insulin is through exercise. One study showed that people who exercised for 30 minutes a day lowered their blood sugar levels more than those who did not exercise. Another study showed that people who ate a low-carb diet lowered their blood sugar levels more than those who did not.

a summary

Following the principles below will also help repel diabeشtes, which

Eat several meals to avoid high blood sugar. Eat scientifically, on time, and in moderation. Do not miss meals, eat too hungry or too full. Avoid sudden changes in diet in terms of structure and size so that the body can adapt quickly. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, do not sit still.

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