importance of exercise and its mental and physical effects

importance of exercise is good for health if a good balance of energy taken from food and energy consumed through exercise is maintained.
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 importance of exercise and its mental and physical effects
Exercise is good for health if a good balance of energy taken from food and energy consumed through exercise is maintained. However, the amount you eat does not change. and if you do not exercise, then the energy consumption will exceed the amount of energy consumed. If this condition is repeated several times, fat accumulates too much, which leads to obesity.

importance of exercise A female athlete stretches her body

What are the exercises?

Exercise is moving the body, and more recently, activities in everyday life (life activities) and sports exercises. such as sports are collectively called physical activities. In the first place, humans, like other animals, have a mechanism for moving their bodies. 

However, when the world became more convenient, the opportunities for playing sports decreased significantly. Many people feel that they lack exercise, even if they understand that it is better to exercise. it is difficult to make it a habit for various reasons (hot, cold, busy, etc.).

importance of exercise Why do I need to exercise

You know that exercise is better, but why should you exercise There are two main reasons for this.

importance of exercise 1. Prevention of diseases caused by lifestyle

It is good for health if the energy taken from food and the energy consumed through exercise is kept in good balance. However, the amount you eat does not change. and if you do not exercise. the energy consumption will exceed the energy consumed, and the energy that is not used will be stored in the body in the form of fat. 

If this condition is repeated several times, fat accumulates too much, which leads to obesity. Obesity increases the risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.

importance of exercise 2. Maintaining muscle tone and body functions

After being sick and sleeping for about a week, you may have felt that your physical strength, muscle strength. and endurance is weakening, such as feeling tired or unable to move as usual. If human beings do not use the functions they have, their jobs will decline at an amazing speed.

 the action of walking

n you walk, you walk one step at a time, using several leg muscles such as the iliopsoas (psoas Major, iliac muscle, etc.). quadriceps femoris muscles (rectus femoris muscle, posterior aneurysm, etc.). biceps femoris muscle, Anterior Cervical muscle, and lower leg triceps muscle (calf muscle and soleus muscle). 

It also uses the muscles of the buttocks, hips, back, and arms. In other words, you can just walk using the muscles of your entire body. In addition, it moves the center of gravity. and move forward, the ability to balance and cardiopulmonary function that can move for a long time are also needed.

If you stop walking, you lose a lot of muscle,

 your balance and cardiorespiratory fitness decrease. If this happens, your walking speed will decrease, you may not be able to cross traffic lights, you may not be able to keep your balance when carrying luggage, and you may wobble and stumble on small steps. and your daily life may be significantly affected. We need to walk every day to prevent this from happening. 

Walking preserves the necessary muscles and functions. In addition, muscle mass increases during the growth period and then decreases with age. However, unlike bones. muscles are tissues that can be increased by training regardless of their age.

importance of exercise Effects of exercise

Physical effects

  • The effect of exercise is well expressed in the functional aspects of the body, but it is also effective against diseases.
  • Maintaining a healthy figure.
  • Maintenance and improvement of physical strength and power.
  • Prevention of obesity and lifestyle-related diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.
  • Prevention of age-related deterioration of life functions (locomotive syndrome).
  • Improves cardio-respiratory function to reduce fatigue.
  • Lowering the knee and discomfort in the lower back.
  • Improve stiffness of the shoulders and sensitivity to cold by promoting blood circulation.
  • Increased resistance (cold prevention).

Mental effects

Many of you may have experienced a very good feeling of joy and achievement after running to the fullest. Practicing in this way has various positive effects on mental health.

  • Dementia reduction.
  • Limit complaints indefinitely.
  • Change the mood and relieve stress.
  • How much exercise should I do?

How much exercise should I do?

How much exercise do you usually do The amount of exercise varies greatly from person to person. If you are about to start exercising, please adjust the amount of exercise by referring to the following.

Walk 1000 Steps more than now!

Even if you set a goal let's walk 10,000 steps a day! For people who usually walk only about 2,000 steps, it will be difficult to achieve this. Therefore, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare have issued a guideline to move your body 10 minutes more than now in your daily life. If you move for 10 minutes, you will walk about 1000 more steps. 

For example, if you take the stairs instead of the elevator, or if you walk a small distance instead of a bicycle, you will take more steps. In addition to walking, you slightly revise your behavior, such as standing on the train and carrying a basket instead of a cart when shopping. you will be able to move for another 10 minutes. It might be nice to think about what you can do without overdoing it.

Exercise twice a week for 30 minutes

It is also advisable to do breathing exercises for at least 30 minutes twice a week. It can be walking, running, football, or baseball. or tennis. or any other exercise. We recommend that you find an exercise that you can enjoy, continue to do, and make a habit of.

a summary

Exercise is moving the body, and more recently, activities in everyday life (life activities) and sports exercises such as sports are collectively called physical activities. Many people feel that they lack exercise, and even if they understand that it is better to exercise, it is difficult to make it a habit.

The effect of exercise is well expressed in the functional aspects of the body, but it is also effective against diseases. Practicing in this way has various positive effects on mental health. The effects of exercise include physical and mental health, physical health, and prevention of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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