physical activity improves physical and mental health

Every person needs to actively engage in physical activity and improve his health every day. Moderate exercise helps to improve physical health
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 physical activity improves physical and mental health
To strive for a healthy and happy life, along with building a healthy diet. every person needs to actively practice physical activity and improve their health every day. The following article will help you understand the meaning of training. and share useful tips so that you can effectively maintain the workout.

physical activity : women practicing pilates on fireball in the studio

1. physical activity- the golden key to health

Strengthening physical exercise, and improving resistance not only brings the body flexibility, and perfect shape but also affects the soul. to always be full of energy every day. Notable:

 About physical health

Disease prevention

Exercising every day is a way to help prevent many disease risks. Accordingly, moderate exercise will help improve physical health by enhancing blood circulation, and flexibility of joints and muscle groups. Regular exercise also helps to increase good cholesterol in the blood. and prevents the formation of plaque on the walls of the arteries. thereby reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and hypertension ...

Not only that, according to experts, moderate and regular exercise will support the strengthening of the body's immune system. Physical activity is also very good for people suffering from diabetes, stroke, and arthritis ... Therefore, do not forget to do physical exercises every day to effectively improve your health.

- Slim figure due to weight control

Regular exercise is a way to help you control your weight, thereby maintaining your slim figure as desired. At the same time, it helps reduce the risk of many diseases caused by being overweight such as diabetes. cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and osteoporosis ...

The more physical activity you are engaged in, the higher the metabolic rate and the more calories burned that is necessary for losing weight. However, you should only exercise with moderate intensity to avoid making your body tired and lose strength.

- Body flexibility and adaptability

Exercise promotes health because regular exercise improves the flexibility and elasticity of muscles and joints. Not only that, attention to physical exercise supports increasing the endurance of the body. thereby increasing the ability to withstand difficulties. Sports activities also contribute to reducing arthritis, and rheumatism and slowing down the loss of bone density due to age.

About mental health

- Concentrate well, work effectively

You may not know, exercise is the secret to relaxation, and effective stress relief after a period of intense mental work, especially office workers often sit in one place, are sedentary, and have a lot of connection to the computer. This method also helps to significantly increase energy, so if you feel sluggish, or have difficulty concentrating, try some simple activities such as walking, cycling, or jogging ... They will help to increase the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and the cardiovascular system. thereby recharging you with energy to help you do your job better.

- Live a happier life

Several studies prove that people who exercise every day often feel happier and love life in addition to significantly reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety compared to people who do not exercise. Because motor exercises will increase the sensitivity of the brain to the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine. which will reduce the risk of depression. At the same time, the increased production of endorphins creates excitement. This is very helpful in relieving pain.

Tips to help you maintain a regular exercise

It can be said that doing sports to improve health actually brings many benefits. But maintaining regular practice is not easy. So how to stay motivated when exercising Don't miss the tips below:

 choose your favorite and appropriate topic

To create a feeling of excitement to keep your training, it is important to first find a sport that you like and suitable for your physical condition. It is not only associated with training in the gym. you can try other forms such as brisk walking, cycling, yoga, K-pop dancing, and swimming ... Until you find a topic that you like.

 practice slowly, without haste

Instead of rushing with high intensity, you should divide your daily and weekly training goals. This makes it easier to manage the training process and brings a feeling of joy that you have completed the set milestones.

 find a companion

Did you know that finding someone to work with will motivate you to maintain a better exercise routine Choose for yourself a companion with high self-discipline and seriousness in training? Because it not only gives you a competitive spirit in every training session. but also motivates and motivates you when you feel depressed and tired.

 feedback on training courses on the schedule

You should get into the habit of taking notes on the course schedule as well as daily tasks on your phone or computer to avoid duplication of time. Also, set reminders to be notified every time it's time to practice.

fully prepare the training equipment

Another tip to remind you to have an exercise schedule the next day is to pack your clothes, shoes, and exercise equipment and place them where you can easily see them. Besides, the way to help you love playing sports and improve your health many times over is to choose training suits and a pair of high-quality shoes that fit you well. They not only help prevent the occurrence of injuries but also provide a sense of comfort and reduce sweating sweat.

 listen to body changes

The key to maintaining good habits is to listen to your body's changes every day. For example, today the waist has decreased by a couple of centimeters, or he can run, and climb 5 floors without shortness of breath ... Because before you aim at the ideal physique. you need to maintain a healthy state and think positively because of small successes.

a summary

Every person needs to actively engage in physical activity and improve their health every day. Moderate exercise helps to improve physical health by enhancing blood circulation, and flexibility of joints and muscle groups. Regular exercise also helps to increase good cholesterol in the blood and prevents the formation of plaque on the walls of the arteries.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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