Warning signs of zinc deficiency on hair, skin and bones

zinc deficiency in your diet can lead to side effects such as hair loss, loss of alertness, and a reduced sense of smell and taste.
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Warning signs of zinc deficiency on hair, skin, and bones
Zinc deficiency will affect the physiological functions of the human body. Here are some warning indications of adult zinc insufficiency. as well as children's symptoms of zinc insufficiency.

zinc and nitrate element capsules : zinc deficiency

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1. Causes of zinc deficiency

Zinc is an indispensable mineral for the development of children. The role of zinc is the synthesis of proteins by the enzyme-making mechanism, and zinc supplements help to promote the growth of bones, and muscles. and the minds of youngsters. Here are some of the reasons why the body lacks zinc:


due to foods low in zinc or due to phytates and fibrous components that interfere with the absorption of zinc.

Exclusive breastfeeding:

 occasional zinc deficiency is rare, if any, in premature babies, as these mothers have a very low zinc content in milk. Where the signs of zinc deficiency in women are quite pronounced. Dermatitis is the predominant clinical symptom.

Other reasons include :

  • Crohn's disease.
  • Cystic fibrosis.
  • Sickle cell disease.
  • Liver diseases: severe and chronic.
  • Parenteral nutrition with zinc deficiency: nephrotic syndrome, diabetes mellitus ...
  • Athletes.

2. zinc deficiency warning symptoms

Lack of zinc results in hair loss.

Along with frequent infections, hair loss is perhaps one of the main symptoms that we should think about when suspecting zinc deficiency.

Zinc is an essential mineral for cell reproduction and protein absorption, and these functions are important for thick, shiny hair.

Brittle nails are brittle and have white spots

White spots on the nails — sometimes called Lover's stripes — are one of the important signs of zinc deficiency.

Nails can grow slowly, brittle and brittle. This is because the body needs constant amounts of zinc for the growth of tissues and cells in the nails. and common nail problems can occur, the most dangerous of which are white spots.

Less shiny teeth

Zinc is essential for dental health, and if you have a low amount of zinc, you will not have shiny white teeth, they can easily crack and feel unwell.

Natural sources of zinc include plaque, saliva, and dental enamel. Zinc is a necessary element.

If you are deficient in zinc, you may notice sensitivity to smell, altered taste buds, white tongue Moss, and you may be prone to mouth sores. as well as gingivitis — most common in people with a lack of zinc in their diet.

Mouth sores

A lack of zinc in the diet can also cause frequent mouth ulcers. Numerous studies have shown that low zinc intake can increase the risk of developing mouth ulcers. and patients with low zinc levels in the organ often have frequent episodes of mouth ulcers.

Acne or other problems on the skin

There is a theory that people with acne may be deficient in zinc and that some acne treatments and antibiotics often contain zinc.

A new study shows that 54% of people with acne have low zinc levels.

People who are deficient in zinc often experience scaly nodules due to acne that do not heal or persist for a long time because zinc is needed for wound healing.

Weak bones

Everyone knows that calcium is essential for bones, but zinc is an essential mineral for bone growth and formation, thanks to its function in cell growth and development, in addition to replacing collagen needed to make bones healthy.

Children of vegetarians or strict dieters may have a zinc deficiency. which leads to problems with bone development in childhood and adolescence.

To find out the condition of your bones, you can ask your doctor to do a DEXA examination to measure bone density (most doctors will not order a blood zinc test unless a serious deficiency is suspected).

3. How to provide a sufficient daily amount of zinc

Our body does not store zinc, so we must get zinc from food and if you are a vegetarian or do not eat a lot of red meat, you may be deficient.

Red meats such as beef, pork, and lamb are among the best sources because the zinc contained in these foods is highly bioavailable - which means that our body can absorb it more easily than other sources. Experts recommend eating up to 500 grams of cooked red meat per week. 70 grams per day or 100 grams five times a week is a good guideline.

Boiled red meat for a long time has a higher zinc content than meat cooked in other ways. In addition, new evidence suggests that drinking milk may help in the absorption of zinc from high-phytate foods. such as lentils and cereals. Excellent counsel for vegans.

Whether you are a red meat eater or not, 

You don't need a variety of zinc-compatible foods to get the 7 mg you need daily for health care.

Whether you're a red meat eater or not, you don't have to eat a lot of zinc-containing foods to get the 7 mg you need every day. Check out the table below to find out exactly how much zinc you get daily from food.

a summary

Zinc deficiency will affect the physiological functions of the human body. It is an indispensable mineral for the development of children. The role of zinc is the synthesis of proteins by the enzyme-making mechanism. Zinc supplements help to promote the growth of bones, muscles, and brains. 

Zinc is an indispensable micronutrient for humans, and zinc deficiency is associated with many disorders. In the central nervous system, maintaining zinc balance is essential for brain health, especially about perception.

Zinc deficiency causes hair loss along with frequent infections. The body needs constant amounts of zinc for the growth of tissues and cells in the nails. White spots on the nails - sometimes called Lover's stripes - are one of the signs of zinc deficiency. If you have a low amount of zinc, you will not have shiny white teeth.

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