7 bad habits that, cause back pain, you should avoid them

7 bad habits that, cause back pain, you should avoid them, Back pain is the body's way of resisting aches and pains even before they begin. Back pai
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7 Habits to Avoid for Back Pain Prevention

Back pain is often caused by bad Daily Habits That Strain and strain muscles and joints. Back pain is the body's way of resisting aches. And pains even before they begin. Back pain greatly affects your daily life and work. Sometimes, back pain can be partly due to the effects of bad daily habits. 

cause back pain

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Let's get to know 7 bad habits that are the cause of back pain.

Back pain is often the result of repetitive behaviors that put pressure on your body. If you're fighting back pain now, or if you want to take steps to prevent back pain. try to avoid these seven bad habits:

1. cause back pain, No exercise

Not establishing a daily exercise routine regularly. especially back and abdominal exercises. is also the cause of low back pain. 

Do some back and abdominal exercises that can prevent back pain including Pilates. or other core muscle-strengthening activities that can increase back stability.

Pilates can help treat low pain, although it is not clear whether. 

Pilates is better than other recommended forms of exercise. it will significantly reduce low pain.  

In addition, cardiovascular exercises such as swimming. walking, and cycling along with movements are also recommended to improve flexibility. reduce back pain and make the body more relaxed.

 2. cause back pain, Wrong posture

Bad posture can cause muscle strain and strain on the spine. and over time, stress from bad posture can cause changes in the spine.    related productshttps://amzn.to/3JVfZJu

To avoid pain, try to keep your knees slightly bent. and put one foot forward to relieve pressure on your lower back. and relieve pressure on your back when sitting, and your hips are slightly higher than your knees.

 3. Excessive lifting

Back injuries often occur when we try to lift heavy objects and do them incorrectly.

 Instead, bend your knees and use the strength of your legs. keep the weight close to your body, keep your head down and your back straight. and be sure to avoid sprains.

4. Weight gain

Back discomfort can be alleviated by losing weight. 

Sudden weight gain that leads to obesity will cause you to feel tight in the back area. 

Weight gain, especially in the middle area. shifts the entire center of gravity forward. and puts additional strain on your back muscles.  related productshttps://amzn.to/3JVfZJu

Try to spend 10 minutes doing regular exercise daily to help maintain good health. and avoid low pain. In addition, we must combine it with a reasonable diet and rest to maintain stable health.

5. Smoking

Smoking not only worsens pain but also causes a lot of diseases in the body. 

The amount of nicotine in cigarettes when inhaled into the body will cause many consequences. such as limited blood flow to the vertebral cushion leading to premature degeneration. 

This loss of cushioning can lead to pain (osteoarthritis) and slow healing after a fracture. which can cause pain. In addition, a cough caused by heavy smoking can cause back pain.

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6. Not providing enough calcium and vitamin D

These nutrients are essential for bone health.    related productshttps://amzn.to/3JVfZJu 

If you don't get enough calcium. and vitamin D in your daily diet (your body also makes vitamin D in response to sun exposure), consult your doctor about the possibility of taking a supplement.

7.  Sedentary

Limiting activity as a pain control measure when you have back pain can be counterproductive. 

The activity increases blood flow to the affected area. reduces inflammation, and relieves muscle tension.

Research shows that people. Those who maintain their normal daily activities after low pain may have better back flexibility than people who Rest in bed for a week. 

Prolonged bed rest can also increase pain. and possibly lead to complications, including depression, blood clots in the legs, and decreased muscle tension.


When you have back pain or simply want to get rid of it. avoiding these habits will help protect and strengthen your back as well as your entire body. 

In addition, proper rest is also a habit that helps you reduce pain. 

If you have pain, you should go to a medical facility. or hospital to be examined by a doctor and provide solutions to help reduce pain.

related products: https://amzn.to/3JVfZJu

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