Can you burn calories by drinking water? water is golden!

Can you burn calories by drinking water? one glass of warm water burns how many calories how many calories does water burn
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Can you burn calories by drinking water?
one glass of warm water burns how many calories
how many calories does water burn
one glass of cold water burns how many calories

Can you burn calories by drinking water?

What is all this talk about the value of drinking water?

 Surprisingly, this question is asked again and again and many people who want to lose weight do not even realize the importance.

The answer is simple: water is golden!

Our body is made up of about 70% water - all physical processes are possible only for H2O. Especially when it comes to losing weight, high water consumption can make a big difference.

In other words, if you're not drinking enough water while you're trying to lose weight, you can expect your beach body dream to explode like a soap bubble. The most unbeatable argument is that water contains exactly 0.0 kcal and 0.0 g of fat.

But water can do so much more...

  Products suitable with water:

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You must know the following properties of water

  • Water makes a feeling of satiety! Hence, it is necessary to drink a large glass of water before each meal.
  • Your body needs to be constantly hydrated to perform its metabolic functions.
  • Your kidneys need huge amounts of water to function at all. When the kidneys don't get enough water, the liver has to step in and do the job. This "distracts" the liver from its main function: fat metabolism.
  • Water helps your body distinguish between actually feeling hungry and needing fluids.
  • Water also ensures effective digestion and rids the body of toxins.

Burn calories and lose weight with water, so be sure to drink more water throughout the day. 10-12 large cups of water (at least 2 liters) is fine and more than 3 liters is optimal. Get a sealable plastic bottle and keep it close at hand.


High water consumption is indispensable during particularly active sports activities. On training days, the 4-liter watermark should be broken. During training alone, a liter of water is almost mandatory to ensure the transport of oxygen in the blood and thus optimal muscle stimulation.

Water has been shown to increase performance during exercise, increase energy (muscle contraction), and increase fat metabolism. In addition, water regulates body temperature, improves digestion, and helps "lubricate" the joints.

  Products suitable with water:

5 steps to get rid of body fat with water

Water significantly helps to increase metabolism, cleanse the body of waste products, and curb appetite. Here are 5 steps you should use.

Step 1: drink before eating

Since water is an appetite suppressant, drinking it before meals can make you feel full and thus reduce the amount of food you eat. Scientists estimate that drinking water before meals leads to an average reduction in intake of 75 calories per serving. Drinking water before just one meal a day will result in consuming 27,000 fewer calories per year.

Calculate: you will lose about eight pounds a year from drinking water! Now imagine drinking it before every meal.

Step2 replace high-calorie drinks with water

Skip soft drinks and juice and replace them with water. If you think the taste of the water is pleasant, add a few slices of fresh ginger. This is very healthy for your body and effective for your metabolism.

So: stop sugary drinks (Cola, sodas, energy drinks, alcohol) for only a few weeks and feel the difference (see calorie distribution when losing weight ).

Step 3 drink cold water

According to several studies, drinking unheated water (such as tea) helps boost metabolism because the body must work harder to heat the water, burning more calories.

 In addition, cold (not frozen) water is more refreshing than the water above room temperature. It is a good idea to have a bottle of cold water with you at all times (at work, in the car, etc.).

Step four: go to the gym

Because drinking water helps you avoid muscle cramps and keeps your joints "lubricated", you can train longer and harder. More endurance during training pays off in the long run and you will be able to admire the results yourself after a few months at the latest.

Note: drinking plenty of water during exercise - which is essential for exceptional results - really benefits you. At least (!) A liter of water should be consumed for an hour of sports.

Step 5: not following a water diet - think long term

If you really want to lose weight and burn body fat, you keep your body well hydrated in the long run. How do you know you are drinking enough water

The general rule is to check your urine: if your body is hydrated enough, your urine will be clear or very light yellow. The darker the color of the urine, the more water you need to drink. As you can see, it can be very simple.

Other tips that interest you

Feel free to add a little lemon or orange juice to the water. My knowledgeable advice here is to spray in a ratio of 4 parts water to one part apple juice. You can (and should) also include fruit or herbal teas in your daily diet.

Do you know white tea?

Studies show that white tea not only hinders the formation of new fat cells but also supports the breakdown of fat in existing mature fat cells. Calories in the form of body fat can thus be burned more efficiently.

Last but not least, you should also pay attention to your water quality. Trust only high-quality mineral water, find natural sources of drinking water in your area, and/or consider buying a water filter.

  Products suitable with water:

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