11 weight loss mistakes, that can stop weight loss

11 weight loss mistakes. Focusing only on the scale. Eating too many or too few calories. Not exercising. Not lifting weights. Choosing low fat.
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11 weight loss mistakes, that can stop weight loss
Weight loss mistakes are inevitable for most people trying to lose weight. Stable blood sugar levels, a healthy diet, regular exercise, and proper sleep are essential for keeping your weight and health in check. But sometimes we’re not aware of what we’re doing wrong, which can lead to making the wrong food choices and skipping the gym. Read on to explore 10 weight loss mistakes, that can stop weight loss

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1. weight loss mistakes, Just look at the scale:

It is often the case that, despite continuing to follow a diet, the rate of weight loss is not fast enough. The figure on the scales is just an indicator of weight change. and weight is influenced by many factors. not only depending on body fat but also the fluctuation of body fluids and the number of food leftovers in the body. .  In fact, a person's weight can fluctuate by up to 1.8 kg throughout the day. depending on the amount of fluid ingested and leftovers.     


many factors can affect body weight, including fluid fluctuations. increased muscle mass, and the weight of undigested food. Even if your weight readings don't change much. you may lose weight. Therefore, weight loss should be based not only on body weight but also on the percentage of body fat.

2. weight loss mistakes,  Having unrealistic expectations:

Setting goals for weight loss, like nothing else, will keep you motivated. However, unrealistic expectations can work against you. Overweight women who expected to lose the most weight were more likely to drop out of weight loss programs after six to 12 months. according to researchers who analyzed data from several weight loss centers.  Adjust your expectations to a more realistic and modest goal, such as losing 10% of your body weight in a year. This can help you avoid frustration and improve your chances of success.     

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Conclusion: unrealistic expectations can lead to frustration and complete abandonment. Make your goals more realistic and increase your chances of successful weight loss.

3. weight loss mistakes, Not exercising or exercising excessively:

In the process of losing weight, you may lose muscle at the same time as you lose fat. If you don't exercise while controlling your calorie intake. you may lose more muscle and your metabolic rate decreases. Aerobics, on the contrary, helps to avoid the loss of lean body mass (lean mass). promotes fat burning, and prevents the metabolism from slowing down. The more muscle mass you have, the easier it is to lose weight and maintain it.

 excessive exercise can also cause problems. 

Research shows that excessive exercise is unsustainable for most people. and can lead to excessive stress. In addition, the production of adrenal hormones that regulate stress responses may be impaired. Forcing your body to burn more calories by exercising excessively is neither effective nor healthy.

However, doing some weight training and doing cardio several times a week can be good and sustainable strategies to maintain your metabolic rate while losing weight.


 lack of exercise can lead to loss of muscle mass and decreased metabolism. On the other hand. excessive exercise is neither healthy nor effective and can lead to severe stress and injury.

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4. weight loss mistakes, Not lifting weights:

During the weight loss process, it is very important to perform resistance exercises. Studies show that lifting weights is one of the most effective exercise strategies for building muscle. and increasing metabolic rate, it also improves overall body composition and accelerates the loss of belly fat.  Research has found that the best weight loss strategy is to combine aerobic exercise and weight lifting.

Conclusion: weight lifting or resistance training can help increase metabolic rate. increase muscle mass and promote fat burning, including belly fat.

5. Eating too many or too few calories:

Losing weight requires a calorie deficit, which means that you need to burn more calories than you need to burn. For years, it was believed that cutting calories by 3500 calories per week would result in a 0.45 kg increase in fat loss. However, recent research has shown that the calorie deficit required for each individual is different. You may think that you are not eating a lot of calories, but in fact, most people tend to underestimate and underestimate the calories in the foods they eat.. In a two-week study, 10 obese people reported eating 1,000 calories a day. Laboratory tests showed that they were eating about 2,000 calories a day.                         

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 eating too many calories will prevent you from losing weight. but eating too few calories will make you starve and reduce metabolism and muscle mass.

6. weight loss mistakes, Failure to keep food records:

A reasonable diet is necessary for weight loss, and eating nutritious foods is a good weight loss strategy. Often, however, you may still consume more calories than you need to lose weight. Furthermore, you may not be getting enough protein, fiber, carbohydrates, and fat to support your weight loss efforts. Research shows that tracking your diet can help you keep track of the calories and nutrients you eat. so you can analyze and improve. You can use some applications to help you with recording and analysis. In addition to food, most apps also allow you to enter your exercise routine so you can see how many calories you are consuming and consuming at a glance.


if you don't follow what you eat, you may consume more calories than you realize. and you may consume less protein and fiber than you think. To avoid this from happening, it's best to use an application to help you track your diet and exercise.

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7. Choose low-fat or diet-based foods:

People often think that low-fat processed foods or diet foods are good options for losing weight. but they can have the opposite effect. Fats are an important source of energy for maintaining the life system of the human body and during low-intensity exercise. the body's energy is supplied mainly through the oxidation of fats.  In addition to providing energy. fats also play other important roles, including supporting and protecting internal organs, regulating hormone secretion, and preventing inflammation. and regulating vitamins and minerals (except vitamin D, other vitamins rely on fats to maintain normal absorption and benefit from them), etc.  Therefore, eating too much. or too little fat is not good for the body. Instead of choosing low-fat or diet-based foods. choose a combination of balanced and less processed foods.


the human body NEEDS fat, eating too much or too little is not good. Low-fat or diet-based foods create nutritional imbalances that can lead to health problems.

8. weight loss mistakes,  Insufficient protein:

If you want to lose weight, it is very important to eat enough protein. Protein is useful for losing weight in many ways. During weight loss. protein can reduce appetite, increase satiety, reduce calorie intake, increase metabolic rate, and increase and maintain muscle mass. In one study, 30 percent of the calories in people's diets came from protein. As a result, they ate an average of 575 calories less per day than a diet with 15 percent of their calories from protein. One review also found that a high-protein diet with 1.2 to 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram may benefit appetite control and body composition. To get the best weight loss results, be sure to include protein-rich foods such as eggs, lean meat, beef, and fish in every meal.


eating large amounts of protein can help with weight loss because it reduces appetite. increases satiety builds muscle and increases metabolic rate.

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9. Insufficient fiber:

A low-fiber diet may undermine weight loss efforts. Research shows that a type of soluble fiber called viscous fiber can help reduce appetite by forming a moisture-retaining gel. This gel moves slowly through the digestive tract, making you feel full. Research shows that all types of fiber can help with weight loss. However, sticky fiber reduces appetite and calorie intake more than other types of fiber. When the total fiber intake is high. some calories cannot be absorbed from food. It is estimated that doubling the daily fiber intake can reduce the absorption of 130 calories. Fiber-rich foods include brown rice, soy, oats, and buckwheat. vegetables, fruits, and more.

Bottom line: eating enough fiber can help reduce your appetite by creating a feeling of fullness and helping you absorb fewer calories from other foods.

10. A lot of processed food:

One of the worst things about losing weight is eating a lot of processed foods. Research suggests that highly processed foods may be a major factor in obesity. and other health problems, both in humans and animals. Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, are very high in glycemic index (GI) and are very likely to stimulate insulin secretion. Insulin works by converting blood sugar into fat. which prevents fat burning. If you control insulin production by reducing carbohydrate intake, you can increase your ability to burn fat, making fat the best and most efficient source of energy.

Conclusion: if possible, opt for less processed whole foods such as whole wheat flour and brown rice.

11. Do not drink enough water:

Water - not food - may be what your body craves.

Feeling hungry Before a snack, try drinking a glass of water. Sometimes we confuse hunger with thirst, which is why it is important to stay hydrated throughout the day to reduce unnecessary eating.

Drinking plenty of water can help reduce appetite. That's because water takes up space in your stomach and makes you feel full. The study found body weight, body fat, and appetite in people who drank 500 ml of water three times a day (half an hour before breakfast, lunch, and dinner).

Research shows that drinking water can help you burn more calories. In the 90 minutes after taking cold water, participants who drank cold water increased their energy expenditure by almost 3 percent.

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