5 ways to make banana juice for slimming super effective

5 ways to make banana juice for slimming. avocado and banana juice. Banana and strawberry juice. banana-apple juice. Banana and tomato juice.
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 5 ways to make banana juice for slimming super effective
According to experts around the world. Eating bananas is part of a healthy weight loss plan and should be implemented. Here, she will suggest 5 ways to make banana smoothies. for weight loss. It is simple and easy to prepare but gives high results.

banana juice. Fruits and two cups of banana juice

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Eating bananas day after day makes you bored. Then make banana smoothies. This is not difficult, follow the steps below:

1 . How to make avocado and banana juice to lose weight:


  • * Ripe banana: 1 fruit.
  • * Avocado: 1/2 fruit.
  • * 200 ml fresh non-sugared milk.
  • * Condensed milk: 1 teaspoon (with or without preference).
  • How to make avocado and banana juice.
  • * Washed and peeled avocado and sliced banana.
  • * Put in a blender a mixture of avocado, banana, fresh unsweetened milk, and condensed milk in the above dosage, and then mix.
  • *Serve the mixture in a glass after filling it halfway.

2. Banana and strawberry juice for weight loss:


  • * Ripe banana: 1 fruit.
  • * Strawberries: 7-10 fruits.
  • * 1 pack of unsweetened yogurt

How to form strawberry and banana smoothies:

* The strawberries you choose are ripe and fresh, wash and remove the stalk. Then cut it into four pieces. 

* Put banana and strawberry kernels in a blender with unsweetened yogurt. Mix until smooth and you have sweet strawberry banana juice.    

* Pour the juice into a glass, decorate it with small strawberries and enjoy.

3. How to make banana-apple juice to lose weight:


  • * Ripe banana: 1 fruit.
  • * Apples: 1 fruit.
  • * 200 ml fresh non-sugared milk.
  • * Condensed milk: 1 teaspoon (with or without preference).

How to make Apple and banana juice:

* Banana peeled and cut into cuts. Apples are washed and cut into little pieces

* Put the blend of cut bananas and apples with new drain and condensed drain in a blender and puree.

* Pour apple and banana juice into a glass and enjoy.

4. Banana and tomato juice


  • * Ripe banana: 1 fruit.
  • * Tomatoes: 2 fruits.
  • * Lemon juice: 1 tablespoon.
  • * 1 teaspoon condensed milk

How to make tomato and banana juice:

* Peeled bananas cut into slices, washed and chopped tomatoes.

* Put bananas and tomatoes in a blender with lemon juice and condensed milk, then mash the mixture until smooth.

* Pour the blend into a glass and appreciate.

5. Banana and watermelon juice:


  • * Ripe banana: 1 fruit.
  • * Watermelon: 200g.
  • *1 tbsp. of condensed milk

How to make watermelon and banana juice:

* Banana peeled and cut into little cuts. Peel the watermelon and cut it into little pieces.

* Put the pieces of banana and watermelon with condensed milk in a blender and mash. You can add ice pieces if you like.     

* Pour the blend into a glass and appreciate.

Note when drinking banana juice to lose weight:

Not everyone gets the expected results. when using banana juices to lose weight. because sometimes they do it the wrong way. If you want to lose weight with effective banana juice. pay attention to the following issues:

• To lose weight banana juice, 

must be combined. with a balanced diet and exercise regularly, getting enough sleep.

* Do not use ripe bananas to make smoothies.

 Only ripe fruits contain a good source of prebiotic-resistant starch for weight loss.

* You can use banana juice to completely replace breakfast.

 which is good for health and reduces belly fat and weight. However, people with stomach pain should not, because it can make the pain worse.

* Do not drink banana juice before going to bed,

 this will be counterproductive to losing weight, on the contrary, cause weight gain.

• If you are taking medications for diabetes.

 blood pressure, etc. ask your doctor before you want to use banana juices to lose weight.

At this point, you will no longer wonder whether losing weight. with bananas is effective or not. We hope that the five ways to make banana smoothies. for weight loss that Bazar suggests will be useful for you on your journey to a slim body.

related  products: https://amzn.to/3uBbOgz

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