After the squeezing acne, What to eat and what not to eat?

After the squeezing acne. What to eat and what not to eat? While some foods help with healing, others can cause inflammation,
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After the squeezing acne. What to eat and what not to eat?

You already know what not to eat after squeezing acne, and what food should you eat Here are the foods that dermatologists recommend adding to your daily diet during acne treatment.

squeezing acne. A woman squeezes acne from her cheek
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1. after squeezing acne eats, Fruits rich in vitamin C:

Fruits rich in vitamin C such as oranges, grapefruits, Tangerines, guava, kiwi, and strawberries ... are essential foods for acne-prone skin or under treatment. Vitamin C will help reduce the damage caused by dust, pollution, and sunlight.

Besides, fruits rich in vitamin C also can promote faster wound healing after squeezing acne. Because vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties, limiting free radical damage factors that cause skin damage.

In addition, fruits rich in vitamin C help the skin to form collagen, which supports the regeneration process and effectively restores the skin surface. Rapid production of new skin cells will benefit the treated skin, reducing scarring.

2. after the squeezing acne. Dark green vegetables:

Dark green vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, spinach, and bok choy ... Useful for the skin in the process of treating acne. They not only provide vitamins and minerals that slow down the aging process and bring healthy skin but also support the rapid treatment of acne.

3. after squeezing acne eats Types of catfish:

What to eat and what not to eat with acne Although having acne or after squeezing acne you should not eat seafood, catfish is recommended. related products:

Fish can reduce skin inflammation and infection, and at the same time promote rapid recovery of the skin without leaving traces such as bruises or acne scars.

4.  after squeezing acne eat, Legumes, and Bean products:

Legumes such as black beans, chickpeas, soybeans, beans, and bean products such as tofu contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It gives you healthy skin, against harmful factors during the healing process after squeezing acne.

Regularly adding these foods when the skin is damaged will help the wound heal quickly and restore young, scar-free skin.

5.  after squeezing acne eats, Yogurt:

Cosmetologists recommend eating yogurt after squeezing acne because it is good for the skin. In particular, yogurt is rich in zinc, which has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces red bumps caused by squeezing acne.

Yogurt is also rich in vitamins. And antioxidants, give you healthy skin from the inside. And prevent bacteria from affecting wounds caused by acne presuree.

What should not be eaten after squeezing acne? 

Here are the most important foods to avoid when you have just broken a pimple or if your skin is damaged and needs time to recover:

1.  after squeezing acne, do not  eat Chicken:

Do you know what to eat after blisters Freshly squeezed acne should not eat chicken, especially chicken with skin? Because this food can make you feel itchy, resulting in frequent touching and scratching, causing inflammation. related products:

So the acne treatment process takes longer, it even leaves scars.

2.  Beef meat:

This is one of the causes of ugly, gloomy scars. Although it depends on the body and not everyone who eats beef after squeezing acne also has deep scars, it is better to refrain from it, at least during the week of acne treatment.

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3. after squeezing acne, do not eat Spinach water:

Water spinach contains madison - the ingredient that causes keloids. You can not eat anything after squeezing acne If you don't want keloid scars on your face, you shouldn't eat water or spinach.

4.  after squeezing acne, do not eat  Egg:

Do you know what not to eat after pimples appear Eggs are also foods that are recommended to refrain from? This food is the cause of incomplete scars during the healing of the skin. Young skin spots formed are uneven places, and white, and black places will look ugly.

5. Seafood products:

It is considered shrimp, crabs, squid, and shellfish ... It is nutritious seafood, but it is not suitable if you just have acne or are in the process of treating other skin problems.

6.   do not eat  Sweets:

Soft drinks, sweets, and cakes ... Unhealthy and inedible sweets after squeezing pimples. They create a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and acne, so the skin takes longer to heal.

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7.  do not eat Sticky rice,:

The main culprit that causes red, swollen, and festering conditions are sticky rice. In addition, sticky foods also make the body hot, making it difficult to quickly heal acne spots.

What should not be eaten after squeezing acne Sticky foods should be completely avoided in the first week after squeezing acne. related products:

8. not to eat after squeezing acne, Spicy and spicy food, fried:

What should not be taken after taking acne People who often suffer from acne are encouraged to eat lots of cold foods and stay away from spicy or fatty foods.  As well as after the age of acne. Spicy, spicy, and fried foods cause inflammation, making the skin's healing process take longer and acne gets worse.

9. Steroids:

Alcohol, coffee, and tobacco ... Are also food groups that make acne worse. Wounds, especially open wounds after squeezing acne, take longer to heal and are prone to scarring.

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In addition to the foods and drinks mentioned above, provide your body with foods rich in vitamins A. D, and E such as carrots, and sweet potatoes. avocados, mushrooms, black peas, Herring, various cereals, and seeds ... Vitamin A promotes the regeneration of skin cells and prevents scars. Vitamin E provides the necessary moisture, reducing cracks; and vitamin D reduces inflammation or flaking of the skin after squeezing acne.

Besides paying attention to what to eat and what not to eat after squeezing acne. drink plenty of water and have a separate skincare regimen to avoid scars.

Always remember that food plays an important role. as it greatly affects the wound healing process in the body. You already know what not to eat after squeezing acne. so try to refrain from these foods or limit these foods to get beautiful skin!.

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