11 best ways to Use Lettuce for Safely Treating Hidden Acne

11 best ways to Use Lettuce for Treating Hidden Acne. by eating raw lettuce. lettuce, honey. Lettuce, sea salt. Aloe, lettuce. lettuce, lemon juice
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11 best ways to Use Lettuce for Safely Treating Hidden Acne

Lettuce is a plant that can be used to help cure acne. The lettuce is full of vitamins and minerals that can help treat acne and scarring.

her are11 best ways to Use Lettuce for Safely Treating Hidden Acne

hidden acne with lettuce. green lettuce with white background

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1. Treating acne by eating raw lettuce:

The simplest way to purify heat, detoxify the body and beautify the skin from the inside is to eat lettuce directly. Some people who are used to eating lettuce leaves feel it to be tasty, cold, and sweet. However, for some people, the fishy smell of this vegetable makes it difficult to eat.

If you are not used to eating, you can combine lettuce leaves with some other vegetables to make it easier to eat such as salads and herbs. At first, you only need to eat a small amount, and after you get used to it, you need to gradually increase it.

Lettuce is safe to eat raw because it grows wild and does not require pesticides or stimulants. However, before eating, you also need to soak in diluted salt water to kill bacteria and then wash them because lettuce grows a lot in dusty and wet places.

2. Treats hidden acne with lettuce and honey:

Women have long used honey to exfoliate, nourish and treat acne. This natural substance contains a large amount of sugar, which is an environment in which bacteria can not grow. Besides, vitamin C contained in honey also has effective anti-inflammatory properties.

The combination of lettuce and honey will create a mask that not only beautifies but also helps with acne, especially Bran acne and hidden acne.


* Wash lettuce with a little water. Take two tablespoons mixed with a tablespoon of pure honey.

* Apply this blend to your confront after washing. Take off the cover for 30 minutes.

• Perform subcutaneous hidden acne treatment with lettuce and honey 2-3 times a week, you will notice a noticeable reduction in acne.

3. Lettuce and sea salt mask for hidden acne:

Sea salt contains components that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, the use of lettuce and sea salt will improve skin health, improve the ability to fight bacteria, and help acne types heal faster.   related productshttps://amzn.to/3NxvHOn


* Take a medium amount of lettuce, and wash well. Put in a blender with 1 teaspoon of ocean salt.

* Wash your face or steam to open pores.

* Apply this blend all over for 15-20 minutes. At that point flush with cold water.

* Treatment of hidden acne with lettuce and sea salt should be done only 1-2 times a week. If you are a person with sensitive skin, you should be careful when applying this acne remedy.

> > > Advice:    6 ways to treat acne concealer with coconut oil .

4. Lettuce juice treats acne:

After you get used to the taste of lettuce, squeeze it to get a drink. Lettuce juice not only cools but also detoxifies the body, which is suitable for people prone to acne.


* Choose 100-200 g of fresh young lettuce leaves, wash and drain. Put the vegetables in a blender and mash. Add 500 ml of cooled boiled water and mix with chopped lettuce.

* Sieve the sieve to collect the lettuce juice and get rid of the residue. Pour water into a bottle, and store it in the refrigerator to drink during the day.

* It is best to drink lettuce juice every morning. Add a little sugar or honey to the water for delicious, easy-to-drink water.

• At first, when the skin still has a lot of acne, it is recommended to Drink Fish lettuce juice regularly every day for one to two months. When hidden acne is reduced, just keep it 2-3 times a week for young, acne-free skin.

5. Mask of aloe and lettuce:

Aloe vera (aloe vera) helps to deeply moisturize the skin, make the skin healthy, and prevent inflammation or acne. In addition, this plant is rich in vitamins and trace elements that not only help prevent acne but are also antibacterial, helping acne heal faster.

Aloe vera with lettuce will become a very effective mask in the treatment and radiance of acne.

How to treat hidden acne with lettuce and aloe vera:

* Take a handful of fresh lettuce leaves and wash them. Cut the Cactus 1/2 branch, and peeled to get the pulp inside. related productshttps://amzn.to/3NxvHOn

* Soak aloe vera pulp with salt water to remove the yellow resin that causes skin irritation.

* Put these two ingredients in a blender and mash. Wash face and pat dry. Apply the blend to your confront. Take off for 20 minutes, at that point flush with cold water.

* Apply the acne concealer remedy 2-3 times a week to achieve the desired effect of acne treatment.

> > > Advice:    6 ways to treat acne concealer with coconut oil .

6. Treats skin break-out with lettuce and lemon juice:

Lemon juice is used abundantly in the treatment of acne because it contains a lot of vitamin C - an element that has a good antibacterial effect on the skin. In addition, lemon juice also helps fade the scars left by acne.

So using a lettuce mask, lemon juice not only works to treat acne but also beautifies the skin.


* Mix two tablespoons of lettuce juice and half a lemon.

* Apply to face after cleansing.

* Take off for 15 minutes and flush altogether.

* Acne Treatment and Skin Care should be done only 1-2 times a week and are done in the evening. Because lemons contain acids that erode the skin, making it easy to catch the sun's rays and darken, you should remember to cover them carefully when going out.

7. Facial steam with lettuce for acne:

Hidden acne does not cause pain but is often found deep in the skin. . So using lettuce to steam your face will be very useful for skin suffering from hidden acne because hot steam helps to expand pores, push out dirt and acne, helping to quickly carry out the acne treatment process. 


* Take a handful of clean lettuce, then put it in a saucepan to boil with 1 liter of water and a pinch of salt. When the lettuce boils, reduce heat and simmer for another 2-3 minutes, then remove to steam your face.

* Evacuate cosmetics and wash your confront. Cover your head with a large towel and Steam for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

* You just need to steam with lettuce water once a week, and you will notice a noticeable improvement in the condition of acne.

8. utilize lettuce and yogurt:

Ma most likely utilized yogurt to achieve this beauty because, in addition to skin whitening, the SI also restricts the mind's production of the dark-colored melanin pigment.  Yogurt and lactic acid-containing products also aid in reducing swelling brought on by Al-Hub-al-Shabaab and removing dead skin cells, which makes the skin smooth and even. 


One handful of dried flowers and one can of yogurt (non-sweetened)

Do it now and apply it:

Remove the stem and wash the lettuce.

Place the lettuce in this marinade for 10 minutes, then remove it and drain it, as agreed upon.

Crush or purée the fruit to obtain juice.

Combine lettuce juice with sugar-free yogurt.

Apply a yogurt and lettuce mask on your face after washing it.

15 hours of relaxation

Close the pores by rinsing with both warm and cold water. the should be utilized twice this week on a regular basis.

9. Green tea and lettuce:

Green tea has a significant amount of AHA, which has anti-aging properties and effectively lessens melasma and skin discoloration. In order to treat hidden acne and successfully improve skin quality, green tea and lettuce are combined.


Green tea: a few cups

One bunch of lettuce

How to utilize and carry it out:

Clean your lettuce and green tea.

Place in a basin, top with fresh water, and bring to a boil for 10 minutes.

Wash your face after waiting until the water has cooled, or wear the paper mask for 15 minutes.

Repeat rinsing with fresh water one or two times each week.

10. use rice bran, lettuce, and olive oil:

Numerous vitamins, minerals, biotin, and niacin included in rice bran have the effect of exfoliating and repairing damaged skin, leaving it smooth, white, and pink. Olive oil also has several minerals, vitamins A and E, which help to increase skin suppleness, lessen wrinkles, and hydrate the skin. To enhance skin, mix lettuce, olive oil, and rice bran as follows:


Greens: one pot

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 teaspoon of rice bran

How to utilize and carry it out:

After washing, place the lettuce in a thin marinade.

the outside to drain

Remove the remains after grinding to obtain juice.

Add olive oil and thoroughly combine with rice bran to create a paste.

Use the concoction after washing your face.

In order for the nutrients to reach the epidermis deeply, leave it on the skin for 15-20 minutes.

To boost the efficacy of hiding acne and beautiful skin, rinse with clean water consistently twice a week.

11 use Lettuce and green beans:

Acne is treated and the skin is made more beautiful by mung bean powder. As a result, several ladies mixed lettuce and green beans. The following are the components, implementation, and use:


Leaf lettuce: a bunch

2. teaspoons of green bean paste

What to do and how to implement it:

The lettuce should be washed, drained, and mashed.

Remove the leftovers from the juice after straining them.

When combining the lettuce juice and green bean powder, use two teaspoons total.

After cleansing your skin, use lettuce and a green bean mask.

Spend 20 to 30 minutes with it on your face.

use fresh water to rinse

Incorporate these skin-care techniques after patting dry with a soft towel.

> > > Advice:  9 ways to steam your face for acne, beautiful skin


Above 7 ways to treat hidden acne with lettuce very effectively. In order not to experience an allergic reaction or experience side effects, before using lettuce, you should remember to wash it (or soak it in saltwater). Besides, you need to increase your intake of cold foods to prevent acne from returning.

> > > Advice:    6 ways to treat acne concealer with coconut oil .

related products: https://amzn.to/3NxvHOn

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