How to beautify the skin with aloe vera for healthy? and smooth skin

Aloe vera gel contains 75 potentially active ingredients, especially vitamins A and E, which makes it great skincare and beauty product.
Estimated read time: 8 min

How to beautify the skin with aloe vera for healthy? and smooth skin
Aloe vera gel contains 75 potentially active ingredients, especially vitamins A and E, which makes it great skincare and beauty product. So, how to have beautiful skin with aloe vera like fresh?

How to beautify the skin with aloe vera for healthy and smooth skin

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Effect of aloe on the skin

The reason why many people want to know how to beautify their skin naturally with this plant is that this substance has many benefits for the skin.   related products:

So what are the benefits of this plant according to scientists, regularly applying aloe vera gel to the face can help treat various skin diseases, including:

- Remove dead skin cells

this plant can clean the dirt accumulated due to exposure to pollution and dirt. Besides, the salicylic acid contained in this plant gel can gently remove dead skin cells.

In addition, the use of this plant also enhances the penetrating effect of other skincare components because it contains lignin compounds.


The main component of aloe vera is water (it accounts for 95%), so it helps to moisturize the skin without causing a feeling of fatness.

In addition, this plant also acts as a glue, making the top layer of skin cells stick together, resulting in smoother and softer skin.  related products:

♦ Prevent aging

How to make beautiful aloe can nourish the skin and prevent skin from sagging, wrinkled. The moisturizing effect also restores the radiance of the skin.

Along with reducing wrinkles, this plant also works to improve the elasticity of the skin and repair cells, thus preventing the premature aging process.

♦ Soothe sunburn

this plant is very effective in soothing sunburn. This plant contains some compounds, polysaccharides, that promote the healing process and the formation of new skin cells. Compound analgesic carboxypeptidase has in aloe also gives the skin a pleasant feeling. Besides, the anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera also prevent skin from peeling after sunburn.

♦ Prevent acne, bruises blur

Thanks to anti-inflammatory properties and anti-bacterial properties aloe can prevent the bacteria that cause acne. Besides, the composition of salicylic acid available in this natural material also helps to unclog pores, one of the important elements of the skin is not acne or blackheads. 

In addition, due to anti-inflammatory effects, how to make beautiful aloe also helps to treat the form of inflammatory acne and fading bruises due to acne.

In addition to the significant effects on this plant is also used to support the treatment of some other skin problems such as reducing pain, burning in the skin is scratched, quickly healing the wound to minimize scarring, reducing inflammation of the skin sebum secretion, reducing inflammation and itching due to psoriasis, healing light.

How to make aloe vera gel

To know how to beautify skin with aloe vera, first of all, you have to know how to do gel aloe vera properly so as not to irritate the skin.  related products:

• Use a sharp knife to cut a branch aloe vera with the original. Rinse and wipe dry.

• Set branch aloe vera in a bowl, to within 15 – 20 minutes for aloe plastic (yellow) flowing down. Remove the yellow plastic this go. You can perform similarly with the sharp tip of branch aloe vera to remove the plastic if branch aloe tits.

• Use a sharp knife paring remove the 2 side edges of the aloe vera, then peel away layers of green outside and use a spoon or knife to gently get the natural white vera out. 

• Wash the meat aloe vera under running water to clean,

 drain, put in blender puree smooth. Use a sieve filter to collect the aloe vera gel.

• For gel into an airtight container and stored in the refrigerator to use. Aloe vera Gel can be 2 weeks in the fridge compartment for the refrigerator or if frozen in the freezer then the duration is longer.

How to beautify the skin with aloe

You don't know how to beautify your skin naturally with aloe this plant vera combined with other ingredients or used directly on the skin can help beautify the skin and help treat many skin problems.  Here are some homemade aloe vera mask recipes that are easy to make at home and suitable for all skin types.  related products:

1. How to beautify the skin with aloe: clean your face

Wash your hands thoroughly, take the right amount of aloe vera gel and apply it to your face. Use your fingertips to wash your face in a circular motion. so that the gel covers the entire face. Flush with cold water and pat dry.

2. Evens skin tone

To make an aloe toner to tone the skin, mix two tablespoons of water and a teaspoon of aloe vera gel. pour into a spray bottle, and store in the refrigerator.  You can also replace the water with rose water or honey to increase the effect of skin beauty.

This beauty treatment with fresh this plant should be applied 2-3 times a week and be sure to shake the product well before spraying on your skin.  related products:

3. Acne treatment, scars fade 

Mix 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel with 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Wash your face and apply a small amount of this mixture to skin prone to acne, scars. or dark spots caused by acne.

Perform this skin beauty treatment with this plant once or twice daily for effective results.

4. How to beautify the skin with aloe: moisturizing

Take the right amount of aloe vera gel. apply on the face and leave for 5-10 minutes. Flush with cold water and dry with a delicate cloth.

5. Aloe vera mask for dry skin

Mash a few slices of cucumber. Add a teaspoon of aloe vera gel and a teaspoon of honey and mix thoroughly to get a smooth paste. Apply cucumber and aloe mask to your face and neck. and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water. This combination will provide moisture to the skin, making it soft and smooth.  related products:

How to beautify the skin with aloe for dry skin should be done 2-3 times a week to achieve the desired effect.

6. Aloe mask for oily skin

Mix 10 drops of tea tree oil with a little fresh aloe vera gel until smooth. Apply a thin layer of the mixture on your face and leave overnight.

After waking up, rinse with warm water, followed by cold water. Do the procedure twice a week to remove excess fat on the skin, prevent acne. related products:

7. Aloe vera mask for normal and sensitive skin

Mash a ripe banana in a bowl and add two tablespoons of aloe vera gel. and a few drops of rose water. Make a paste and apply it to your face while the skin is still moist.

When your face is dry, wash and apply lotion. Doing this method twice a week. you will notice that the dry skin is visibly hydrated and brighter. and the elasticity of the skin has also improved significantly.

In addition to the 7 ways to beautify the skin with aloe as above. combining aloe vera with some other ingredients such as honey, yogurt, vitamin E, and rice water ... has the same effect. 

Note when applying how to beautify the skin with aloe

Aloe vera used for external application is considered safe. and very effective in beauty. However, to avoid unwanted side effects. you need to note the following:

* Do not use aloe vera gel on the affected skin. 

Although the gel has antibacterial properties. its protective shell can disrupt the healing process and worsen the infection.

* A few individuals may be unfavorably susceptible to aloe vera gel.

 If you have a rash or hives on your face, you should stop using aloe vera gel immediately.

• To beautify your skin with aloe vera,

 you should check if your skin is allergic to the ingredients contained in this natural substance. Apply a small amount of gel to the inside of your wrist and wait for 24 hours. If you feel itching. redness or swelling, do not apply the gel to your face.

• In addition to using fresh aloe vera gel, 

you can also use skincare products that contain this ingredient. Aloe vera is found in many cleansers, moisturizers, and night creams.

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