How to drink black bean water for highly effective acne treatment

How to drink black bean water for highly effective acne treatment Like most beans, black beans are rich in protein and fiber, Legumes
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  How to drink black bean water for highly effective acne treatment
Black beans are rich in protein and fiber, and legumes contain many important vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for health. In particular, drinking black bean water is very effective in treating acne. Here are specific instructions for two ways to cook black beans for acne and skin beautification.

black bean water

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Method 1: Roasted Black Bean Smoothie for acne treatment  :

Black bean juice for acne treatment is very simple:


  • • 200 g black beans.
  • . • 5G pandan leaves.
  • * 50 grams of rock sugar.
  • • 1 liter of water.

You can increase the number of ingredients to store in the refrigerator and drink gradually or drink with family members. If possible, buy green beans, because there are more nutrients useful for health and beauty.

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How to cook black bean water acne treatment:

Step 1:

Choose hard and soft black grains of approximately the same size. Wash the beans, remove the deep and flat seeds, then remove the basket to drain.

Step 2:

Roast black beans over low heat for 15-20 minutes until fragrant. Let the beans cool, place in a glass jar, and store in a cool, dry place for later use.

Step 3:

Put one liter of water in a saucepan with 100 grams of roasted beans and let it boil for 10 minutes. Put a little salt and 50 g of rock sugar in the saucepan. Mix well and cook until the fixings are broken down.

Pineapple leaves are washed, rolled into small bundles, and then placed in a saucepan to boil for 5-10 minutes to obtain fragrant bean juice.  related products

Step 4:

Turn off the stove, and pour the juice of roasted black beans into a glass to enjoy. The roasted black bean drink has a moderate sweetness, it should not be too sweet. Drink it hot or cold, both are tasty.

You drink black bean juice for acne daily after meals. Daily you should drink 2-3 glasses of roasted black bean water (about 500-700 ML). Besides, it is also necessary to add at least 2 liters of water to the body to be hydrated enough, to help clean the liver, remove toxins and beautify the skin.

Method two: Oriental Medicine for acne treatment with black bean juice

This treatment requires more ingredients than roasted black bean juice, but the effect of acne treatment may be higher, especially in severe cases of acne.


  • * Black beans: 10 g •
  • Day: 12 g.
  • * Dandelion: 12 g.
  • * Peanuts: 12 g.
  • * Rice: 10.
  • G * Gotu Cola: 10 g.
  • * Strawberry leaves 8 g.
  • * Code: 8g.


* Wash all ingredients and place in a saucepan with 750 ml of water. You sharpen on low heat and drink 200 ml.

* Every day you take this oriental medicine for acne twice before lunch and dinner. This drink helps to purify the heart, purify the blood, and remove toxins, and is suitable for people with a hot body, often suffering from pimples.

Black beans not only help treat acne from the inside by mouth but can also be used to make Face masks to effectively overcome and beautify skin problems.

Some types of black bean masks you can refer to and make at home:

  • * Mask of black bean paste with honey * mask.
  • Black bean powder with fresh milk without sugar.
  • • Black bean powder mask with unsweetened yogurt and lemon juice.
  • * Black bean powder mask with the egg...

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What to note when drinking black bean water  for acne treatment

There are many benefits, but roasted black beans also carry some risks if you don't do it right. Here are some very important notes:

* Do not overdo roasted black bean juice,

 but drink it regularly every day with other types of water such as filtered water, fruit juice, and vegetable juice ...

• even though dark bean water filters warm,

 and detoxifies well, you should not add too much sugar when drinking. Better yet, drinking unsweetened pea water will be good for your weight and without the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.  related products

* Black bean kernels contain many detoxifying ingredients,

 so when using black beans to cook an acne drink, they should not be ground. However, it is necessary to wash thoroughly because the bean pods contain phytic acid which can cause indigestion and endocrine disorders.

* Avoid soaking or boiling beans,

 for too long because they will lose nutrients in them. Round and smooth beans should be chosen; do not choose seeds that white dust clings to because the beans may be moldy or eaten by weevils.

• In addition to drinking black bean water to support acne treatment,

 you need to know how to take care of acne skin and have a healthy diet. Increase cold or liver-strengthening foods such as apples, avocados, berries, and green vegetables ... Limit alcohol, fried foods, or spicy foods to reduce the acne treatment effect of black bean juice.

* Black bean juice supports the treatment of acne only in mild cases,

 and if they are severe, you should see a dermatologist for prescription drugs.

black bean properties

1. Dark beans have a detoxifying impact:

According to Oriental Medicine, black beans have cold properties and have a heat-purifying effect. Cold foods are very important for people with acne or atopic.

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According to Western medicine, black beans contain the enzyme sulfite oxidase and selenium - important minerals that play a role in detoxification, eliminating toxins that damage the liver and cause acne. related products

2.  Contains good fats:

When the body consumes a lot of bad fats in oil, fat, and liver, they are not broken down, so they are likely to be overloaded. However, when you eat black beans or drink roasted black bean juice, you provide the body with good fats, because these grains contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids.

Why drinking black bean water effectively treats acne Good fats improve liver function, regulate the skin's ability to secrete oil, and prevent the skin from clogging due to excessive fat secretion, thus reducing acne.

3.  Support in the treatment of hormonal disorders:

Many people experience acne problems due to hormones. Fortunately, black beans contain micronutrients that can help treat endocrine disorders. So you should drink black bean water to treat acne if you have this annoying problem.

4. Has anti-inflammatory properties:

Black beans are natural ingredients rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that play an important role in beauty and health. The anti-inflammatory properties make acne and pimples heal faster without leaving scars. In addition, black beans also contain B vitamins, zinc, and magnesium - important vitamins and minerals that support effective acne treatment.

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Drink black bean juice for acne and keep applying your skin care regimen until you always have smooth skin and say no to acne!

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