propolis benefits for skin, acne scar reduction

propolis benefits for skin, acne scar removal. Propolis, one of the ingredients that are gaining popularity in skincare products,
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propolis benefits for skin, acne scar reduction

Propolis is a natural ingredient with several benefits. Propolis has a high concentration of antioxidants, which help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging, as well as protect the skin against the sun. Propolis is also loaded with other beneficial compounds, including vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols, (like flavonoids, lignans, and terpenes).in this article you will know some propolis benefits for skin, acne scar removal.

propolis benefits for skin. A bee in the middle of beeswax
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A quick read about propolis

Propolis is also known scientifically as propolis. Propolis also means glue that helps protect the cell.

components: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial.

Benefits: wound healing, acne treatment, and skin protection.

Target audience: people looking for ingredients that help heal minor wounds or treat scars. Skin color and texture affected by acne can also look to propolis for support. 

Method of use: the use of propolis depends on the specific product and the purpose of the treatment. If you are not allergic to this component, you can safely use it every day.

What is propolis:

The benefits of honey and royal jelly in health care and beauty are no longer alien to women. But do you know propolis This component is gaining popularity in skincare products?

Propolis has been used for years for its healing properties. 

Scientists have studied that in propolis there are more than 300 chemical compounds, mainly polyphenols. Polyphenols are substances with antioxidant properties that help fight the accumulation of excess free radicals in the body

Waxy material is known as propolis,

 consisting of a mixture of tree resin and beeswax. Bees use this mixture to build their nests. Propolis contains an active anti-inflammatory and antibacterial component. It is also an advantage to protect the cell from nature. With its antibacterial and antifungal properties, propolis has been used for thousands of years in wound healing. Treat skin and solve dental problems.

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Propolis has been shown

 to have a biologically active property known as Balsam. Many antioxidants and polyphenols are part of the active substance balm. This component has an antibacterial effect. 

In clinical trials for wound healing. Propolis is used in the form of ointments, sprays, and liquids.

Benefits of propolis for skin:

Propolis and its extracts have many in the treatment of skin problems due to their antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. antibacterial and antifungal. Here are some of the benefits of propolis for the skin. 

propolis benefits to skin, healing

The main effect of propolis is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Propolis also can speed up the wound healing process. In addition to treating skin infections, minor wounds, scratches, and burns without necessarily requiring medical care. The biologically active component of propolis helps the skin speed up the healing process. Best of all, this component creates a closed environment for the skin to repair itself. related products:

propolis benefits for skin, Treatment of skin after acne

In addition to using propolis for wound healing, this ingredient is also useful for treating acne scars. Propolis has a very good effect on the healing of scars. Improves skin pigmentation and texture problems caused by acne. A propolis-based skin treatment product will certainly address these concerns in women. 

Reduce inflammation

propolis benefits for skin,

This is a substance that has many benefits in treating eczema and psoriasis by reducing inflammation. 

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Skin protection

One study found that propolis is an effective reflection agent for UV-induced skin damage. This is perfectly reasonable. Propolis has good antioxidant properties. It may resist oxidative damage caused by excessive sun exposure.  related products:

Side effects of propolis 

propolis benefits for skin,

In addition to the potential benefits of incorporating propolis-based products into your skincare routine; this ingredient also comes with a downside that you should be aware of. 

Research results show that propolis has promising benefits.

 However, the rate of allergic reactions in some skins with propolis is quite possible. Above all, propolis is not a substitute for medical intervention in certain cases.

Similar to other ingredients:

 when applied to the skin, incompatibility can sometimes lead to adverse reactions such as allergies or contact dermatitis. This is reported in the scientific literature. The rate of this side effect is quite high, so it can cause many unwanted problems to the skin. 

If you are concerned about the risk of an allergic reaction, test the product on your inner arm for a week or two before applying it to more sensitive areas such as your face. 

Besides using products containing propolis extract for external application; 

you can also take it orally as a pill, cough syrup, or emulsion. However, when absorbed orally, it can still cause side effects such as allergies and skin rashes. People with severe allergies may have difficulty breathing.

Ideally, you should do allergy diagnostic tests in large reputable hospitals, to better understand which active ingredients your body rejects. From there, it will help you choose safer cosmetics and foods.

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How to use propolis

If you decide to use a product containing propolis in your skincare routine, check the ingredients in the product; and the frequency of use to reduce unwanted reactions.  If you use this ingredient to promote wound healing such as skin burns, cuts, and scratches; look for products designed in the form of an ointment.

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The ointment itself provided a clear therapeutic benefit in helping to heal the wound. Ice cream can be a reasonable alternative. Although creams are not very effective in forming a base for a well-moistened wound. However, an ointment or cream product can still be a good choice for conditions such as fungal infections.

a summary:

Propolis is a natural product made by bees from plant exudations, pollen, nectar, propolis, and resins. Propolis contains natural antioxidants, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals essential to promoting human health. Other benefits include anti-inflammatory, anti-androgenic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-tumor properties.

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