What to eat to, get, natural, body odor, control, sweat smell, with food

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What to eat too, get,  natural body odor,: control, sweat smell, with food
In addition to regular bathing, using underarm rollers and fragrances, you can help your body smell naturally and control odors by choosing what you eat every day.

body odor

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Diet can help change the smell of sweat

Every time the hot season comes around, body odor becomes a concern for many people. The hotter the weather, the more body sweats, and standing next to some people with romantic body odor isn't pleasant at all. However, we can control our body odor to some extent with food. You are what you eat, roughly translated English proverb like Tell me what you eat, I'll tell you who you are, just right.

Thus, it helps your body to smell natural. To understand why food offers a more pleasant smell, and even temptation to the body, let's take a look at the scientific explanation.

What is body odor

The human body can produce odors due to chemical reactions that come from hormones and sweat glands. Fragrance molecules can be attractive, but they can also be annoying because of each person's body. Daily food, lifestyle, sexual activities, medicines we use, and diseases ... All factors that affect body odor.   related productshttps://amzn.to/37dLq48

Body odor usually comes from the following areas:

  • Armpit
  • Feet
  • Areas with a lot of hair and hair
  • Secret
  • Behind the ears
  • Special areas such as the groin and anus
  • Mouth Teeth

Body odor is often equated with sweat. People who sweat more often consider that they have a more unpleasant smell than the body. However, this thinking is not true.

The science of sweat and body odor

Our bodies have two sweat glands, which produce two different types of sweat.

One type,

 apocrine sweat glands regulate body temperature. This is the kind of sweat that is released when our temperature rises. The surprising thing is that this kind of sweat does not smell. Because it's just salt and water.  related productshttps://amzn.to/37dLq48

The second type,

 sweat endocrine, is really what causes the characteristic odor of the body. This type of sweat is secreted in intimate areas of the body such as the chest and armpits. It is also the sweat gland that carries the body's waste products, including fats and proteins. Bacteria on your skin react to these substances, resulting in an unpleasant body odor.

Children under adolescence do not have deaf sweat glands. These sweat glands appear only after puberty when testosterone levels begin to gradually increase in the body.

The smell of sweat and disease: the cause of bad body odor

Before we discuss food, you should also know that many factors determine body odor. Includes disease.

If you are deficient in zinc, your body likely smells completely bad. The reason is, that zinc is an important mineral that helps the body eliminate toxins. Zinc deficiency, impaired detoxification organs, causing the accumulation of a strong body odor.   related productshttps://amzn.to/37dLq48

Diseases of the kidneys and liver (internal organs responsible for detoxification) can also be blamed. Also, if you feel that your sweat smells like sea fish, you may have Rhea. This is a hereditary disease when the body loses the ability to absorb trimethylamine in food.

Those who take the drug also easily absorb the smell of the drug. For example, diabetics often have an acetone-like sweat smell because they have to take insulin.

How to prevent body odor

However, to understand this, countless reasons affect body odor. Reducing body sweating, as well as eliminating odor-causing bacteria,

 is the best way to control body odor. Must:

  • Take a shower daily, at least with clean water, to remove sweat from the body.
  • Use soap to remove odor-causing bacteria in intimate areas such as armpits, breasts, groin, and feet ...    related productshttps://amzn.to/37dLq48
  • Dry your body after bathing. Dry skin hardly creates conditions for the reproduction of odor-causing bacteria.
  • Use an armpit roller to control the amount of sweat secreted in the armpit area. If you sweat in other areas such as the middle thighs, chest, etc., you can use a deodorant spray for these areas. If your feet are sweaty, you can use baby powder.
  • Wash clothes often. Fragrance particles can stick to clothes, especially sweat-soaked clothes.
  • No smoking. Cigarettes smell your breath strongly. Brush your teeth thoroughly after eating, or if you do not have the opportunity, at least chew gum.
  • Finally, help the body get a natural smell through food.

Helps the body to smell the natural smell of food

Do you feel why some people, even though they sweat a lot, do not have the same "sweet" body odor as others Science says that the reason comes from their daily menu.

What you eat affects the microbial ecosystem in your body - and bacteria are the main cause of the unpleasant smell of sweat.   related productshttps://amzn.to/37dLq48

Until now, there is still little scientific research related to food and body odor. But, based on the studies conducted so far, here are the conclusions.

To get a natural flavor, you need to eat: vegetables, fruits

A 2017 study looked at foods that make men's body odors more attractive than women's. The main result is healthy food, vegetables, and fruits.

These dishes are all rich in carotenoids, a family of natural plant pigments that include beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A) and lycopene. These are also antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals.

Research shows that when men eat a lot of vegetables and fruits rich in carotenoids, women classify their sweat as odorless but with a slightly sweet smell like flowers. It doesn't matter if the Hyung are sweating a lot because their body odor is naturally seductive.

Use in moderation: red meat and strong spices

Those who ate protein-rich foods, such as eggs, tofu, and meat, were also classified as having a pleasant aroma. The sisters in the study described their scent as masculine and seductive.

However, a 2006 study in the scientific journal found that men who stopped eating red meat (cows, sheep, goats) for two consecutive weeks were rated as having a less intense odor.  So, you should use white meat (chicken, duck, fish) instead. Just enough protein, while helping the body to have a normal smell.

very strong spices such as onions,

 garlic and Curry are triggers for a strong body odor. These spices are rich in sulfur (sulfur). The body cannot fully absorb and metabolize sulfur in them. When this substance is released through the sweat glands, it comes into contact with bacteria on the skin, creating a very strong odor.

But this spice is very useful for health. So you can still use them in moderation.

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To avoid unpleasant body odor, you should limit: starch and alcoholic beverages

In contrast, people who ate a lot of starchy foods such as pizza, pasta, and bread were rated as having the most unpleasant odor from the body. The sisters could not explain what this smell is, except to describe it as very split.

Alcohol also makes body odor sensitive. According to research published in the National Institute of health, when your body metabolizes the alcohol in the drink, it produces acetic acid. Sweat glands secrete acetic acid through the pores. And from there it creates a strong sour smell characteristic of those who like to drink. If you want your body to have a natural smell, you should avoid these foods.

related products: https://amzn.to/37dLq48

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