7 tips and suggestions for running at a high temperature

Running in a high temperature - 7 tips. Drink enough. How much heat is good for the body?. When is the best training time?.
Estimated read time: 5 min

 Running at a high temperature - 7 tips.
Drink enough.
How much heat is good for the body?.
When is the best training time?.
pay attention to the vitamins.

7 tips and suggestions for running at a high temperature

In the following, I will show you some tips and suggestions for running in the heat.

How much heat is good for the body?

Intensive training presents the body with increased challenges even at temperatures of 25 degrees. If the thermometer rises to more than 30 degrees, you should choose a running distance that provides sufficient shade.

However, it is better if you transfer your endurance training to the water on such days. Aqua fitness is a good alternative on hot days. In addition to the temperatures, you should also pay attention to the ozone values in summer. With a load of more than 360 micrograms, it is better to refrain from physical exertion.

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When is the best training time?

  running at a high temperature,

If you can set it up, you should move your training to the early morning or late evening. The temperatures are then much easier to bear. In addition, the ozone levels are still significantly lower, especially in the morning hours than during the day or in the early evening.

If you can only walk in the evening, then you should do this as late as possible. Of course, the finest preparing time continuously depends on your claim biorhythms. While some people start the day with a cheerful mood after an early morning jog, others struggle with fatigue during the day.

Just test out a bit which time of day is the best for you to run.

Related Products: https://amzn.to/3vEhxUW

Sun protection while running

 at a high temperature,

Before running, you should apply a good cream to your arms, legs, face, and neck. Pay attention to a sunscreen that is as low in fat as possible, so that the pores do not clog and you can still sweat well.

In addition, the cream must be waterproof, otherwise, the sunscreen will mix too easily with sweat. In addition, it is best to put on a running cap that is as air-permeable and breathable as possible (here is an example model). A lot of heat is released over the head and if it does not get outside, there is a risk of heat accumulation or a circulatory collapse.

Drink enough

 running at a high temperature,

You must drink enough mineral water or apple juice before running. If your training lasts longer than 30 minutes, you should always take a water bottle with you. However, do not drink too much at once, because the resulting "feeling of fullness" can be a hindrance to you when running.

pay attention to the vitamins

As a result of sweating, the body loses a lot of electrolytes (minerals). Since you sweat significantly more at high temperatures, you should definitely pay attention to a full-fledged, vitamin- and mineral-rich diet.

Eat fruits and vegetables as often as possible. Unprocessed foods are always the measure of all things. Alternatively, you can also use special sports drinks (iso drinks). These have a high content of amino acids, minerals, and carbohydrates.

Related Products: https://amzn.to/3vEhxUW.

Before and during training, still non-carbonated mineral water is the best option, and after training, you can stock up with a protein shake or low-calorie smoothie.

The right running clothes

An important point is also the running clothes suitable for heat. If possible, this should be light, airy, and bright. For example, shorts and a sleeveless functional shirt are ideally suited.

Some joggers try to combine running directly with sunbathing and do without a top. However, care must be taken, because the welding film significantly enhances the effect of the sun's rays, which can quickly lead to sunburn.

By the way: in no case do not save when it comes to running shoes. Be sure to choose a high-quality pair here to avoid unpleasant pain or even orthopedic damage.

What else is important

If you take a shower before running, you should always do it cold. The body cools down in this way, and you only start sweating later. If you get headaches or stomach pains or hot-cold chills or cramps during your running session, then stop the training immediately. Then go slowly and look for a shady place.

General tip: take advantage of every second of the beautiful weather. Leave the TV off and go outdoors as often as possible to enjoy nature, sun, and fresh air – this sharpens the senses and keeps the body healthy.

Related Products: https://amzn.to/3vEhxUW.

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