Does walking lose weight,9, walking tips for beginners, they need to know

Does walking lose weight,9, walking tips for beginners, they need to know beginners walking program for obese Walking is a form of exercise that hel
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Does walking lose weight,9, walking tips for beginners, they need to know
beginners walking program for obese. Walking is a form of exercise that helps with weight loss. However, compared to other sports methods, is walking more effective in losing weight.

walking tips for beginners

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How many calories do you burn by walking for an hour a day

To lose weight, you should eat fewer calories than you burn every day. To increase the rate of calorie burning, you can walk, eat less, or combine both.

The theory is that 0.45 kg of body weight is equivalent to 3500 calories. So you need to reduce every day by 500 calories, within one week to lose 0.45 kg.

The simplicity of walking makes it a compelling form of exercise for many people. The number of calories burned depends on your weight and strolling speed.

The average walking speed of a person is 3 mph (4.8 km / h - 4.8 km / h). The faster you weigh, the more calories you burn. Other influencing factors include terrain, internal/external environment, age, and gender.

So that a person weighing 55 kg and walking 4.8 km in one hour, the number of calories burned is 193.

Does walking lose weight?

Walking for an hour a day helps burn calories, and therefore helps to lose weight. In one study, 11 women lost an average weight of 7.7 kg (10% of their initial weight) after 6 months of daily walking.

They gradually increased the time they walked every day until they reached one hour a day. At first, when walking for only less than 30 minutes a day, the weight loss was very minimal. Thus, the total walking time is directly proportional to the calories burned. 

Another study also showed that obese women who walked 3 days a week, for 50-70 minutes every day, lost 2.7 kg in 12 weeks.

The most exciting thing is that the number of calories burned depends on whether you walk continuously or are divided into several waves. 

In a 24-week study, 

some overweight women were asked to walk continuously for 50 minutes, while another group of women walked in two 25-minute sessions. The results showed that the group of women who walked 25.2 a day lost 1.7 kg more than the group that walked continuously for 50 minutes a day.

However, other studies have shown no difference between continuous walking and intermittent walking. So walking in any form depends on the state of Health and the choice of each person.

9, walking tips for beginners

1. walking tips for beginners, Choose the right shoes

Choose sneakers that are half a size larger than your regular shoes. You should buy shoes in the evening after exercise because your foot is the most swollen at this time. You should wear socks (socks) when shopping for shoes to avoid choosing the wrong shoe.

If your feet are uneven, choose shoes that fit your larger foot.

The area of the shoes should be 1-1.3 cm from the tip of the big toe to the toe. So when you go down a slope, the toes will not have to cause pain. This is the secret of"too many shoes and not enough shoes".

The heel of the shoe should fit snugly to avoid slipping.

Shoes should have a well-ventilated design and breathable absorbent material. If appropriate, you should invest in a pair of specialized waterproof shoes that can be used for mountaineering and Temple climbing.

2. Walking tips for beginners, listen to music while walking

Listening to music helps you forget about time, walk faster and stay motivated throughout your workout. However, you should ensure a safe and non-hazardous travel environment, and not go to a dark place with few people or early in the morning. Musical equipment should be carefully fixed on the body so as not to be shocked.  related products:

3. walking tips for beginners, Snack before walking

Have a snack at least an hour before walking. This will ensure that blood sugar does not drop and the muscles do not overwork after exercise. After a walk, you can drink green tea to avoid dehydration and quick recovery. Avoid energy drinks, vitamin drinks, or sports drinks that are high in sugar.

4. walking tips for beginners, Find a companion

Several studies show that the group strongly supports each other in achieving weight loss goals. So, if you joined a walking club, or went for a walk with a loved one, or a friend ... Not only is it safe, but it also keeps you motivated. Every time you are lazy, someone will encourage you, even "press" you to hit the road.

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5. walking tips for beginners, number of steps

You can invest in a smartwatch that counts steps (pedometer), at a price ranging from 150,000 to 400,000 VND. Research shows that the ideal daily goal should be 10,000 steps. Knowing how many steps you take will help you have more motivation to strive. Or you can download the pedometer app for your phone to save money.

6. If you can't get up early, you can go for an afternoon walk

Many people like to go for a walk early in the morning, but if you are busy with children or can not get up early, a walk in the afternoon is also very good.  related products:

A small 12-week study published in the Journal A R Cr E وجدت found that obese men who walked in the afternoon lost more fat than those who walked in the morning. The ability to control blood glucose is also better, and insulin resistance also decreases.

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7. He must walk quickly and evenly

When you walk in groups, your rhythm may slow down due to conversation. How to know if you're going fast or slow You can do the following small test: you walk and talk or sing, now your heart rate should be between 117-130 beats per minute and you can still talk, but not enough to sing.  If you only walk and can still sing, the time spent walking will not help you lose weight.

You can download an app to measure your heart rate while walking. Why increased heart rate is important is Because when the body realizes that you are walking for a long time, it will enter the fat storage areas to burn fat for energy instead of taking glycogen from the muscles.

8.  Sometimes you have to increase or decrease the speed

Brisk walking will help you burn calories, but changing your pace can also help you burn up to 20% of calories. A study from Ohio State University (USA) in 2015 showed that if you accelerate regularly then slow down and then accelerate again ... Your ability to burn calories will be higher.

9. Walking outdoors is better than walking on a treadmill

When you get the chance, get out and breathe some fresh air. Environmental conditions help you improve your mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and reduce cortisol levels.

The hormone cortisol is characterized by stimulating carbohydrate and fat metabolism, which makes you hungry, crave food, and you will easily choose foods that lack nutrients to satisfy hunger.  Does walking lose weight Walking on the machine not helps you lose weight but leads to weight gain?


Does walking lose weight Walking can help you lose weight, but if you eat and drink, you will waste your time and effort walking? A low-calorie diet should therefore be followed to achieve the best results. Also, choose the terrain, the path is very steep to increase the speed of burning calories. Finally, don't forget to make sure your gait is straight, your head is straightforward, and your back is straight so you don't hurt your spine.

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