functional food, for effective, collagen supplements

functional food, for effective, collagen supplements Collagen is essential in anti-aging cosmetic work. However, what is the most effective
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 functional food, for effective, collagen supplements
Collagen is essential in anti-aging cosmetic work. However, what is the most effective way to supplement collagen for the body?

functional food

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What is collagen

Collagen and water are the main components that make up the human body. It is a protein that gives the body flexibility and is commonly found in the skin, joints, and tendons that connect muscles. Collagen is one of the nutrients that helps the body heal and repair.

As we age and grow older, the collagen content in our body also decreases. From the age of 20 to before 30, on average, each year the skin loses about 1% of collagen.

When collagen gradually loses, the skin also loses its inherent elasticity. As a result, the skin lacks good elasticity, becomes less firm, and wrinkles and crow's feet appear in the corners of the eyes.

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Anti-growing old collagen complement

To meet the needs of women to preserve their youth forever, there are many types of collagen-containing cosmetics on the market. They are all advertised as having the ability to restore skin elasticity by replenishing collagen in the body. From topical products such as serums and lotions to supplements such as collagen pills.

However, are they really useful?

Our bodies can produce the necessary amount of collagen. But you have to get enough vitamin C and the necessary protein for this to happen. Therefore, if you want to add collagen, the fastest way is through food.

You can supplement collagen by eating well or loading collagen directly through functional foods.

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Collagen-wealthy foods

Collagen could be a sort of protein. As such, protein-rich foods such as beef, chicken, fish, beans, eggs, and milk are all good choices. You can also increase your intake of soup that comes from bone broth. This is a concentrated source of pure collagen that is easy to make at home.

The body also needs vitamin C, zinc, and copper to be able to produce collagen. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, and cauliflower. To supplement the minerals of zinc and copper, you should eat seafood, nuts, beans, and meat.

If food intake is sufficient, why use Functional Foods This is because as the body ages, your body's ability to absorb nutrients from everyday foods gradually weakens.  Until a certain age, you will get better results when using more functional foods.

Collagen functional dietary supplement

On the market, there are many types of collagen such as powder, liquid, and tablets. According to scientific studies, water-based collagen is said to have the best absorption and metabolism.

You can use collagen tablets from the age of 25. This is a good choice for those who often have to go on business trips and have little time to prepare a full meal.

However, it should be noted that taking too much collagen is also not effective. Even if you use a lot of functional foods, it does not mean that the body can absorb them as much. If it exceeds the required amount, the body will remove it on its own. Currently, scientists recommend doses of 2.5 grams to 10 grams of collagen supplement per day.

Do collagen-containing creams work or not

They are not as effective as dietary collagen supplements. However, if you want to add collagen-containing topical cosmetics as a backup, look for products that come with retinol. This is because retinol helps the skin produce natural collagen.

❣ Advice: collagen select premium review

To improve anti-aging

One way to prevent a decrease in the collagen content in the body is to: stop bad habits that accelerate the aging of the body. For example, do not smoke, do not use a lot of alcoholic beverages, and eat well. Especially good sun protection for the skin. Ultraviolet radiation is also a factor that destroys collagen located under the skin.

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