hair loss in women, its symptoms, causes and methods of treatment

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 hair loss in women, its symptoms, causes, and methods of treatment

Hair loss is the result of hair follicles dying, particularly in the scalp and crown of the head. Hair loss is a natural process and is usually a constant problem for women, even when they are not experiencing pregnancy or hormonal changes. The most common causes of hair loss are the following: (1) a hormonal imbalance, such as menopause, pregnancy, or extreme exercise; (2) genetic factors, such as baldness; (3) a medication or medical treatment; and (4) a surgical procedure. The most common medications that are often associated with hair loss include chemotherapy and thyroid.

If you want to know more about the causes and effects of hair loss in women, check out the article

hair loss in women. Holding a hair from the hand of a woman's head

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What is hair loss in women?

Physiological hair loss refers to daily hair loss when we comb our hair. But excessive hair loss in women is unusual if your hair suddenly falls out a lot. So how much is natural hair loss Every day, if you lose only 50-100 strands this is normal. Hair loss is inevitable because old hair will fall out until new hair grows.

However, the balance will be disrupted if the hair falls out too much and new hair grows less. Physiological alopecia is different from pathological alopecia. The medical term is alopecia areata or alopecia areata.

Know the hair growth cycle

Hair goes through three cycles:

  •  Anagen (growth phase): it is the growth phase of hair follicles and lasts 2-8 years. At this stage, hair follicles make up 85-90% of your head. Every 28 days, your hair will be about 1 cm long.
  •  The regress phase (transition phase) is the period when the hair follicle shrinks and does not grow back and lasts about 2-3 weeks.
  •  The telogen phase (resting phase) lasts about 2-4 months. At the end of this period, the hair will fall out.

Shorter hair types such as eyelashes, arm hair, leg hair, and eyebrows have a short growing phase - about a month. Hair on your scalp can last up to 6 years or even longer.

Why hair falls out so many Causes of hair loss

There are three types of causes of hair loss include anagen effluvium, telogen effluvium, and FPHL.

  • Anagen effluvium: Causes of drug intoxication hair follicles are developed (e.g. chemotherapy).
  •  Telogen effluvium: Causes are due to the number of hair follicles increased to the telogen stage, this is the stage of hair loss.
  •  Hair loss male hormone/hair loss women FPHL/baldness: this type is most common. The hair will be thin on top and sides.

More hair loss in women how common?

Numerous individuals think that hair misfortune as it were influences men. Be that as it may, it is assessed that more than 50% of ladies will endure noteworthy hair misfortune.

 causes hair loss in women is most important is type FPHL, affecting about 1/3 of the women, the equivalent of about 30 million women in the United States.

The women who easy to suffer from hair loss? In any case, this condition is more common in:

Anyone can suffer from hair loss. Be that as it may, this condition is more common in:

  •  Ladies over the age of 40
  •  Ladies' modern birth
  •  Those who had chemotherapy or were affected by other drugs
  •  People often curling iron, hair straighteners, hair braid tight or forced horse tail hair, dyed hair
  •  Menopausal women

The causes of hair loss in women what's popular?

* Hairstyle: hairstyles can hair loss. For example, styles that need to be stretched close to the hairline such as ponytails, tight braids, or cornflowers. This is traction. If the hair follicles are damaged, you may experience permanent hair loss.

* Vitamin deficiency.

* Diet (rapid weight loss) or restriction of certain substances.

* Treated hair (perms, softeners, dyes, hair extensions ).

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Causes of hair loss in women, Toxic substances,

Toxic substances, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and some medications hair loss in the head. It affects the hair during the growth phase. Sometimes, this pattern of hair loss can be permanent if your hair follicles are damaged.    related products:

Causes of hair loss in intercostal women

* Excessive physical stress or physical trauma causes hair loss. These include weight loss, surgery, anemia, illness, and childbirth.

* Hair loss after the COVID-19 vaccine is also intercostal causes hair loss. Many people experience hair loss after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine or after infection for the following reasons: fever is a common symptom of.-19. Two to three months after having a high fever or recovering from an illness, many people notice significant hair loss. Hair can fall out in the form of a bunch when washing or combing your hair. This will last for 6-9 months and then stop.

• Severe emotional stress:

 mental illness, grief over the death of a loved one ... Prolonged stress from COVID-19 can also lead to more hair loss than usual.

* Thyroid disorder.

* Medications and supplements: 

blood pressure medications, gout medications, and high doses of vitamin A.

* Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, menopause, or birth control pills.

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Causes of hair loss in women FPH.

Genes: your family's genes can cause your hair to thin at the top of your head.

* Aging: the hormone changes as you age can cause baldness.

 Menopause: this type of hair loss often gets worse as estrogen is lost during menopause.

Symptoms of hair loss in women

* You notice more hair loss every day on the comb, floor, bathroom, pillow, or in the sink.

• On the head, there are many places where the hair is thin or lacking, and the white spaces widen and widen.    related products:

* The scalp appears through the hair.

* See causes hair loss.

⁕ Advice: What causes hair loss,4 items to take immediately

Hair loss in women what to do What medications or supplements may help

How hair loss is treated in women depends on, the causes of hair loss.

* If you lose due to stress or hormonal changes such as pregnancy,

 you may not need treatment. The hair will stop falling out after a while.

* In case of hair loss due to styling methods,

 such as braids or ponytails ... You have to avoid styling as mentioned above.

* If you are undernourished, you may be asked to take a supplement. For example, you may be asked to take a multivitamin and 3-5 mg of biotin per day, as prescribed by your doctor.

Other drugs that have been studied, but not yet approved, for hair loss in women include:

  •  Spironolactone and other antiandrogenic agents
  •  Finasteride and other alpha-reductase inhibitors
  •  Estrogen
  •  Prostaglandin analogs
  •  Aphrodisiacs

* Hair transplant surgery:

 the doctor removes thick hair and implants it in balding areas. This procedure can involve risks such as infection, folliculitis, and traumatic hair loss - hair loss at the transplant site. In the case of large balding areas, the doctor will find it difficult to find enough hair to transplant.

* Protein-rich plasma injection (R) was also performed to encourage hair growth. It's usually made from a patient's blood. Platelets are removed, concentrated, and then injected into the bloodstream.

* Other light treatments.    related products:

How to prevent hair loss in women

Hair loss is difficult to prevent when you have a disease, age, genetic factors, or physical stress such as injury. But you can prevent hair loss caused by chemicals or proper hairstyles by avoiding them.

You can prevent hair loss by stopping smoking (if you have one) and eating a healthy diet that provides essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and protein.  

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What does hair loss decrease 5 foods for hair loss to make hair thicker?

1. What should a woman do if she is losing her hair? Consumption of fatty fish

Some types of fish that contain essential fatty acids, including omega-3 and vitamin D, are:

  •  Tuna
  •  Mackerel
  •  Salmon
  •  Herring

Fatty fish is also a good source of proteins, selenium, and B vitamins. It all helps promote healthy hair.

2. Eggs

Supplementing with eggs is a way to overcome hair loss in women. Eggs are similar to multivitamins because they contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Some of these elements associated with healthy hair include protein, biotin, selenium, and zinc.

Eggs are an excellent source of protein and are important for preventing hair loss. Low-protein diets affect hair growth during the "rest" phase, which can lead to hair loss and reduced hair growth.

Eggs also contain biotin, a B vitamin that is important for the health of hair, skin, and nails. Biotin deficiency has been linked to hair loss, as well as hair color loss. A 2016 study in the International Journal of Trichology research found that 38% of hair loss in women was due to biotin deficiency.

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3. Dark green vegetables

Vegetables with dark green leaves contain many nutrients that prevent hair loss. They contain vitamin A, iron, beta-carotene, folic acid, and vitamin C. Some good options are:

  •  Turnip
  •  Spinach (spinach)
  •  Turnip

One bowl of cooked spinach contains about 6 milligrams of iron, an important nutrient for strong hair. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), iron deficiency is the most common type of nutritional deficiency in the world.    related products:

It is also associated with many different types of hair loss.

Vitamin A is another important nutrient found in green vegetables that plays a role in hair health. This vitamin helps your body make oil that protects your hair by moisturizing your scalp.

4. Fruits

Fruits are rich in compounds important for hair health such as vitamin C and antioxidants found in:

  •  Berries
  •  Cherry
  •  Apricot
  •  Citrus

Vitamin C helps protect hair follicles from free radicals, absorbs iron, and produces collagen - one of the proteins that make hair and help prevent hair loss.

5. Nuts and seeds

These foods are rich in many important nutrients to prevent hair loss, including vitamin E, zinc, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids. If you are worried about hair loss, add the following nuts to your menu:

  • Walnut
  •  Almonds
  •  Flax seeds
  •  Chia seeds

Zinc and selenium are essential trace elements that the body cannot make, so you have to get them through foods such as nuts and seeds. These trace elements are important for hair growth, and their deficiency can lead to hair loss.

What are some tips for dealing with hair loss in women

* Head massage can stimulate blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles, which helps in hair growth.

* Cut your hair shorter and cut your face in a cup that gives the impression of having more hair.

* Use shampoo that prevents hair loss or you can also wash your hair with rice water.


We hope that the above information has helped you understand the causes of hair loss in women, how to treat and prevent it, as well as foods that help reduce hair loss. I hope you have beautiful thick hair!

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