Secrets of soaking garlic in honey to beautify the skin
What do you know about how to use honey-soaked garlic to beautify the skin? Both honey and garlic have certain medicinal effects. The honey-garlic mixture is sweet, crispy, and tasty, it can be eaten by men, women, and children all year round. Garlic with honey can treat a variety of diseases, especially for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and also has an impact on health care, where long-term consumption in moderation can dredge blood vessels, prevent blood clots, and fight cancer. read this article to know the Secrets of soaking garlic in honey.
1. garlic in honey, treatment of sinusitis and nose:
What is the effect of garlic wine soaked with honey? Thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties and ability to kill harmful bacteria. also, garlic soaked in honey can treat rhinitis and sinusitis? Just a spoonful of honey-soaked garlic will help cure nasopharyngitis and improve respiratory resistance, especially for young children. related products:
2. treats stomach diseases:
Soaking garlic in honey is an effective remedy for preventing and treating stomach diseases. also, Use this mixture just before each meal while abstaining from some spicy foods. as many people have been treated for persistent stomach pain.
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3. treats high blood pressure:
High blood pressure is a major cause of some health problems such as headaches. also fatigue, heart problems, and strokes. Doctors recommend patients with hypertension eat a mixture of garlic and honey daily to enhance blood circulation and stabilize blood pressure.
4. garlic in honey treats diabetes:
Scientists have proved that the garlic mixture soaked in honey contributes to increased insulin secretion to regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics. In addition, it also provides a natural, safe and harmless sweetener for diabetics.
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5. nourishes and beautifies the skin:
How to soak garlic with honey to beautify the skin The regular use of garlic soaked in honey helps to rejuvenate the skin, helping the skin get rid of dullness. also, In addition, garlic has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and garlic soaked in honey effectively treats acne.
Besides, this solution also promotes blood flow, gives your skin a natural glow, and increases antioxidant levels for the skin and body. related products:
Honey-soaked garlic in addition to the above effects also
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6. has some important benefits as follows:
* Helps fight colds and flu.
* Strengthens the immune system, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial.
* Removes toxins from the body by detoxification.
* Improve liver health.
* Good for heart health.
* Improves memory and benefits the brain.
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How to marinate garlic in honey
With the great benefits of honey-soaked garlic. you should use garlic soaking regularly.
- Garlic: 15 g
- Pure honey: 100 ml
- Tools: 1 glass jar
Depending on the needs of each family, the amount of garlic and honey can be increased accordingly.
* Garlic is peeled, mashed, or chopped. If the garlic is mixed with sand, it must be washed and let dry before soaking. related products:
* Rinse the glass jar and sterilize it with boiling water. Put the garlic in the jar, and pour the honey according to the ratio of 15 g of garlic: 100 ml honey (if you soak more please follow this ratio).
* Close the lid of the jar and leave it for 2-3 weeks in a fantastic place to be able to use the honey-soaked garlic mixture. You can also store jars of pickled garlic in the refrigerator.
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How to use garlic soaked in honey to beautify the skin
Beautify the skin with honey-soaked with garlic, you can use the mixture to drink and apply to the skin.
According to the recommendations of some doctors,
only 15-20 grams of honey and garlic should be used per day or up to 40 grams (one tablespoon is equivalent to 15 ml). Do not use a large amount of garlic soaked with honey daily. It is best to use a teaspoon and mix with warm water to drink in the morning about 30 minutes before eating.
If using the mixture on the skin,
apply a very thin layer for 3-5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Do not let the mixture stay on the skin for a long time and remember to stay away from the eye area when applying. Garlic soaked in honey is acidic and bactericidal, so if left for a long time on the skin, it causes corrosion.
In addition,
to treat acne, apply a thick layer of garlic mixture soaked with honey to the acne, leave for 5 minutes, and then wash off. This solution will make acne spots less red and swollen and prevent their growth.
you should note trying
apply the honey-soaked garlic mixture to your hands before applying it to your face if you have sensitive skin. After applying a honey-soaked garlic solution to your skin, you also need to protect yourself from the sun and carefully cover yourself when going outside.
How long to soak the garlic in honey
There is no specific schedule for this mix. How long you let the garlic solution soak in the honey depends on the soaking process. related products:
If the ingredients or utensils are not sterilized when soaking, the jar of pickled garlic can be damaged after only a few days.
Usually, if stored at room temperature, in a cool place, without direct sunlight, it can be kept for about a year. If stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life may be longer.
However, honey-soaked for a long time is not tasty, so every time you soak, you should think about soaking in a moderate amount and using it for 3 months.
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Who should not use garlic soaked with honey
Garlic soaked in honey is a golden blend that helps protect the health, prevent disease, increase resistance, and beautify skin and hair ... But not everyone can use them. Pregnant women, children under one year of age who have a weak stomach, a history of diabetes, or some people who are allergic to garlic and honey should not use garlic soaked with honey.
This use of garlic is soaked with honey to beautify your skin with the necessary notes. Eating too much honey-soaked garlic can cause some problems such as nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, stomach problems, headaches, etc., so don't overdo it.
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