how to use rose water for hair growth, safe natural remedy

how to use rose water for hair growth. Rose water helps reduce fat and dandruff. Has anti-inflammatory properties
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 how to use rose water for hair growth, safe natural remedy
Have you ever thought of using rose water on your hair, this ingredient has been used in ancient rituals in remote countries for centuries? The quality of rose water is well-known among hairdressers. It is the main ingredient in many hair care products. Regular use of rose water is beneficial for scalp and hair care. It helps reduce inflammation, increases blood flow to the scalp, and promotes hair growth.

Rose water for hair. Short blond hair at the back

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Understanding rose water

Roses have been cultivated for their essential oils since the seventh century AD. Rose essential oil when combined with water forms a mixture of it. Because of its healing power and religious significance, it is also a symbol of love, faith, and pure beauty.

Rose water for hair, and oil balance:

First of all, it is very suitable for oily scalp. “As we all know, rose water is a mild astringent, which means it is very suitable for purifying the scalp and balancing oil production,” says Trinder.

Rose water for hair, soothing:

Due to its mild anti-inflammatory properties, the skin also feels refreshed. Applying it directly to the scalp can have the same effect, especially when the scalp is itchy.

Gloss improvement:

Then there is the gloss factor. And ingredients like rose, especially if you use it in oil or serum, will help add moisture to dry hair and make your hair look brighter and shinier, Trinder added.

Rose water for hair, moisturizing, and softening:

If you scroll by yourself, it will work too. "Traditionally, rose water is added to Rasoul clay, one of the original Moroccan clays, known for its gentle purifying and detoxifying properties to help soften it and turn it into more of a paste.

Rose water smells very good.

Washing and conditioning hair should be gentle, and products with a pleasant scent — such as those scented with rose water — play an important role in this regard. Roses, in particular, have a very strong scent, so it lingers on your hair like the fragrance of roses

Rose water for hair, and small hair follicles:

It acts as an astringent to shrink hair follicles. Helps shrink hair follicles to prevent excess sebum production.

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Rose water can treat and prevent dandruff:

Besides reducing excess oil production, it also works to prevent dandruff formation, especially for oily scalp types.

Rich in anti-inflammatory:

It contains natural antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory and soothing to irritation. People with eczema or psoriasis on the scalp use this solution to improve their condition.

Rose water for hair, rose water can prevent hair loss:

A healthy scalp environment helps prevent hair loss. Rose water helps reduce fat and contains antioxidants, thus reducing hair loss.

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Note that you should not use it more than 3 times a week:

As overuse can lead to a pH imbalance in the scalp resulting in an adverse reaction. Rinse your hair with it after shampooing


Rose water can be used to stimulate hair growth by providing a nourishing environment and increasing the number of essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins that reach the scalp. In fact, rose water is often used as an ingredient in other products, including shampoo and conditioner. 

It can also be used to reduce dandruff and clean hair follicles. Rose water can be applied directly to the hair, especially if it is new growth. Wilkins recommends showering hair with rose water before applying it. He also recommends combing hair with rose water for application.

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