Blood type and diet, healthy eating is good for health

Blood type and diet are a system of eating that categorize foods as beneficial, or neutral, , It's based on a person's blood type, and other factors.
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 Blood type and diet, healthy eating is good for health
 Blood type and diet is a diet plan that uses the blood type to determine which foods can be eaten and which foods must be avoided. This diet plan revolves around the premise that different blood types have different nutritional needs. Continue reading this article to find out more:

Blood type and diet. 8 red drops represent blood groups

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1.  Blood type and diet, the principle of Type (A) blood diet :

Vegetarian + proper exercise

Type A blood was first produced at the stage of eating vegetables in the agrarian state. Different from blood type O, people with Type A have less gastric acid secretion, which makes their ability to digest meat relatively weak. Beware of meat such as beef and lamb, if you eat a lot of meat and suffer from indigestion, it will easily become fat and accumulate in the body, causing obesity. so, owners of Type, A blood should eat beef and lamb with caution if they want to lose weight. As for other meat. it is better to replace it with fresh fish and chicken.

Strengthen the intake of vegetable protein

 Blood type and diet, For people with this type of blood,

 if they want to lose weight or improve their health, their food should be mainly vegetables. The most suitable foods are soy foods such as soybeans, and tofu is absolutely indispensable. Especially if you want to lose weight. it is better to supplement it with vegetable protein. In weight loss recipes, the intake of vegetable proteins such as tofu and cereals is promoted to supplement the insufficient protein in the body.

People with blood type A:

 are more sensitive. People with blood group A are suitable for eating in a comfortable and pleasant environment, as they are more sensitive. If the atmosphere is unpleasant during meals, it will greatly affect the mood, cause indigestion, and lead to obesity. The best way to lose weight is to reduce your goals to a range that can reduce success. adopt a vegetarian diet strategy, maintain a pleasant mood, and avoid alcohol, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, strong seasonings, and spices.  Nutritionists especially recommend people with blood group A drink a glass of papaya juice every day to break down fats and harmful substances in meat.                        related product:

Type (A) blood diet food:

Olive oil, sweet potatoes, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables.

2. Blood type and diet, the principle of the blood type B diet:

Happy mood, eat fewer and more meals

Compared to Type A and Type O, blood group B is a blood group that is relatively late in human history. They first appeared as nomads who are accustomed to the climate and changes. This type of person mainly belongs to the strong body type and has a relatively strong body, and a strong immune system. easy balance, and strong resistance to many modern diseases such as heart disease and cancer. 

Blood group B can digest a variety of delicious foods. In terms of eating, it can be said that they are the most preferred blood group, because they can digest all kinds of delicious food, be it animal or vegetable, and they can eat almost anything. 

 Blood type and diet, Some foods hinder the metabolism of blood type B ،

But some delicious foods cannot be touched, such as tomatoes, corn, chicken, and most nuts and their seeds. B blood.

3.  Blood type and diet: Principles of the AB blood type diet:

Balanced diet simple cooking

Blood group AB is the last new blood group that appeared on Earth, it is a mixed-blood group of A and B, so the blood composition of the AB group has complex and contradictory characteristics.  It can adapt to changes in diet and environment, and adapt to both animal protein and vegetable protein, but these people have a more sensitive digestive system and tend to be overweight. 


 people with blood group A and blood group B should not eat, and people with blood group AB are generally no exception. However, it should be noted that the animal protein that owners of blood group A Should Avoid will not affect the body of people with blood group AB. Eating lamb chops is very convenient, but very suitable for people with blood type B. Dairy products, there are not so many benefits for blood group AB, overeating will increase the accumulation of fat in the body, which is also a trap for blood group AB to lose weight. 

The principle of a "balanced diet, simple cooking" should be followed, preferably tofu, eggs, fresh vegetables, and fruits, decorated with dairy products and a small amount of meat, to achieve a slimming effect! 

 Blood type and diet, People with Type AB blood have a weakened immune system:

 so they should consume more vitamin C (such as lemon, grapefruit, etc.), it can help improve the body's metabolic function, break down body fat, and the peel can be put in a bath in water, really achieving the purpose of internal and external slimming.  There are many cooking methods that blood group AB can choose, such as steaming, blanching, roasting, stewing, stewing, etc.. they are all good cooking recipes, but Fried, Fried, and other foods should be avoided.

AB blood group diet food:

Fresh vegetables, fish, and edible eggs.

4. Write, O blood system, the principle of the blood group diet :

Eat meat and reduce cereal intake

Due to the high amount of fruit acids, people with blood group O have a strong digestive system and an immune system that responds to excess food. An indispensable part of the diet of owners of this blood group is animal protein, that is, meat and fish.

Therefore, he boldly suggests to people with blood group O: if you want to lose weight, eat more meat. But you should not eat fatty meat, preferably lean meat. Any fish, beef, lamb, and chicken that do not use chemicals in the feed are considered more suitable. As for fish, nutritionists especially recommend eating oily fish from the northern seas.

Compared to their ability to digest animal proteins and vegetables,

 people with blood type O are less able to digest dairy products, soy, pastries, and cereals, which is the ultimate cause of obesity.  The lectins contained in cereal foods will hinder the absorption of people with blood type O. Over time, body fat will accumulate and gradually become fatter.

Therefore, it is better for people with blood group O to avoid eating rice for dinner, they usually drink fewer dairy products, but take the right amount of calcium tablets every day to supplement the lack of calcium in the body.  Usually, you should pay attention to a balanced intake of vegetables, fruits, and other foods to maintain the acid-base balance in the body

 People with blood group O are defending health, 

so they should "eat three meals at a time", there will be no hunger and a full meal, but they often eat "three bites and two".  Stuttering, quick termination of a diet, although it has great digestive power, can lead to indigestion. People with blood group O should chew slowly and let the food completely combine with the digestive juices.

High-quality heat-controlled diet foods: fish, shellfish, cabbage.

A summary:

Eating a healthy diet is generally considered beneficial for health. Studies have shown that people who eat a healthy diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol have a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. It is also thought that a healthy diet may help you lose weight and improve your blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels. There is also some evidence that a healthy diet may help you live longer.

The latest research indicates that the type of food we eat can play a role in our health and well-being. In particular, it is believed that those with a "detachment" blood type benefit most from a diet that emphasizes fresh produce and lean protein. The upside to being a creator is that you have a higher chance of having a healthy microbiome, which plays a role in reducing inflammation, improving mood, and aiding digestion.                  

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