Top 12 Causes of Obesity and Overweight and Contributing Factors

top12 causes of Obesity, Overweight. food, activity. Environmental genetics. Health conditions, medications. Stress, emotional factors, lack of sleep
Estimated read time: 8 min

Top 12 Causes of Obesity and Overweight and Contributing Factors
Obesity usually occurs due to a combination of causes and contributing factors. The causes of obesity are usually complex and often difficult to identify. Such as genetic factors, environmental factors, abnormal endocrine regulation, infections, and intestinal flora. Follow this article to learn about the 12 most important causes of obesity

1.  Unhealthy diet from Causes of Obesity :

Improper diet is an important cause of obesity. This is mainly reflected in two aspects, one of which is the inequality in nutrient intake. In daily meals, excessive fat intake and insufficient intake of nutrients such as protein and vitamins can easily lead to obesity. On the other hand, eating a lot. This is easy to understand, even if the food is low-calorie,. if you eat too much, calories will accumulate and you gain weight.

2. Liquid calories:

One of the most common ways people consume calories is in the form of liquids. Caffeine-rich soda, sweetened milk, and other beverages are all added calories. but they can also deliver quick energy. At their worst, these drinks can provide a false sense of energy and make it difficult to stick to a balanced meal plan. Instead of consuming calories in the form of beverages. try swapping soda for water or unsweetened tea instead.

3.  Inactivity from Causes of Obesity :

People who do little or no physical activity will have a lower basal metabolic rate. so the calories absorbed are less than the calories consumed, and it is easier to gain weight. 
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4. Genetic factors from Causes of Obesity :

Although the causes of obesity are complex, scientists have found that a person's genetics plays a big role in determining whether he will become obese or not.  There may be a hereditary tendency to obesity in certain individuals..                        related product:

 Genes may also play a role in how efficiently your body converts food into energy, how your body controls your hunger, and how it expels calories as you work out.

5. Some drugs can lead to obesity:

Some of the most commonly prescribed drugs can lead to obesity and other health problems. a new study finds. Researchers found that the use of certain antibiotics, hormonal therapies, and steroids can increase a person’s risk of becoming obese. or developing other health problems, including diabetes and heart disease.  The most notable finding was that the use of hormonal therapy for menopausal symptoms increased the risk of obesity by 17 percent. The use of antibiotics and steroids also increased a person’s risk of obesity. but by far the most commonly prescribed drugs were antidepressants, which were associated with a 7 percent increase in the risk of obesity. 

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6. Socio-economic factors are associated with obesity:

It is known that socioeconomic factors affect health, including obesity, in adults. Research has shown that socioeconomic status, defined as the level of income, education, and employment of an individual, is associated with obesity. People with high socioeconomic status are more likely to have access to healthy food and physical activity. which can help reduce their risk of obesity.

7. Age from Causes of Obesity :

 As you age, hormonal changes and a less active lifestyle increase your chance of becoming obese. In addition, as you get older, the muscle mass in the body begins to decrease. In general, a decrease in muscle mass leads to a decrease in metabolism. These adjustments reduce calorie requirements as well, which can make weight loss difficult. You are more likely to gain weight. as you age if you do not carefully regulate what you eat and increase your physical activity.

Age is one of the biggest risk factors for obesity. As we age, our body changes and our metabolism slows down.

8. Pregnancy:

During pregnancy, a healthy amount of weight gain is normal. Being overweight affects the baby by adding extra weight to the baby, which can put additional stress on the body. and cause health problems. Weight gain during pregnancy is usually gradual and occurs over several months. You can lose weight as early as the first week of pregnancy if you have a healthy diet plan. and avoid high-calorie snacks, such as sugary foods and drinks.

After the baby is born, it may take several weeks or months for a woman to return to a normal weight and shape. For many women, the easiest way to do this is to start exercising again and eating a healthy diet. As long as you follow a weight loss diet and exercise regularly, you can gain weight without even running on a treadmill.                                       

9. Lack of sleep:

Researchers have found a link between lack of sleep and overweight or obesity. They say that lack of sleep is increasing 

The amount of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger. in the body. And this, in turn, can lead to overeating and weight gain. A new study has found that lack of sleep may be linked to an increase in obesity in young people. The researchers found that people who slept less than six hours a night were more likely to be obese than people who slept more than seven hours a night. The investigation was released in the journal Sleep,.is the first to look at the relationship between sleep duration and obesity in young people. It was found that people who slept six hours or less were almost twice as likely to be obese compared to people who slept seven hours or more.

10. Stress from Causes of Obesity :

A recent study suggests that stress may play a role in obesity. The study, published in the journal Hormones and Behavior, found that women who were exposed to a lot of stress had a higher risk of obesity compared to women who were not stressed.  This is the first study to show that stress can affect obesity in women. It is also the first study to show an association between stress and obesity in women.

11. Edema :

The drainage function in some people is impaired. and the accumulation of excess water in the body causes obesity of the edema type. If these people want to lose weight, in addition to getting more exercise, they should eat more diuretic foods and foods that reduce swelling ،

12. Metabolic disorders:

The role of metabolism is to remove things that burden the body and things that benefit the body. and when this mechanism does not work properly, problems such as high blood pressure. high blood lipids and weight gain occur.  In addition to diseases, getting older. eating high-calorie and fatty foods, and unhealthy living habits will also slow down metabolism, which leads to impaired calorie metabolism and, of course, obesity. 

a summary:

There are several causes why some people struggle with weight loss. In addition to food, exercise, and physical activity, obesity is often brought on by genetic, physiological, and environmental variables.

An excessive quantity of body fat contributes to obesity, a complicated condition. Insanity is not just

a cosmetic issue. It is a medical condition that raises the chance of several illnesses and conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some forms of cancer.

Good news: Obesity-related health issues can be improved or avoided with even modest weight loss. You may reduce weight by following a healthy diet, getting more exercise, and altering your behavior. Additional alternatives for managing obesity include taking prescribed drugs and losing weight.

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