11 amazing health benefits of okra, it's a superfood plant

benefits of okra. for diabetes. Increase immunity, and fight cancer. Good for orthopedic. Good for men. on pregnant women. helps the digestive
Estimated read time: 7 min

11 amazing health benefits of okra, it's a superfood plant
benefits of okra is a familiar food for many families in Vietnam. It is used as a vegetable in daily meals. Thanks to its high fiber content, vitamins, and minerals, okra not only provides health benefits but also cures several diseases. Let's explore the health benefits of okra, through the article below!

benefits of okra. Okra Pods On Wood Table
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1. benefits of okra on diabetics

In a study published in the Journal of Pharmacy & BioAllied Sciences, American scientists used okra on diabetic mice and got surprising results: the sugar content in the mice was tested, and the blood was much lower than in untreated mice.

Fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates in the digestive tract. But the fiber content in okra is "very high", so okra has a very good effect on lowering blood sugar, and supporting the treatment of diabetes.

However, you should only use okra to support diabetes treatment and you should not replace or skip the treatment recommended by your doctor altogether. Because the blood sugar-lowering effect of okra is only temporary, not long-lasting.

2. benefits of okra Increase immunity, fight cancer

The fiber contained in okra has a nourishing effect on intestinal bacteria, maintaining intestinal health. A healthy intestine means an increase in the body's immunity, which resists diseases and infections.

The fiber contained in okra also serves to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Moreover, the protein found in okra, soybeans, tomatoes, etc., is lectin which is also used to treat breast cancer and prevent bladder cancer.

Okra contains not only fiber, vitamins, and minerals, but also a lot of antioxidants. Antioxidants will support cells in their fight against free radicals - the main factor in cancer, aging, and many other serious diseases.

In addition, the risk of pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, etc. increases in people who do not get enough folic acid in their daily diet. 

3. benefits of okra Good orthopedic effects

Okra is rich in calcium, vitamin K and folic acid, so it is also considered an effective remedy in preventing bone loss, osteoporosis and strengthening bones

However, okra contains solanine which has been linked to arthritis and joint pain in some people who are allergic to this substance. Therefore, to be safe, people with joint diseases should not use okra.

4. Good for men

Okra contains a polysaccharide glucoside complex and useful nutritional components, which help to increase vitality and improve sexual ability in men. So, in the USA people call okra "Viagra plant", and in Japan, they call it "green ginseng".

5. The effects of okra on pregnant women

Okra is useful for pregnant women because it contains folic acid, a substance that acts against neural tube defects and other birth defects in the fetus. Thus, this type of food provides sufficient nutrients to the mother and achieves comprehensive development of the baby.

6. benefits of okra help the digestive system to work better

The abundant fiber in okra helps digestion work better, preventing hemorrhoids, stomach pain, and constipation. If you eat okra regularly, then perhaps constipation will not pose a threat to you. In addition, okra also contains a mucous substance that is useful for softening stools, stimulating bowel movements, helping laxatives, and easier digestion.

Note that people with intestinal diseases may be sensitive to fructan in okra, which leads to diarrhea and flatulence, so it should be used with caution.

7. Helps to lower cholesterol

Again, okra fiber turns into a miracle food. The fiber contained in okra helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. As a result, your heart function will improve. Okra is especially useful for people suffering from hypertension, angina pectoris, and other cardiovascular diseases.

8. Helps to lose weight effectively

The calories in okra are very low, only about 33 calories in 100 grams of okra. Okra also contains a large amount of fiber, so it helps you feel full longer. When eating okra, you will be satiated very quickly and limit the habit of snacking.

In addition, fats must be emulsified by cholesterol before they can enter the bloodstream. The gum contained in okra inhibits the action of cholesterol, so fats will not be able to enter the body. At this point, we can see that the weight loss effect of okra is really effective!

9. Helps to beautify the skin

The abundant amount of vitamin C in okra helps to promote collagen formation, prevent wrinkles, provide moisture, treat dark spots and soften the skin. So okra is a food that gives priority to women in meals due to its great use.

10. Good for kidneys

Eating okra is a diuretic, so it can effectively eliminate toxins from the body. A study shows that the compounds contained in okra have the effect of reducing the symptoms of kidney failure. It is very good for the kidneys to eat okra in moderation.

However, one thing worth keeping in mind is that eating too much okra increases the risk of kidney stones because okra is a food rich in oxalates. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful in using okra for people with a history of kidney stones as it will worsen the disease.

11. Effective remedy for cough and sore throat

Okra contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances, so it has a good effect on the treatment of cough and sore throat. You can cut okra roots and leaves into thin slices, dry them, and boil them in a dose of about 10-16 grams per day to treat sore throat. Or simply, you should continue to use a glass of okra juice every morning, this method is very effective for your illness!

Who does not eat okra?

 Eating okra has been associated with increased diabetes. Is it worth avoiding it? No. But if you are sick or have a family history of diabetes, just avoid it.

Does okra increase fertility

Eating okra can help you increase your sexual performance which is good for your health, fertility, and overall well-being. Okra contains a large percentage of nutrients that are very rich in vitamins, which include B vitamins, and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and fiber, which are also good for your health and prevent many common diseases. This is very good for your health.

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