Guidelines for breastfeeding, babies grow from breast milk

Guidelines for breastfeeding. Breastfeed baby after birth in the first hour. Breastfeed the baby as much as he needs, Day, night, up to two years old
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Guidelines for breastfeeding, babies grow from breast milk
Guidelines for breastfeeding, Science has proven that breast milk is the best food for the comprehensive development of infants and toddlers. So why is breast milk useful for babies, and how to breastfeed optimally?

Guidelines for breastfeeding. A baby suckling from a breast
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Breastfeeding is a major issue that affects the development of the baby. In today's industrial age. due to the busyness of life, the development of the food industry has led to a reduction in breastfeeding. But one thing is for sure mother's milk is an indispensable source of nutrition for babies.

Why breastfeeding is the best

1. Guidelines for breastfeeding, Breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition for your baby's digestion and absorption

Breast milk in the first week after birth is called colostrum and after that, it is called mature milk. Perhaps few people know the value of colostrum for children. Colostrum is easily digestible and high in protein. antibacterial. and hormonal, the amount of vitamin A in colostrum is 5.10 times higher than in regular milk. So colostrum, despite its small a top-notch food option for newborns in the first few days following birth.

The amount of breast milk gradually decreases during breastfeeding, the first 6 months, the mother excretes about 600-800 ml of Milk / Day. from the sixth to the twelfth month only 400-600 Ml/day. Breast milk contains all the essential nutrients for babies such as proteins, fats, sugars, vitamins, mineral salts, etc.

How does breast milk differ from cow's milk, specifically the nutritional composition of breast milk


 the protein contained in breast milk (1.07 g%) is less than in cow's milk (3.4 g%) but provides the necessary amount of amino acids. Moreover, the protein in breast milk is a low molecular weight lactalbumin that is easier. for the baby to digest compared to the protein in cow's milk (the protein in cow's milk is casein. which in the stomach will turn into a substance with a larger volume).


 breast milk contains fatty acids, linoleic acid, and lipase. Linoleic acid is necessary for the development of the baby'


the sugar content in breast milk (7.4 grams) is higher than in cow's milk (4.8%). Basically, the sugar in breast milk is mainly beta-lactose. while in cow's milk, it is Alpha-lactose. When entering the intestine, Alpha-lactose will create an environment for the growth of bacteria (-). Therefore, the intake of young cow's milk is prone to digestive disorders and malabsorption.


 breast milk contains more vitamins A, D, and C than cow's milk. so babies who are breastfed can avoid rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency and dry eyes due to vitamin A deficiency.


 iron is an essential element for blood formation in the body. The iron content in breast milk is also higher than in cow's milk.

2. Guidelines for breastfeeding, Breast milk helps to increase the baby's antibacterial ability

In the first four to six months after birth, babies are still weak. Their immune systems have not completely developed yet. and they are very susceptible to infections. At this time, antibodies are transmitted through vegetables from mother to Child, which helps children avoid many dangerous diseases. virus, whooping cough, and measles, among others.

Breast milk guarantees sterility, the baby can be fully breastfed directly. and bacteria do not have the opportunity to multiply in the environment of breast milk.

3. Guidelines for breastfeeding, Breast milk has an anti-allergic effect on children

Babies who are breastfed rarely have an allergy to cow's milk. Young children encounter foreign antigens when consuming cow's milk. so they may interact with babies on a special site. However, in the content of breast milk, there is an immune substance called IgA that fights allergies in the baby.

4. Guidelines for breastfeeding, Breastfeeding increases motherhood

The likelihood of intimate interaction between mother and child rises with breastfeeding. Every time she breastfeeds, and touches her skin. a mother caresses her. and loves her baby, this is a sacred and beautiful feeling.

5. Guidelines for breastfeeding,  Breastfeeding helps protect the mother's health

Breastfeeding immediately after childbirth is useful not only for the baby but also for the mother. The sucking and sucking movement of the baby stimulates the body, and a contraction response of the uterine muscles occurs to help the mother stop perineal bleeding. Ovulation is also limited. which leads to the avoidance of early pregnancy immediately after childbirth. Breastfeeding. also increases milk circulation and avoids the occurrence of infections, and blockages. or breast cancer for the mother.

6. Breastfeeding is the cheapest and most convenient way to provide adequate nutrition to your baby

In fact, breastfeeding is the cheapest and simplest way to provide adequate nutrition to babies. Breast milk is available. the baby can immediately fully breastfeed, and he is not afraid of allergies. or infections, and there is no need to mix or cook.

Instructions on how to breastfeed your baby optimally

Breastfeeding until when

Breastfeed your baby. right away upon birth, ideally within the first hour

Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months

In the process of caring for a baby, the baby should be breastfed as often as he needs, both day and night, at least 8 times a day.

Breastfeeding is recommended until the age of 24 months (two years) or more

A guide to breastfeeding properly

Correct feeding position

When feeding, the mother should be in a comfortable and comfortable position. In the first week, if there is still pain, the mother can breastfeed her baby lying down, and in the following weeks, she should sit down to breastfeed. Avoid the condition when lying unnoticed. the mother's breast is inserted, the baby's nose is blocked, and the baby cannot breathe, which causes serious consequences.

The mother looks attentively at her child, caresses her, and talks to her baby.

The mother carefully holds the baby and supports the entire body of the baby. (head, shoulder, butt).

The infant's head and body ought to be held parallel to one another.

Near the mother's belly is the baby's belly.

The index finger of the mother is to support the breast below, and the thumb is on top. and the fingers are not too close to the nipple.

The mother presses the baby's mouth on the nipple,

the baby's chin touches the breast, waits for the baby's mouth to open wide, and then puts the nipple inward (the baby's lower lip is facing out).

How to tell whether your infant is successfully nursing

When breastfeeding, mothers should also pay attention to whether the baby is breastfeeding well, or enough to find ways to feed the baby. Babies are breastfed effectively when:

The baby sucks deeply, sucks slowly, and when sucking sometimes stops swallowing before continuing to feed (a sign of a baby swallowing breast milk can be seen as a round mouth, and puffy cheeks). If you hear the sound of sucking and sucking the baby during feeding very loudly, the situation is not standard, there is a lot of gas entering the mouth when the baby is sucking, and the baby will vomit easily.

After adequate feeding, the baby released the mother's breast by himself and slept soundly, without worries.


 each time, you should breastfeed for 15-20 minutes, drain one side and then turn to the other to take advantage of the fat in the last milk. If the mother has a lot of milk, the amount of colostrum should be reduced. 

After finishing feeding the baby, if there is still a lot of milk, the mother can express less to avoid stagnation and residue.s eyes, brain, and blood vessels. The enzyme lipase helps the stomach digest fats more easily. 

Note that the amount of fat will increase even more at the end of the meal. so it is advisable to empty the milk every time to take advantage of this Available Fat.

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