few healthy meals for your eyes should add to your daily menu

5 useful foods for your eyes that you should add to your daily menu. Cali. Islands. Black beans. Strawberries. Salmon.
Estimated read time: 6 min

 few healthy meals for your eyes should add to your daily menu
To promote eye health, in addition to training for healthy eyes, such as not using phone screens too often. Diet is also very important. The following article will provide 5 useful foods for your eyes for your reference.

for your eyes: Picture of a Person Wearing Brown Textile

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Causes of the weakness of your eyes

If you are one of the people who want to have a healthy body. then in addition to taking care of your body, you should also take care of your eyes. Because if you exercise regularly but use your phone constantly, your body is healthy. but your eyes will still weaken easily.

There are many reasons why your eyes become weaker and weaker. Among them, the main reason is to use the phone or laptop regularly. it is the light emitted by the phone screen that will make you short-sighted, making your eyes itchy and red.

In addition, many of you experience signs of myopia, but not using glasses will also make your eyes weaker. On the other hand. for those of you who often wear lenses but don't take good care of your eyes. they will also impair the health of your eyes.

What's more,

 many of you wear eye makeup every day. but not removing your makeup carefully will also hurt your eyes. In particular, in your daily diet, you often use fatties. and hot fried foods or do not use foods that are good for your eyes.

The question here is: what should I eat to nourish my eyes The following five foods will help you get better nutrition for your eyes.

1. Cali

Cali is the first eye food that I want to share with everyone. Kale is rich in nutrients that contain two antioxidants that are very beneficial for the eyes, namely lutein, and zeaxanthin. These two substances make your eyes brighter and healthier. as well as promote the life cycle of cells in the eye. Zeaxanthin especially helps the eyes to enhance the ability to see objects around them.

In addition, other dark green vegetables such as asparagus, and broccoli. and broccoli is. also good foods for the eyes that you should add to your daily meals.

2. Islands

The second good food for the eyes I want to mention is carrots. Everyone knows that the content of vitamin A in carrots is very high because vitamin A is. also very useful for the eyes. The content of this vitamin not only helps to lighten the eyes and prevent night blindness but also helps to avoid the development of cancer diseases in the body. To do this. thanks to beta-carotene. A precursor to vitamin A, this chemical. The higher the beta content. the healthier your eyes will be, especially for children with myopia.

3. Black beans

Not only black beans, but most other beans also contribute to keeping your eyes healthy and bright. However, few people think that black beans are also good for the eyes. But in fact, the beans will be very rich in protein, and black beans have a very high protein content. so they are quite suitable for use to nourish your eyes.

In addition to the high protein content. black beans are rich in zinc. Zinc is a substance that contributes to the health of eye tissues and also helps prevent the eye from being affected by harmful light (sunlight or bright lights).

4. Strawberries

Strawberries are a favorite food of many people. and are also good food for the eyes. In addition to being used to mix well or make cakes, just eating normally is also very tasty. And when you get stuck with strawberries, it is also good for your eyes. I think you will actively eat more fruit.

The amount of vitamin C contained in strawberries is quite high because most of the vitamin C is contained in sour fruits. Vitamin C is also a good antioxidant for the eyes. it also helps fight inflammation and promotes eye hydration. People with eye problems are also advised to eat strawberries, which will also help strengthen the Prevention of macular degeneration.

5. Salmon

Salmon is the last food for the eye that I want to share with everyone. Salmon not only has a high content of omega-3. which is extremely useful for the eyes but also contains a lot of protein. However, only the nutritional content of omega - 3-a healthy fatty acid is enough to make our eyes healthier. Salmon also effectively heals your injured eyes for health quickly.

a summary:

.Everyone knows that eating healthy is important, but did you also know that it can help your eyes? Eating certain foods can help keep your eyes healthy and disease-free. additionally, it may aid with vision improvement. Some of the foods that are most beneficial for your eyes are those that are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect your eyes from damage. reducing the risk of age-related eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts. antioxidants help protect your eyes from damage caused by the elements. such as light and pollution.

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